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[✓] Mani: Demi-Gods of the Wilds Clarifications


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Forenote: This lore is a clarification upon the Mani: Demi-Gods of the Wilds and their interaction upon the world. These Patrons of the Aspects have been interacted with and summonable since their accepted lore however the original lore was vague in terms of how and what they could do. This post is to replace the more recent lore submission to show more details and that they are meant only for events with fun interactions for all to enjoy. Corruption, killings, blessings, summonings, different kinds of Mani, new Mani encounters, and so on are all clarified with this lore. Hope you enjoy the read.

Mani: Demi-Gods of the Wilds Clarifications

Those appointed by the Aspects are rarely witnessed interacting with those of the Four Brothers, to an even lesser extent since days of olde when the first Druii’ served dutifully at their side. However, whether through peaceful guidance or abrasive punishment, these Princes of the Wild have never remained totally isolated from mortals. Some exceed recognition comparatively to others, due in part to either the species they’re sworn to preserve proving greatly influential, or the power they possess raising them even amongst their fellow Mani. Regardless, it remains without question that to invoke the attention of these demigods is a feat in of itself, good or bad.


The Mani at large are recluse beings that won’t appear to mortals without a convincing incentive. This quest of discovery proven to be a puzzle in its own right, for the Aspect’s Chosen are by no means akin to Descendent-kind. They are their own animal - literally speaking. Demigods. There are those revered as benevolent and wise, others rumored to be cold and ferocious. Yet the sole absolute among each of them lies in their loyalties as patrons to respective species. Thus, persuading a Mani to present itself oft varies drastically in approach.


Ritual of Summoning

Seeking an audience with such divine entities of nature require a certain number of steps to take. However, there are two ways for Mani to display itself upon the Mortal Realm.


Ethereal Form


 The Mani takes on a spirit-like appearance that is able to project itself from an object to anchor itself there for a time, though its powers are far less than what it would be in its Corporeal Form. In this state, it is unable to be attacked as anything attempted would phase right through the Mani. Magical items or abilities that can make contact with ghosts and other spirits can inflict harm to the Mani and it would dissipate yet not kill it. Despite its powers diminished somewhat in this form, it can however summon its species to fight for it or cause some effects upon one’s mind. An example could be the Snake Mani coiling around a victim, making the victim feel as if it's suffocating to death when in reality, the victim is fine. Visions and Illusions are part of the Mani’s abilities as well in this form to give wisdom, fear, insight, and/or wrath depending on the encounter. 


Ethereal Form Summoning
For one to summon such a Patron in their ethereal form, a certain number of steps must be taken to do so. The first of course is having a location set out that matches where said Mani would normally linger or reside within. This is key as the next step requires a focal point for the Mani to use or draw its attention to venture there. This can be a shrine, statue of its likeness, idol, carved out totem, and so on as long as it is, in the end, showing the image of the Mani in question. Next is to provide an offering; this is where it truly varies and can be quite dangerous to do. The offerings depend on the Mani in question. Herbs, corpses of that species of animal, prey that animal hunts, flowers, claws, teeth, various fruits, veggies, vial of poisons, silk, and/or so on are many examples one can place an offering for a specific Mani. Danger comes swiftly, however, to the ones that don’t understand that Mani at all. For the wrong offerings can invoke the wrath of such a being and can quickly turn against the summoners.

 The next part comes in both blessing and prayer. The blessing is invoked using druidic energies with the power of Blight Healing to flow into the focal point, creating a beacon of sorts that is able to echo across the area and beyond to the Fae Realm of that area. The prayer is, by definition, the praising of the Mani in question; the asking for guidance, help, wisdom, revenge, aid, whatever the summoner wishes to do. Keep in mind however that this doesn’t always work as the beacon doesn’t emit across the realm or all of the Fae Realm. It is far better to be in a location where one believes the Mani in question is hidden to perform such an ability. This of course can also draw the attention of others for Mani Spirits are not the only ones that can sense the focal point. Fae Creatures, animals, flora, other druids, and all the dangers that could happen in the wilds can also feel that beacon as well and attempt to find the location. 

Examples of Prayers

“Protective Bolomormaa, Princess of Bears.

Whose strength and ferocity guards the young and weak,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

Oh Bolomormaa, gentle yet mighty, show us your blessing.”


“Great Prince of Mighty Elk,

Whose flock run abound the deep woods and great plains,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

Oh wise and gentle Amaethon, show us your blessing.”


“Lord of Scavengers and Guardian of Death hear my plea,

For we stand before you now at the brink of death and despair,

I seek a grace of your presence and a deal to be made.

So that my enemies may be given judgment.”



-Summoning a Mani in its Ethereal Form requires offerings  presented in a ritual. What offerings are presented can affect the encounter.

-A shrine, statue, idol, or something of the Mani’s likeness must be present.


-The beacon’s effects are maxed within the region the ritual is performed to find the desired Mani. The region must make sense for the Mani that is attempted to be summoned to appear. Aka, one will not find the Dolphin Mani in a tundra region. 

-A druid must be present and invoke Blight Healing to fuse into the object and form a beacon. Prayer about said Mani is required as well for the Mani to take notice. 

-Requires LT approval for an attempted summoned encounter in Ethereal Form. ET/LT required to play said Mani.


-These rituals differ in required materials, prayers, and aren't a guaranteed success. A Mani can easily ignore it should they choose. A roll out of 100 is required once the summoning is attempted. 75 or higher is success. 50-75 roll, the Mani will appear, but may attack or lose interest. 50 or lower results in the failure of a Mani showing up, but instead a dangerous encounter invoked. The encounter dependent on the ET/LT. 


-Only one roll is done and its by the ET/LT hosting the event.

-Attempts to summon a specific Mani are once every irl month with the max of five different Mani attempted total overall to be summoned. This includes failed attempts. Example: Attempt of summoning Wolf Mani is done. Cannot summon Wolf Mani for a month. Four slots left for other Mani for said month.

-If a loophole is seen, LT approval must be sought otherwise the answer is no.



Corporeal Form


 Unlike the Ethereal Form, the Corporeal Form is the Mani’s actual physical presence in the Mortal Realm. It’s powers are fully unlocked and hold sway to all of nature around it. These encounters are indeed quite a rare sight to behold as most Mani do not show themselves so freely as it is both a strength and a weakness. In Corporeal Form, the Mani spirits can be killed. As their forms die, their spirits will go to the Eternal Forest to rest until its physical form is reborn once again, a process that will take awhile to occur. Corruption is another weakness the Mani have while in their Corporeal Form. Even with Greater Mani, their physical bodies are more prone to the acts of darker magics, taint, and corruption. However, the Greater Mani have far more resilience to the sway of mortal kind, unlike their Lesser counterparts.

Sighting and Rebirth
Corporeal Form is something that isn’t possible to be summoned by any mortal. The act of finding a Mani in such a form only occurs with special encounters throughout the world. Some can choose to be friendly, some can be dangerous, others are an off chance encounter as it makes its way by. There are a number of possibilities for such to occur, but in the end, this is its most powerful yet weakest form to be in. 

Should the Mani be killed in Corporeal Form, the spirit will travel to the Eternal Forest where its state is very weak and rests there to be recovered once again; it should be noted that the Spirit of the Mani is at its most vulnerable when it starts to depart its body. It can be captured  before it can travel to the Eternal Forest and held within a powerful container to be used for vile means. The container, or those that try to kill  it, will find that the Mani Spirit cannot be destroyed by any means.  Should the Spirit of the Mani make it to the Eternal Forest, it will remain there for a long time while it recovers enough for its body to be reborn in the Mortal Realm. Those druids using Druidic Transcendence may encounter the Mani; however, the encounter will be very dangerous. Their irl hour timeframe cut in half to a mere thirty minutes and an extra pk clause is set upon the druid in question. Should they die to the Mani encounter within that realm, their souls are forever bound with the Eternal Forest, unable to go back to their bodies ever again. 

Once the irl month is up, a majestic sight will be done. An area in the world where the Mani is most comfortable and holding pure natural energies will start to hum to life, tts area untouched by mortal kind (yet druid influence would be fine). As the area brightens with verdant energy, a flash of emerald light would start to erupt and begin to form into the Corporeal Form of the Mani in question in the form of an infant of its species. Its memories of its previous life will have dissipated, and it will be in a weakened state for two irl weeks as it grows and returns to full power once again. 


-Corporeal Form cannot be summoned whatsoever. These are encounters only done by world events/eventlines of ET/LT. 


-If killed in Corporeal Form, the Mani’s Spirit will go to the Eternal Forest to rest until it's reborn. The process takes one irl month before it can be reborn again with a Corporeal Form.


-Transcendence Druids can speak to the Mani Spirit in the Eternal Forest if its killed. The hour timeframe is cut to thirty minutes and an extra pk clause is issued should they die from the encounter. 


-Ethereal Form cannot be used while the Mani’s Corporeal Form has been killed.


-Rebirth takes one irl month to occur before the event on the mortal Realm begins.


-Guarding the Mani in its infant state is possible however it’s most likely to disappear once it reaches adulthood at two irl weeks. 


-Should a Mani’s Spirit form attempt to be captured, the container to house it must be LT approved to hold it. The spirit itself can never be truly destroyed yet can be trapped.


-If an attempt to corrupt or warp the Spirit of the Mani is made, see Corruption below for further details.


-If a loophole is seen, LT approval must be sought otherwise the answer is no.




With Patrons of the Divines come boons or blessings, nature-driven abilities given by the Mani Princes to those they deem worthy. The boons they grant, reflecting upon the Blessings the Aspects, can themselves be given unto this realm for a short duration of time. Nature is always the source of these boons, whether it is to aid in growth, provide strength for a hunt, or bless the land with a cleansing aura that washes away taint. It is these blessings and boons that the Mani are praised and worshipped for, though their gifts are very rare and far between. Their grace can only be received while in their Corporeal Form, for the Ethereal Form is much too weak for them to invoke the true source of their powers. The Blessings placed on individuals varies between the different Mani. 


Upon receiving a boon, the Mani chooses when to give it. Its power will be shown when it chooses to arrive or when ones are in most dire situations. As the blessing is invoked, the image of the Mani will appear before the users, depicting the Mani that gave such a boon. However, this is risky as enemies could utilise such an occurrence to attempt to hunt down that very Mani, ensuring it could never do such again while in their grasp. As the blessing swells within the individual they will feel it for a short duration of time, though as with any blessing from the Wilds, it tends to be fickle in nature. The blessing itself can randomly vanish or simply not work if the person is doing something the Mani deems undesirable for such a gift. It is then that the blessing will disappear much sooner than expected. 




List of Blessings/Boons

(Only enable for events that have been specifically stated at the time the Blessing/Boon was asked.  It can be for druids only or for all druid/non-druid allies that requested the blessing/boon. This depending upon the Blessing/Boon in question)


List of Blessings/Boons


Nature’s Blessing


A veil/bubble is cast over druids and their allies, shielding/protecting them against unnatural taint and corruption upon the land. The duration lasts for one Event encounter. The decision of how long it lasts can change based upon the ET/LT hosting the event.  Two irl week CD.



The Call of Nature



A special Horn appears within the hands of the Leader of the party. Should it be blown, a special creature will be summoned to fight for their side for the encounter. The creature in question must be approved by the ET/LT hosting the event and LT approval for appearing. Once the event is over, the creature departs immediately. Two irl week CD.



Boon of the Wilds



All druids within the event area feel a swell of natural energies course through them, increasing all their tiers by one for the encounter. This only lasts for said encounter and will immediately fade upon leaving the area or the event ending. Requires approval of the ET/LT hosting the event. One irl month CD.



Wardens of the Forest



Upon the Blessing requested, special seeds are given to the leader of the party. When planted and grown around the area of the event encounter, the fully developed trees ward off enemies as well as taint and corruption. However, if the trees are weakened or destroyed, the effect will fade. ET/LT hosting the event must be notified and informed of this weakness. One irl month CD.



Nature’s Bark



When the event begins, all druids within the event area begin to feel bark grow across their bodies, casting them in bark-like armor that remains for the duration of said encounter. The bark is as hard as iron armor yet is flammable as well. When struck splinters will fly off or pieces will break off depending on the force struck against the bark. Optional to allow the bark to grow on your body. When the event encounter ends, the bark will rapidly break away until there is nothing left. Two irl week CD.



Veil of Tranquility



Upon the blessing being cast, the entire event area is washed over by a wave of utter harmony and balance within nature. All hostile animals are calmed/soothed to where they are no longer completely aggressive and can be communed with. This blessing however cannot halt an animal’s natural instincts. Requires the hosting ET/LT’s approval. Two irl week CD.



Subtlety of the Chalamelon



As the group enters the area, the blessing is cast. The entire party is cloaked in an invisibility veil that lasts for a short time. The enemies will not be able to see the group, however hearing and smell is still able to be detected.  Requires the hosting ET/LT’s approval. Two irl week CD.



Cerridwen's Spring

When the party forms a circle, a pool of clean fresh spring water wells in the centre. The water possesses healing properties that soothe the wounds of the party. It disappears after the encounter. Should blight or taint contaminate the pool, it has adverse effects. One irl month CD.



Path of the Unseen

Upon inhalation, those under the effects of the boon shall recognize the safest route of travel, be it through thorny woods, bogged swamps, or lightless caverns. A guide of sorts would appear before the party to aid in the safest way possible. Should the guide be killed/destroyed, the effect fades. Two irl week CD.





-Blessings are only given by Mani in their Corporeal Form.


-Blessings/ Boons require LT approval to be invoked.


-Blessings/Boons cannot be stacked.


-Blessings/Boons are only used during event encounters approved by said ET/LT doing said event. Communication is key to this so it's fair for both the ET/LT hosting the event and the players enacting a blessing/boon for said encounter. Once that event is over, all blessings/boons vanish immediately.


-Should a Blessing/Boon be used without its intended purpose, it immediately vanishes.


-Blessings/Boons cannot override Racial Curses.


-Once a Blessing/Boon is received by a Mani, a cooldown begins from when that event encounter, from where it was used, is over.


-If a loophole is seen, LT approval must be sought otherwise the answer is no.

Mani Corruption



Though the Wild Spirits are leagues above most beings, their bestowed sapience comes at the cost of leaving them susceptible to mortal, unnatural, and tainted corruption alike. Transgressions committed unto them and their kin gradually warp their natures until nothing but a seeping, vile plague-like beast is left in their wake. It is for this reason that Mani would only appear to those deemed worthy in their Corporeal Form; a weakness as much as a strength. When it comes to said form certain resilience is seen, depending upon the Mani in question. For those Mani that first answered the call, the Greater Mani Princes/Princesses of the realm, their power is far greater than their Lesser counterparts. The sways and corruption of mortal kind are ineffective towards them and would only invoke wrath to be unleashed upon such foes; however, unnatural sources of corruption can have a devastating effect.


 As nature cannot resist the darker magics destroying or twisting the land, so to the same for Greater Mani Spirits. A large group is needed to corrupt such a mighty beast, as this isn’t a simple task for a mere three or four. For Lesser Mani, the sways or corruption of men can seep into their hearts and warp them to follow or submit, with corruption taking root easier and twisting them into abhorrent abominations. Should a Mani be turned, they are uncontrollable at that point, even to the ones that turned them. Friend or foe doesn’t register to them, even with their own kind. If a Mani Spirit is captured/corrupted before it departs to the Eternal Forest, it can be reborn into a twisted version of itself that walks upon the land unchecked and untamed.


Though with such dark forces in the realm, there is hope to save such divines. The pure acts of Blight Healing can wash away the corruption of such a noble beast, yet it would require a great deal to fully change them. For the corruption or sway of mortals onto a Mani Spirit, the soothing effects of communion can work to ease the mind and attempt to bring it back to its senses once again. Though the last resort can be slaying the creature. A tragic loss to the realm yet not for long as its tormented spirit is finally released upon death and moves to the Eternal Forest to recover and be reborn once again. 



-Mani can only be corrupted while in Corporeal Form, not in an Ethereal Form.


-Greater Mani Spirits cannot be corrupted or swayed by mortal means. Only unnatural magical means.


-A group of around  fifteen or more dark/voidal users using their magic is required to take on a Greater Mani to attempt to corrupt it for the encounter. 


-Lesser Mani require only around ten or more  dark/voidal  users using their magics to attempt to corrupt the Mani during the encounter.


-Once the Mani is corrupted, it is still only controlled by the ET/LT and requires LT approval for more encounters to occur. This includes approving new abilities it might gain in such a state. 


-Should a Mani’s Spirit be captured in a container and warped/twisted with vile magics, it can be reborn as a corrupted Mani. 


-If a loophole is seen, LT approval must be sought otherwise the answer is no.

Greater Mani Encounters



Amaethon-Prince of the Cervidae


Among the most enigmatic and rarely seen of Mani is Amaethon, Prince of the Cervidae, otherwise known as the Chieftain of Elk, Deer and Moose. Amaethon is quiet and contemplative, as befits the species he guides. He rules with a light touch, patiently guiding his herds to green pastures and often choosing to steer them away from the big cities of men instead of confronting them directly. Amaethon is among the more generous when it comes to interaction with descendents. Albeit, he is hard to find. Those who do manage to get his attention through an appropriate offering, or the right respect shown when hunting and consuming his species, may receive blessings of plentiful crops or cure from sickness, among other things.



Sequana-Prince of the Cetacea


In ancient times, Wood Elven seeds were spread across the lands. Among the ones who dwelled by the sea-side, a common mantra was spoken: “Beware Sequana, Lord of Whales”. Sequana is a true leviathan, and rules the deep waves. His tribe is relatively few in number, and thus he defends them fiercely, making him one of the more aggressive Mani. Sequana will defend the ocean from overfishing and tainting of the water. However, it is whalers in particular that must be most careful. The ancient mali’ame would often spend days appeasing Sequana through offering and ceremony before setting out with their harpoons to hunt whales and dolphins. To the less prepared, those who hunt the great marine mammals with no respect for their kill may find themselves invoking the wrath of the Leviathan, and finding themselves a deep, watery grave.



Morea-Prince of Wolves and Hounds


If you keep with you a pet dog, then beware. No matter how tame you think he is, how loyal, how docile, he will leave you if called upon by Morea, Chieftain of Wolves and Hounds. As befits his title and appearance, Morea is the Mani of canines. He holds dominion not over the wild wolfpacks of the wild, but also the domesticated hounds of men, elves and dwarves, and considers himself their protector. A cruel man who beats or starves his loyal pet may have his corpse discovered mysteriously, ripped apart by teeth and claws. Beyond that, Morea is considered by many to be an apex predator, the patron of the hunt. It is said that he who gives him proper offering and shows the right amount of reverence will find a pack of wolves by his side, guiding him in the hunt. Of course, said hunter would have to be willing to share his kill, and perhaps eat it raw.


Nemglan-Princess of Eagles


Lord of the sky, chieftain of the bird of prey. It is said Nemglan is a Mani that can be in perpetual flight, never needing to land, and only doing so to perform its rare interactions with mankind or other beasts and Mani spirits. Falconers and bird tamers in particular owe a debt to this divine beast of the sky for any success they have in the hunt, for in a simple passing, she can have the feathered predators turn against their human masters.  Among all the Mani, it is perhaps Nemglan who has the least concern for the descendent races and their affairs. However, to those dedicated enough, she still has blessings to give. Any who manage to tame a wild bird of prey to their will, be it a hawk, falcon or eagle, gains the respect of Nemglan, and will find themselves given success in the hunt. Any who mistreat their newfound companion, however, or seeks to undermine its nature as a wild animal may end up ripped up by talons instead.





Moccus-Prince of Boars


Moccus goes by many names. The Prince of Boars, Chieftain of Pigs, and the Warrior Beast. The last one best befits his nature, as Moccus is perhaps the most warlike of the Mani, preferring direct confrontations with humans, elves, dwarves and whatever else threatens his species. Entire villages have been known to be flattened should they overhunt or damage too severely the habitat of the great pigs. But prowess in battle aside, Moccus is not as savage as one may think. Although he prefers direct fighting over lurking in the shadows like other Mani, it does not mean he deliberately seeks out war. War only comes when mankind deliberately threatens his brood. Moccus can be helpful and gentle to descendents. He is known to watch over sacred places of the Aspects, elder trees and groves. 



Machana-Princess of Steeds


Machana is yet another Mani whose influence holds much weight in the realm of men, elves and dwarves, seeing as much of her kin coexist and serve the descendent races as mounts. Unlike other Mani, Machana has a more passive nature and often refuses to engage in conflict. However, anyone who mistreats their mounts may awake one day to find an organized stampede of horses flattening their stable and galloping their way to freedom. Machana, like all Mani, watches over her flock in nature. All herds of wild horses are her domain, and she dutifully leads them to the greenest pastures and most suitable climates. Men and elves who seek to tame a wild horse will often be blessed by Machana with a strong and loyal steed should they make the right offerings and afford the right respect beforehand.


Felixi-Princess of Wildcats




Felixi, Princess of Wildcats. The most elusive of all the Mani, Felixi prides herself in her subtly and agility as well as her behavior of observation to those that venture into her territory. For ones that have ever laid eyes upon such a Mani, she is seen as a large wildcat, with the guidance of an Observer, Truth Seer, and Secret Keeper. Many seek her out to know Truth, to have secrets kept, and to understand all sides of a problem. She guides yet never controls. To have an audience with her is to know patience. For even on the slim chance one is able to summon her, Felixi’s mischievous nature takes hold and often toys with those that wish to gain her wisdom.



Ohowaki-Princess of Owls



Ohowaki takes the form of a pure white owl that silently moves across the forest. To her prey, she gives them peace as none will ever hear her coming. Her speed, grace, and prowess as the hunter of the night gives her both deathly tales as well as comforting ones. For this Mani also knows Knowledge, Wisdom, and Patience. Many attempt to seek her out to gain her stories or tales and she is more often than not disguised as a normal messager owl to a scholar or librarian. Those that show they are knowledge seekers, teachers, and/or watchers of the night may find an owl one day perched nearby to observe them working.




Bolomormaa-Princess of Bears




The Wild Princess of Bears is capable of great ferocity, but also sincere gentleness. First and foremost, she is a spirit who values protection and guardianship. Many expressions embody her nature in this regard; for when a bear slumbers she is peaceful, but when provoked she is a force to be reckoned with; she is the kind and caring, who when pushed too far will snap and bite back. Bolomornaa does not seek war or conflict, she is not aggressive in this regard. Woe to those who threaten her cubs or tribe, however. Fittingly she is viewed as the Mani patron of mothers and motherhood, for few things a Descendant can know are more close to nature, than that of caring for and protecting their offspring. Blessings of Bolomormaa are sought by new mothers, or mothers-to-be, who wish to invoke her gentleness and protection. Mothers whose children are older, or those who occupy a protective role in society, may pray for her strength and ferocity. Like a mother, the Princess of Bears always listens, but does not always answer.




Kwakwani-Prince of Ravens




Kwakwani is perhaps one of the most mysterious of the Mani. He commonly showed his face to the descendant people’s as a trickster with a heart of gold, and developed a following among the wood elves as a patron of nomads, artists, and spirituality. His thrills however draw towards the attention of shinier objects, loving the colors and sparkle its gives off with most often than not, taking such things for his own collection. This being usually done by tricks or swapping out the item for another.  Despite this, the artists, poets, painters, and writers this Mani eyes the most. A rare curiosity trait of a Mani Prince as it allows him to see into the minds, thoughts, and hearts of those that express themselves in such a manner.



Hamatsa-Prince of Dolphins




As there were many old wood elven seeds that dwelled by the rivers and coasts, aquatic Mani naturally came to be worshipped. None more prominent than Hamatsa- prince of Dolphins. Who was said to be able to guide great schools of fish into the nets of grateful fishermen. He is the patron of sea-dwellers, Fishermen, and Sailors, and one of the more friendlier Mani as he travels in a group with his species across the water and aid travellers that have lost their way. Fishermen often tell the tale of the gentle spirit of the sea which reflects the overall nature and attitude of Hamatsa. His playfulness knows no bounds and loves to play games with other creatures as well as descendants. Though he might show gentleness towards mortals, this Mani Prince is also quite intelligent and will viciously attack in groups with its fellow kin to wipe out a threat.  


 Lesser Mani Encounters



Siss’siru-Prince of Snakes



Siss'siru, the Prince of Snakes, is one of the more cunning of the Mani Spirits with it’s massive size holding a commanding power as well. His tolerance for mankind is thin and for the most part, holds very hostile intentions when the spirit would come across any. Those however that show proper respect to such a powerful beast and the wilds he protects may be granted to live for that moment in time as he hear their requests or why they sought him out. Should those people prove worthy and show such display of cunning and power, the Mani will allow them safe travels through his domain and perhaps may even give aid if he deems it so.



Kar’nath-Prince of Vultures



Karnath, the Lord of Scavengers and the Prince of Vultures. Despite the common evil folktale of this Mani, in reality it is a neutral Prince. Karnath only cares for himself and his species, picking off the sick, weak, or devouring corpses to satisfy itself and survive. His presence is morbid and holds an air of death around him. Should someone lay their eyes on such a Mani, it means their life is about to come to an end. Though he isn’t one to swiftly kill. He instead speaks to his prey and watches to see if death befalls the person. Deals however can be made for this Mani loves the game of chance, especially when it involves the life of the victim in question.


Wi’wun-Prince of Cranes



There is an old wives tale shared amongst folk who’ve lived their life along the water. A warning to all who might not pay homage unto their flooded lands, those who would become forever lost within the domains of the Kingfisher. The Prince of Cranes, Wil’wun, takes the form of a towering yet elegant red-crowned crane. He has watched over the rivers, marshes, and swamps of the realm since their inception. To make a living here is to come under his surveillance, every gift given and crime committed, the Kingfisher is always watching. Warrant to his namesake, his vigilance is only exceeded by his willingness to bide time. No measure too great for the Mani to ensure sanctuary for his flock, among any others to call his domain home. So it is that he oft waits to employ a trespassers own greed and arrogance against them, dooming them to a waterlogged fate. For in such an unforgiving land whose lifeblood sustains his kin, only those that return to the waters are worthy of receiving his bounty.



Luna’illi-Prince of Moths



Rumors speak of a spirit which moves between the trees and canopies of the deep forests when the full moon rises within the night’s sky. Luna’illi, the Prince of Moths, is a docile Mani Spirit that wanders through the various forests where its species lies and for a time takes residence there.  Luna’illi tends to wander more often than not with revealing itself to travelers or ones that seem to have a more peaceful presence about them. The Mani Spirit has a bit of a curiosity to him, fading in and out of the Mortal and Fae Realm with ease on nights when the moon is full to move where he wishes to go. Though Luna’illi’s torso and beautiful silver and blue shimmering wings are a mesmerizing sight to behold, one should hold caution when getting to close to this mani spirit. Luna’illi passively has a residue dust that emit in the air around it where it's rumored that whoever touches it shall fall into a deep, permanent sleep.



Merecahe-Prince of Beavers




Meracahe was no great hunter. His form was not splendid to behold. He did not bear a crown of antlers like the great Amaethon, nor fierce tusks like the mighty Moccus. His silhouette did not inspire the fear of a wild wolf, nor the majesty of a proud soaring eagle. Meracahe sought not to boast or bluster his glory, for he was content in the knowledge that he had a part to play. His labor was of utmost importance. Through the work of the River Guardian and his favored kin, the beavers, would the many realms continue to prosper. For it was him who ruled the stream. It was him who made bountiful wetlands out of dusty riverbeds. It was him who dammed the powerful river, and forged the lands onto which many different species would come to settle. They would come together, predator and prey, mighty beast and tiny insect, to the land he had created. His labors often went unnoticed by the other Mani. A thankless job, but one which the Guardian accepted without hesitation. Meracahe knew this was his role in the world.



Norra, Princess of Panthers




As beauty is seen within the natural world, it holds true especially for the Mani known as Norra. This Mani’s form takes the embodiment of the night with her pitchblack fur and mesmerizing golden eyes. Her domain resides in several places where her kin would call home, residing in either the pridelands or the deep jungles of the realm. Rumors even depict of the ghost of the pridelands and the legends it holds regarding this Mani spirit. Another is tales that reside deep within the jungles of a darkest never seen until the victims were killed. Whatever legends or myths would arise about this Mani, the truth of Norra falls with keen primal skills of a huntress. It isn’t uncommon of her to acknowledge mortal warriors that take residence in her domain, showing her true form every now and then to even aiding in battles as she jumps around the battlefield to take down foes.



Laetranis, Prince of Coyotes




The Vision Bringer and Spirit Walker, The Coyote Prince buries himself far within the desert lands while his kin wanders that domain in search of food and water. The harshness of his land is a telling sign to how this Mani works, showing how one pushed to the brink in trying to survive is willing to go in order to find the wisdom they seek. Answers are something he does not simply give. Instead, trials are place upon those that seek out the Vision Bringer to force the individual to judge themselves. Whether realization comes to them or not, he does not care for he only forces truth to be shown before the mortal that seek his guidance.



Delmodan- Creator and writing of the lore as well as some of the Mani.


Guyden- For writing, creation of the Crane Mani, and aiding overall in the lore.


Leowarrior14- for the original creator of the Mani Lore, Fae Realm, and ideas/creation for some of the Mani.


Nivndil- For her writing and creation of the Bear Mani as well as my grammar nazi.


DarkSainthood- For reviewing, aiding in suggestions, and my other grammar nazi.


Shimmeringbliss- For her creation of the Panther Mani.


Sporadic- For his lovely lore on the Beaver Mani.


Druids- For their suggestions with boons/blessings.





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2 minutes ago, The_Broken_God said:


die phil. I know you didnt read it!!!!

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Granted that's pretty much a given. I don't know anybody who's a greater pleasure to work alongside when it comes to lore affairs.

Edited by ThatGuy_777
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1 minute ago, xxx said:

what purpose does this serve?

The original lore of Mani, Demi-Gods of the Wilds were Patrons of the Aspects. Much like you see with other deities having certain patrons and so on. Yet the original lore was vague, had alot of questions unanswered, and needed clarification. With this lore, it is an aim to move Patrons more to be interactive with everyone. Druids, nondruids, spooks, holies, and all that can interact with these patrons. Those groups can either fight, aid, or work alongside a Patron that is down on the mortal level instead of pulling the main deities into the spotlight. Its to give ways to kill Patrons, get blessed by Patrons, corrupt Patrons, and so forth. This lore clarifies alot of this and hopefully gives good ET/LT events and what have you for server to enjoy. There's also Patrons of other groups and deities that could use this template for instead of 'oh its only for this deity group only', to be for everyone to interact with. 

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Mani have also become interwoven as a core part of elven roleplay and culture. As we've expanded upon the depth and substance of our lore over the years, the need to interact with the Mani in different ways has arisen.


Mani and Mani summoning has been accepted and canon lore for awhile now. The only difference is with Mani becoming more and more prominent in cultural RP, regulation and rules regarding interaction with them need to be clarified to a greater degree, hence this thread.


To further clarify, the Mani can be interacted with by any character, not just druids. Similar to how not everyone who worships the Aspects is necessarily a holder of Druidic magic, the same goes with interaction with Mani.


Summoning Mani, as specified in the thread itself, is less like "Summoning" in the sense of being able to call upon a creature at will, and control it like a familiar. Mani are free spirits, and cannot be controlled. Summoning in this case is more like "Calling upon them' in the hopes they will deign to respond to you. Even then, Mani hold no gauranteed loyalties to druids, elves, or any descendant peoples.

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22 minutes ago, Delmodan said:

The original lore of Mani, Demi-Gods of the Wilds were Patrons of the Aspects. Much like you see with other deities having certain patrons and so on. Yet the original lore was vague, had alot of questions unanswered, and needed clarification. With this lore, it is an aim to move Patrons more to be interactive with everyone. Druids, nondruids, spooks, holies, and all that can interact with these patrons. Those groups can either fight, aid, or work alongside a Patron that is down on the mortal level instead of pulling the main deities into the spotlight. Its to give ways to kill Patrons, get blessed by Patrons, corrupt Patrons, and so forth. This lore clarifies alot of this and hopefully gives good ET/LT events and what have you for server to enjoy. There's also Patrons of other groups and deities that could use this template for instead of 'oh its only for this deity group only', to be for everyone to interact with. 


that's pretty neat!

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35 minutes ago, The_Broken_God said:



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10 minutes ago, Elrith said:


oh now you guys are just doing it on purpose. Team love is tough love. 

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Yeah its pretty dope. +1

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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