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[Lore Submission] Bloodsteel


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Disclaimer: I, hedgehug, take no claim in the creation of this lore. This is all the work of @Smaw as taken from the post below:



Previously this was but a cultural lore piece but as we have seen, over time, has grown quite popular among the current Raguk circles. As this wasn't lore yet, I re-post this as an official lore submission paired with red lines so that this beauty of a metal may be used in rp without the MT/LT nagging that "it isn't lore"




An air of curiosity swept over the ashen Orc, Gijaak, as he stepped into the library of the Angathgûl. As he squinted in the dimly lit space, he looked to the tomes and scriptures of old littered across the floor. It seemed there was little space on the shelves for new additions, and so they had been strewn about in carelessness. 


As Gijaak stepped cautiously over the books, he made his way to the Smithing section, setting his steel cane up against the shelf as he reached upward. For a moment he paused, running his fingers along the books as he searched, humming in contemplation. As his eyes fixed on a book in particular, his eyebrows rose in surprise as he drew it from the shelf. 

He proceeded to carry it over to a nearby table, blowing the dust from the cover on the way there. As he wiped the remaining dust from the cover, he noticed a crimson blotch of blood stained on the leather surface. As he went to open the tome, it creaked and groaned with old age as it presented its knowledge.



Dâr ob Griish



(A Blood Priest in the Raguk Death Chambers)



Many decades ago, when the Raguk had settled into Vailor, the Wargoth at the time, Kharak'Raguk, set in motion a series of events that would allow the Raguk to rediscover the Spirits.


Those that decided to follow him along this path would come to create a mysterious cult beneath the scorching sands of the Uzg, where they would work with the Spirit of Blood and Bone, Gazigash, to achieve craftsmanship of unprecedented potential.






(Gazigash, the Spirit of Blood and Bone)


Those within Dâr ob Griish, or the House of Blood, are master smiths and craftsmen in line with the traditional aspirations of the Raguk, serving most often at the apex of their chosen professions. However, they differ in their approach to the forging process, by utilising the latent abilities of the Spirits to help enhance the quality of their creations.


This is done predominantly with blood, the crimson stream that gives life to all things and runs deep with iron, sharing the stench of forgery when exposed to the air. The Dâr ob Griish believe that the iron in the blood of all living things is critical in empowering the creations of their forgery. By working in unison with Gazigash and Gentharuz, the Spirits of Blood and Smithing respectively, these Raguk will add vast quantities of fresh blood to their forging process in order to create what is widely known as Blood Steel.



Blood Steel



(Non-Raguk Orcs offering their weapons to an outraged Blood Smith to be enhanced with his ability)



Revered widely by those of the Dâr ob Griish, Blood Steel is considered the ultimate metal, being made not only with the skill of the individual smith, but also infused with the iron of the blood that is enhanced and molded into the steel by the unending power of the Spirits.


It can be used to create some of the strongest steel in Orcish culture, and is widely sought after by those few who are aware of its existence. Blood Steel is created specifically for the Raguk, with barely any outside of the clan subject to its potency. This in large is because these Raguk believe they were chosen by Gazigash to use her latent abilities, so that they may wreak devastation in combat and honour her with bloodshed.  


Typically Blood Steel is fashioned into blades, but can also be used to create armours of complex design and defensive potency. Each item is crafted to the best of the smiths ability, and is decorated according to their worship. They will often use bone for the hilt of the blades, or for decoration in points around the armour in order to represent Gazigash and her domain in its entirety.



The Ritual of Blood



(Lowly Goblins, subject to Gazigash' rejection)


Before a Raguk can become a Blood Smith, he or she must first commune with Gazigash herself in order to receive her blessing to continue with their work. This is done through the efforts of the Shamans in the clan, who work almost exclusively with Gazigash in order to hone the craftsmanship of the clan.


Any Orc that does not have red skin will be immediately turned away from such an honour, for it is not within the Raguk belief system for them to be suitable. This is because the Dâr ob Griish believe that their stark crimson colouration comes from a direct blessing from Gazigash. 


For many years she watched in intrigue, as the Raguk labored beneath the world, smeared endlessly in their own blood as they worked for the progression of the Uzg. The mines of the clan permeated with a stench of iron as their blood painted the walls, for there was no end to the work of a Raguk, and no release even in disablement. 


The Raguk have worked in blood since their conception, both by injury, and by staining their weapons with it in War. For this great sacrifice to progression, they were to be blessed by Gazigash herself, representing her entirely with their colouration.


For this, their steel would be unmatched, and they would spill the blood of their enemies in waves.








Aside from the typical appearance of the Raguk, the smiths of the Dâr ob Griish use tattoos and jewelry to represent the other aspect of Gazigash; that of bone. They will often mask themselves in white paints, representing the symbol of the Raguk clan, the open hand. Additionally, they will trace their bones with paint, so as to further represent the skeletal domain of their Spirit.


Aside from this there is no stark contrast between a Raguk of the Dâr ob Griish, and one who has not been inducted into the group. The process by which one may join, and how to utilise Gazigash in the Smithing process remains a mystery, lost in time to only those within the clan.



Red lines:

- one may only forge bloodsteel when they have gone through the ritual (a shaman of Tier2 is required to summon Gazigash, the spirit may be represented by ET,MT,LT and designated Shaman's that know how spirits work).

- Once 'connected' and deemed a child of blood (dâr ob griish) the orc of red skin must  collect a sizable amount of blood from either descendants or animals (obtained through roleplay). Creation of tools and weapons cost 'units'. One unit of blood being defined as a single descendant worth of drained blood or 2 small animals, 1 large animal.


- Weapon&Armor costs: Any tool/weapon uses about 1 unit of blood to be created. A full set of armor should cost about 7-10 depending on the amount of plated steel that's required.


- There will be a list of connected individuals.


- If you were connected before this lore was accepted, you don't need to go through another ritual. That was part of the social aspect of bloodsmiths, now it is made into actual lore.


- an MA is required for this Feat, and shall not take up a magic slot. The aforementioned connected individuals may grandfather their applications.


- Bloodsteel strength modifier: 2x as strong / durable as blacksteel. It's comparable to carbarum/bluesteel in game though bares no magical properties other than it's red coloring and enhanced strength.


- only (raguk) orcs of pure red blood may be Dâr ob Griish.

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huh didnt realise it wasnt official


well, +1 nonetheless

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10 minutes ago, bluepheonixfire said:

is it possible to use this method with other materials besides iron/steel?

BloodSTEEL can only be made with iron and steel. Correct.


Doesn't say BloodWOOD nor any other specified material

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I could probably update and refine this a little if you want. A Lore submission should have more weight and features.

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Thank you for submitting your piece! This is now under review and you can expect a verdict in roughly a week.

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This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it. You have 2 weeks to make the changes, beginning from when you are contacted. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.

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This lore is being reviewed again. Expect a verdict in a week.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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