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[✗] [Aengudaemon Lore] – Metztli, Aengudaemon of Time


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1 hour ago, EnderMaiashiro said:

Yeah... the art is inadequate. I was very limited in time for picking it out. If I can I'll find/make better art but it was rushed. If you have suggestions please let me know though ?


You got it. If I find some I will shoot them your way. (Art isn’t that important but it makes a good post better)

ill also comment with some feedback after work!

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17 hours ago, EnderMaiashiro said:

Do you have thought on how they should be mentioned more? This is a draft for the lore games so it is something that can be expanded upon.

Supreme monkey man here, I recommend clarifying Metlzi abandoning them, after another God felt like destroying their civilization. 

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43 minutes ago, Evonpire said:

Supreme monkey man here, I recommend clarifying Metlzi abandoning them, after another God felt like destroying their civilization. 

Definitely, though I'm not totally up to date on how all that went down. If we were to add that in the revision, could you help with that?

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3 hours ago, Fury_Fire said:

She never did anything but she was “allied” with him yes.

She was never allied with iblees, it was only inrp belief which said she was

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So like I said it in the last Metztli rewrite and I’ll say it again, having an Aengudaemon whose main power is centred around – for no real reason – time is pretty crippling to the preservation of a consistent aengudaemonic canon. Firstly her personality and background are in no way literally or figuratively interwoven with “maintaining the flow of time” besides the hourglass jpeg that’s been used as her symbol (and instead dedicated to the creation of the Hou-Zi and Kharajyr, and her mutating children out of a desperation to be loved). There’s no relation to time why she would’ve been given this task by the forces that be, any of the tasks she’s done or any of her philosophy. In my opinion she should really be the Daemon of Vanity if nothing else, but even past that the ramifications of having a being whose dominion is over time itself is inherently problematic. Past the illogical tacking on of ‘Time’ as her integral duty/ concept, there’s also the major issue that comes with touching Time in LoTC lore as a force to be manipulated.

She “maintains the flow of time”. How, exactly? Does she sit there pushing every event that occurs in every realm (each notably having its individual speed and scales for the passage of time, as per gap theory) including that of Aengudaemons, Voidal Mindplanes and so on? Is she omnipresent, she’d have to be to achieve this, surely? Then she must also be omnipowerful to force her will over every other Aengudaemon at once, making sure they obey ‘time’ as she deems fit, no? How does she do that? Why does she do that? What’d happen if she stopped doing that? Would time, in the literal sense, stop? Would everything – every single being in the universe – be eternally frozen in place, unable to think or move or act, locked in the same looping nanosecond? If so, isn’t that kind of OP when you think about it, given that Aeriel is canonised as the most powerful Aengul and Iblees the most powerful Daemon – himself even stronger than Aeriel – yet they’d both be powerless against Metzli’s decision to take a sick day?


Beyond that, when actively fulfilling her task, as you’ve described:

“The Daemon of Time is what makes it go forward at a constant pace and who fixes it when a time anomaly shows up. However, the endless river that is the timeline she creates is sometimes hard to fully oversee. Especially when it is possible to be easily manipulated. As to why the gift of her magic will also bestow helping her with the maintenance of the timeline.”

What does her magic actually do? Can she make time go faster, slower? Across the mortal plane or all planes? Can she make time go backwards? Does she herself simply have the ability to timetravel and in fact not manipulate time itself but her place in it? If the latter, do her powers effectively extend to that of Dr. Who? If yes, what’s to stop her from going back and warning mortality about the coming of Iblees, and preventing the descendant split? In fact, wouldn’t she logically do exactly that given her desire for praise and prevent her need for the creation of Kharajyr? Why was she so desperate for praise that she made the Kharajyr, if for the entirety of time before that she’d always have the ability to travel with ease to a time after the Kharajyr were made, creating a praise-paradox? Why would mistakes happen at all, if she’s so capable? If she could manipulate time, why not go back and find the most capable Tlatlanni, then at the moment of his or her death return them to present day to reunify the Kha? Why let the events that led to the Kharajyr Empire’s downfall several maps ago happen at all, in any case?

I could go on, but I hope I’m getting the point through to you. Someone having dominion and responsibility over time, or in the alternate scenario the ability to time travel completely unravels all logic in other areas of LoTC lore. If any being were to have such powers, it should be something like one of the cosmic background characters such as the Observer (that intentionally remains uninvolved with the trifles of Descendants, Aengudaemons and other beings beneath it wherever able), as opposed to an Aengul or Daemon (or Spirit for that matter, looking at you bad Shamanism lore from 2016) with their own whims and wills and corruptible desires.


‘Time’ is an excessively broad task and powerset for an Aengudaemon of any calibur. It has the potential to ruin Canon, as well as hamstring prior established events and hierarchies of power in the broader LoTC lore. It’s been latched to Metztli simply as a tradition being upheld because someone thought it’d be a cool idea in the ~c.2013 era of lore where Redstone was still believed to be an elven Aphrodisiac and LT wrote eventlines for themselves to become main characters. It need not be kept dirtying an otherwise well written character just for the sake of tradition, especially when taking into account the lack of thematic or active involvement the concept and the aengudaemon have with one another. 


TL;DR: We don’t need a time deity just like we don’t need a space deity, because those areas make all other aengudaemonic concepts and powers redundant. Beyond that Metzli should be a Daemon of Vanity, since that’s all she’s been written to symbolise now and before.


Badly thought out magic and creature lore is one thing, but badly thought out world lore has cataclysmic ramifications.

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1 hour ago, The King Of The Moon said:



It’s not so much about having power over time so much as it is about having complete dominion over the concept. 


It’d be ludicrous for an aenguel to have dominion over time like that, however if Metzli had the power to manipulate the flow of time and see the past but wasn’t needed in order for time to continue to function/flow it’d be fine. There are plenty of aengueldaemons that don’t NEED to do anything, they just WANT to. 


IE: There doesn’t need to be a deity for a concept like purity or justice. It’s arbitrary. These concepts don’t exist BECAUSE of those figures, those figures chose to represent them, though. 

Then it’s just a question of why Metzli does what she does in the first place. Why time? A fascination with it? How it flows? how it affects things? Who knows. 


I’m not writing this lore so I won’t do much more thinking on it than that. Got other things to write xD

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Thank you for submitting your piece! We are currently going through all of the current lore submissions submitted and as there is a backlog it will take a bit longer than normal. Your piece is now under review, a verdict will be given within a month or so.

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      Stein's Final Moments
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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