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[✓] [Alchemy] Gargoyle's Blight


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Gargoyle’s Blight

“It appeared at first that my studies had lead me to yet again another dead-end, months’ worth of careful research and experimentation failing me once more. It was not until I had completely given up on my project when I made an astonishing discovery -- at the expense of my cat Ellie. In a stroke of pure luck, the poor feline cut herself on one of the testing vials, mixing in with the symbols that sat there.”


“As it turns out, Ellie’s blood worked as a perfect base for such a concoction. And finally, I had it. The ability to distribute cold hard death itself within a vial. Of course, I didn’t know this right away until my cat had been turned to stone the next morning... “


“After my lamenting I decided to set her outside my house in the garden, but that’s beside the point. Shortly afterwards, I went back to my experimentation. I attempted to use the substance on other creatures, only for it to take no effect. It wasn’t until many days later when I concluded that the blood must be racial specific in order for it to work. And with that, I finally had my Gargoyle’s Blight. Now I simply have to see if it functions as well with descendant flesh....”


- From the notes of Jessira Duilaine



The effects of Gargoyle’s Blight are unlike that of many other alchemical substances; transforming organic matter completely into that of stone. From animals to entire people, this concoction patrifies its target slowly and painfully over a matter of time. It can often be used as a method of torture, or simply to have statues of one’s most hated enemies.



As soon as one inhales Gargoyle’s Blight, they will begin to feel sluggish and tired. While urges to sleep can be resisted, it is a telltale sign of inhalation. After half their petrification time has expired, the consumer will begin to notice that their feet have turned to stone and become increasingly heavier, the stone slowly moving upwards over the course of time until it completely consumes its host.


Effect Mechanics


When inhaled, GB will begin to slowly turn its consumer into stone from the base of their feet and work its way upwards. The time for the process to finish varies depending upon the race and size of the creature in question, ranging anywhere from five minutes to a handful of OOC days. 


The following is a table displaying the times it takes for each size to be petrified.

Simple Plants = Instantaneous (unless stated otherwise)

Rabbit Sized Creatures < Five OOC Minutes

Wolf Sized Creatures < Half OOC Hour

Bear Sized Creatures < One OOC Hour

Humans/Elves/Dwarves = One OOC Day

Orcs = Two OOC Days

Ologs = Four OOC Days


It should also be noted that while petrification does not affect vital internal operations until the host has completely been consumed. So while their legs may be completely turned to stone, they may steal breathe and see up until they are totally covered.



Redlines and Guidelines:

  • Consumption times are often unaffected by size unless they are an animal. 
    • For example, a human child who is only the size of a wolf will still require one OOC day to petrify just like any adult.
  • A person can still move normally up until the point when they are completely covered in stone, though it would likely be more tiring.
  • The host will immediately begin to feel tired and sluggish after they make contact with GB, though the stone will not begin to manifest until half their time is up.
    • For example, a human will not visibly begin to be consumed by stone until at least twelve OOC hours have past.
  • Petrification does not affect vital internal operations until the host has completely been consumed. So while their legs may be completely turned to stone, they may steal breathe and see up until they are totally covered.
    • The host will not ‘die’ until they have been completely covered in stone, meaning they can still see, breath, hear, and move depending on what is covered and what is not.
  • This entire process may be sped up if both parties give OOC consent.
  • Gargoyle’s Light must be learned in-roleplay by an alchemist who knows and understands its creation. 



Like any alchemical concoction, Gargoyle’s Blight requires a certain method of creation and the necessary ingredients in order to be made into what it is. The process is often a lengthy one, requiring one to obtain the necessary materials and then create the concoction itself. The process and materials for such are listed below.



SpoilerDistilled Water x1
  • Distilled Water x1
  • Racial Blood x1
  • Earth (Attachment) 2x
  • Earth (Impediment) 2x
  • Earth (Rigidity) 4x
  • Ground Minerals x1


[!] Ground Minerals - refers to a single cups’ worth of  marble, granite, andesite, and stone ground into a very fine powder.


[!] Blood - refers to the blood of the race one desires to petrify. For example, only a Gargoyle’s Blight made with orc blood can petrify an orc. This also applies to animals. Multiracial concoctions are not possible. One milliliter requirement per batch.



  1. Grind the stone materials into a single very fine powder in order to create the Ground Minerals required. 
  2. Mix Distilled Water and the Blood in a clean stone bowl until they have completely mixed into a homogenous solution, which is now the base. 
  3. Take the symbols of Impediment and Attachment and put them in the base. Be careful as this will cause a small explosion of powder once they make contact. After the dust settles, mix them together. If the solution is not green, it means you did something wrong. 
    1. Make sure that the stirring tool you used has been cleaned prior, lest it corrupt the materials. This step is very sensitive and the slightest imperfection could cause the concoction to fail.
  4. Very carefully take the ground minerals from earlier and very carefully pour them in with the solution. Doing this too quickly will ruin the solution, turning it a bright purple when it should remain green. 
  5. Add the symbol of solidarity to the concoction and then mix it in with a fresh stirring tool. At this, the solution will slowly begin to obtain a deep blue color.
    1. It is important that one pours the solution into some form of corked bottle after the previous step - lest the next step cause it to evaporate.
  6. Finally, put the solution in a dark and damp environment and let it sit for one OOC hour. This should slowly turn the Gargoyle’s Bane into a pale grey gas and it is now ready for use.


Creation Mechanics


Typically each step will require 1-2 emotes, excluding the 6th step, which requires one OOC hour. Due to the amount of time and environment such a concoction requires to create, it cannot be made in the middle of combat even with a long preparation time.


Distribution Mechanics


If created properly, Gargoyle’s Blight will always take the form of a gas. It is best distributed when thrown in a glass bottle akin to that of a smoke bomb, allowing anything or anyone who inhales/absorbs it to take on its effects.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • GB is only able to be distributed in the form of a light grey gas cloud when thrown. Once breathed in (two emotes), it immediately takes effect.
  • The GB gas only has a radius of 3x3 blocks when thrown, effecting anything that absorbs it.
  • The gas only escapes if its container is able to be shattered. Simply uncorking will cause it to consume the thrower instead.
  • The GB cloud will only last for about four emotes before dissipating.


How to Cure

“While I rejoiced in my discovery, I soon found that I would need a way to counter my own creation should it ever be used against me. Due to such, I began to experiment on other animals, finding ways to remove the effects of the Gargoyle’s Blight from their bodies.”


“Most of the fruitful results occured before the stone began to manifest, such as bloodletting or inducing vomiting or coughing. Amputation also seemed to work but that is a more costly and probably less preferred method. I can only hope that people will overlook such methods of curing, as simple as they are.”


“Regardless, I believe these are the only viable options to prevent oneself from being petrified at the moment. Other methods remain to be seen.”


Cure Methods


The methods of curing Gargoyle's Blight are easy ones should a person be quick enough. Bloodletting, coughing, and vomiting can be performed before the stone begins to manifest and are the easiest options. Should the stone manifest itself, however, the only other method of curing is amputation.


Bloodletting - Requires one to let an incredible amount of blood, nearly enough to cause one to faint and be dizzy for at least an OOC hour. The GB will leave the wound along with the blood in the form of a wispy grey gas. A very slow and painful process.


Vomiting - One can vomit the GB out should they be able to induce such. The GB will come out with the stomach juices in the form of a wispy grey gas akin to that of bloodletting. This process takes a long time and cannot simply be performed. 


Coughing - The least effective and the most lengthy method. One can cough the GB out over a long period of time before the stone begins to manifest. The GB will come out like a wispy grey gas like both of the other methods.


Amputation - The most effective yet most costly method. By amputating the stone limbs and ligaments, one can completely cure themselves of any and all GB in their body in that moment. Cannot use a ligament, but rather an entire limb.


Mhedusae’s Tear - A solution for the more sound of mind in the heat of the moment. A trained alchemist may create a special concoction that completely removes the effects of Gargoyle’s Blight within the body, allowing them to use it to save themselves or any of their allies touched by the Blight.Only meant to be used as a last resort. 



  • Distilled Water x1
  • Fine Iron Dust x1
  • Fire (Vigor) x2
  • Water (Rejuvenation) x2
  • Water (Balance) x2



  1. Take the iron and grind it to a fine dust, so that it is like grains of sand. Mix that in with the two symbols of Balance, which should also be finely crushed, the product appearing to be homogenous for the most part.
  2. Mix in the symbols of Rejuvenation and Vigor in with the water, and boil it for about 5 emotes, which will turn the solution a bright pink. 
  3. Pour the Iron/Balance dust into the solution and stir for about 4 emotes, let it sit for 2, then stir it for another 2 emotes. By the end, it should be a vibrant green color, which you should then collect in a vial.
  4. Sit the vial of solution outside in the sun for 15 OOC minutes, which will dark it’s green color to be less vibrant. At this point, it will be ready for consumption and use.




One must screenshot all of their emotes. Typically each step will require 1-2 emotes, unless specified otherwise, excluding the 4th step, which requires fifteen OOC minutes. Because of this, it is impossible to make MT in the middle of combat, even with lots of preparation time. MT must always be directly consumed to work as well.


Upon being consumed, the descendant will be completely cured of all effects of the Gargoyle’s Blight, any visible stone upon the descendant flaking away like dried skin, while can merely be peeled off. However, this comes at a price, leaving the consumer greatly fatigued, making them sluggish and near unable to perform any tasks such as casting magic or physical combat for the rest of the OOC day. At most, they will be bedridden, but at least they will be very sluggish in combat and unable to cast any magic above [T3].


Redlines and Guidelines

  • Mhedusae’s Tear can only be consumed within six OOC hours of its creation, lest it lose its rejuvenating effects. This prevents it from merely being stored and used to immediately cure the Blight.
  • Mhedusae’s Tear may be used at any point during the petrification process, the side-effects will last until the end of the day, preventing them from harsh combat encounters and casting high tiered magic. At most they will be bedridden, though the exhaustion cannot kill or paralyze them. 
  • Mhedusae’s Tear must be learned in-roleplay by an alchemist who knows and understands its creation. 




OOC Explanation

Firstly, I wanted to create some alchemical lore because alchemy is fun and alchemical concoctions is something we are in need of now that alchemy is back. Secondly, I wanted to create a form of offensive alchemy that is still effective though is easy to counter and creates good roleplay rather than plain old death after five emotes.



Credit for this Lore

Pundimonium - Author


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This looks neat! Though I’m not sure if it’s detailed anywhere as far as rules or emote times go for using potions in combat and such. 


  1. You say it petrifies anything it touches, but also say that it petrifies people if they inhale it. Which one is it? If I don’t inhale it would I be fine? Or does it need only touch flesh? If so, could one simply press a cloth to their nose to avoid it? Can any worn barrier block it if it petrifies upon contacting flesh? 


  1. If you inhale it, or get touched by it, how many emotes is there before it takes hold? Instantly? Or is there a period of time that it takes to take hold that’s more than just instantly? 


  1. I’m not super versed on Alchemy lore at all. Barely touched the stuff, tbh. But could one not simply make a cure by mixing together the reverse reagents to basically balance with the Gargoyles Blight potion? 
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5 hours ago, Alpheus said:

Bear Sized Creatures < One OOC Hour

Humans/Elves/Dwarves = One OOC Day





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46 minutes ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:





Something something humans have superior souls. 

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6 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:







@Jenny_Bobbs @Demotheus Yes. Humans take long than bears due to the fact that they have superior souls rather than size.


7 hours ago, Demotheus said:
  1. You say it petrifies anything it touches, but also say that it petrifies people if they inhale it. Which one is it? If I don’t inhale it would I be fine? Or does it need only touch flesh? If so, could one simply press a cloth to their nose to avoid it? Can any worn barrier block it if it petrifies upon contacting flesh? 
  2. If you inhale it, or get touched by it, how many emotes is there before it takes hold? Instantly? Or is there a period of time that it takes to take hold that’s more than just instantly?

It usually takes 1-2 emotes for it to be inhaled in and take effect – and the effects of weariness and fatigue are near immediate. I guess you could resist it by holding your breath, though you may want to do that before you’re engulfed in the cloud.


7 hours ago, Demotheus said:
  1. I’m not super versed on Alchemy lore at all. Barely touched the stuff, tbh. But could one not simply make a cure by mixing together the reverse reagents to basically balance with the Gargoyles Blight potion? 


I mean... maybe? I’m not entirely sure if that works but if it is possible then yes.

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>combative gas-form stoneskin



are we even trying

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44 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

>combative gas-form stoneskin



are we even trying

Stone skin doesn't kill you. It makes you tough and works very quickly. This is basically slow acting nerve gas. 

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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