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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Voidal Attunement & Connection

Mr. Etan

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Voidal Attunement & Connection




The void. It is everything yet it is nothing. A wellspring of pure potential and for many years descendants have found various ways to tap into this source. From the beginning it started from simple forms of ancient magics such as evocation, drawing elements forth in a pure form of creation, and developing into more complex concepts such as illusion, the art of manipulation. Voidal magic is a tree with it’s base planted in the world as we know it, roots digging down to the depth of the void and its branches spewing out to different schools of magic. Everyone starts at this base and moves up to their specialty.



Initial Connection:

All greater souls are capable of storing a large pool of mana that can be manipulated into fuel for spell casting but before any spells can be done the decedent must go through a connection ritual to awaken their connection to the void. Connecting to the void evokes a deep trance like state that the mage practices every day of their lives to perfect, but in order to induce this trance like state in the beginning one cannot simply just meditate. Any sort of hallucinogenic herbs must be used while focusing on the concept of the void in an attempt to put oneself in a trace. 


Upon first connection the mind is flooded with sensations never felt before that are beyond compensation, gifting the decedent with a strong connection to the void itself. With this connection kindled, the mage begins to see, smell and feel the magic in the world around them and becomes very sensitive to such. Auras are greatly visible now, and one can even feel magic brimming in enchantments or when a spell is being cast. The next few connections to the void may require hallucinogenic herbs before the user has become sensitive enough to establish the trance like state on their own.


Upon first connection the mage will have their aura color set. Whilst there are theories on what aura colors mean, the color of one's aura does not change unless there are traumatic events in one's lifetime. Some theorize the change to be their very soul adjusting to these traumatic changes.


Redlines / Explanations:




  • -Must use a hallucinogenic herb to induce your first few trances. The herb must state it produces hallucinogenic effects in its lore.


  • Aura color can be any color and once set it cannot be changed without a reasonable explanation. Typically heavy trauma that stems from proper character development may change aura color. Aura will always show after a spell is cast as a form of smoke off the mage. Only those attuned to the void may see this.


  • Once connected the new mage will be able to feel the magic and see aura when it’s present. When spells are cast of any time a mage can sense it lightly in some way. Some mages may hear the spell faintly, some may smell it faintly or even just feel it faintly in their gut. This cannot, however, be used to metagame who is casting magic and can only be used to sense VOIDAL magic. A mage, however, can tell when they are holding something enchanted with voidal magic or brimming with voidal magic is some way though they must touch the item.


  • The teacher may roleplay the connection experience for the student. The student, essentially, experiences the sensations of magic in the world around them once they enter their first trance and it awakens their magic potential in their soul.


  • Each first few trances will render the new student unconscious right after due to the sensations end up overloading their senses. They will wake up with an immense headache at can last about 1 irl hour and will be sensitive to sounds.


  • Anyone who is under the age of 16 who attempts to attune to the void will simply be unable to do so and simply trip out on some awesome hallucinogens. The reason being their minds have not reached a matured state which can happen between 16-18 in decedents. Due to this underage decedents cannot go into the trance needed to cast magic.




Summary of Changes:




  • No longer does the mage have to make their students sit there and do nothing or roll over and over. It’s a simple and creative way to initiate new mages.


  • Introduces the need for materials to help induce their first few trances. This can help promote roleplay tasks for apprentices.


  • Mages can now sense magic, though as stated this cannot be used to metagame who is casting magic or where a spell may be.

Explanation of aura colors, if it can be changed and how aura shows.


  • Connection of a premature decendent no longer kills the youngling it simply just doesn’t work.



Voidal Trance:

The trance like state mages have to cast magic is one of focus and willpower. With practice this becomes second nature though things such as very painfully loud sounds or immense pain can become too much for the mage knocking them out of their trance and and unable to re-enter the trance until the source of this worldly distraction is halted. Besides this, the mage can do many of their normal activities while in the trance. Those who find themselves entranced have their iris change an entire shade to their aura color which glow dimly especially in low light. This phenomenon has been theorized to a visualization of the users subconscious gazing into the endless void. Magic may only be cast whilst in this trance. Any attempt to cast magic outside of such yields no results and makes one look like a fool.


Redlines / Explanations:




  • Must emote the iris color change and glow no matter what.


  • Sudden distractions will knock a mage out of their trance. These distractions can range from sharp and sudden pains to ear bleeding loud noises. The more inexperienced the mage is, the easier their connection will break.


  • Continuous sharp pain such as a broken bone or moving with an arrow inside you will keep the mage from going back into a trance.


  • Mages do not idly lose mana while in a trance. However they become sensitive mentally. If a mage is suddenly knocked out of a trance they will be rendered with a headache that keeps them from going back into a trance for 2 emotes. (Disconnection Emote and the Emote After)






1st week

The student will require a few drops of a hallucinogenic agent to induce a trance. If they over do it in a small time period (for example, 2 connections in 1 hour) it could cause psychological issues. (Said issues are entirely up to the player.)

2nd week

The student can now enter a trance without a hallucinogenic agent. Any sort of distractions such as a loud noise or something bumping into them will knock them out of said trance.

3rd week and beyond

The Student can now hold the trance with much ease. Only sharp pains, disorientated movements like being pushed over or ear bleeding noises may knock them out of trance.



Summary of Changes:




  • Connecting to the void is no longer vague nor does it require mana. Instead it’s a trance that mages induce.


  • Clarification on what things will break the trance has been added to help get rid of the blurred lines.


  • There are now consequences to being knocked out of your trance. You will not be able to just reconnect immediately after but have to wait 2 emotes before you can.



Final Word:


I felt that a lot of the current methods for making new students have always been quite dull and boring and on top of this the way mages connect to the void has always been sort of poorly clarified and there has always been blurred lines on what they can do what they cant do and what breaks them out of connection. This lore piece aims to simply help the lore team by setting in stone the properties behind connecting to the void and perhaps inspire other pieces.



Edit list:

1/6/2020 – fixed a statement and added that people under the age of 16 cannot connect to the void. Totally forgot about that.

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1 correction. Illusion has nothing to do with manipulating light. It's all in the mind. 

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Just now, Demotheus said:

1 correction. Illusion has nothing to do with manipulating light. It's all in the mind. 


I left that there from a previous project on accident. Totally should be light manipulation though I’ll fight you on that

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Just now, Toxcat said:


I left that there from a previous project on accident. Totally should be light manipulation though I’ll fight you on that

Light manipulation gimps illusion and makes phantasms impossible. XD

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I like necessitating a material, not a fan of that being hallucinogens; treads rather close to shamanism. I’d have rather seen candles, chimes, and/or meditations bowls. Glowy eyes seems like an ‘eh’ solution to giving spellcasting more noticeable attributes. I think more deliberation can be had on that matter.


Otherwise, the rest of this is quality of life improvement and clarification. Good!

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I think this would make teaching connection  to students and just overall connecting to the void way more interesting. 

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The void is really stale as a concept and it needs necessary adjustments and changes to at least make it half-fun to RP. I’m all for this.

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who even teaches magic nowadays, isn’t it all about telling people to make an application and wait?

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You need to give different options for attunement because requiring psychoactive material components is bologne. 


As for the iris part; I guess. It would help with providing a solid and consistent tell. What happens when someone RPs having the same aura and eye color already? They just have the glowing effect? 

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11 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

You need to give different options for attunement because requiring psychoactive material components is bologne. 


As for the iris part; I guess. It would help with providing a solid and consistent tell. What happens when someone RPs having the same aura and eye color already? They just have the glowing effect? 


What would you recommend for other options? I’d love it hear some suggestions. Also if the aura and eye color is the same its just an obvious glow.

4 hours ago, Tato said:

I again don’t mean to be rude but I think you should put more effort into the lore you produce


I don’t know tato with the amount of brain power you waste in redundant and overthought feedback for lore on a pg13 minecraft roleplay server perhaps you should start contributing some. I’m sure you could write much better pieces than me especially when you must have much more time than myself being a working adult. I don’t mean to be rude, but maybe you can put your effort into making better lore than me.

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3 hours ago, Toxcat said:

don’t know tato with the amount of brain power you waste in redundant and overthought feedback for lore on a pg13 minecraft roleplay server perhaps you should start contributing some. I’m sure you could write much better pieces than me especially when you must have much more time than myself being a working adult. I don’t mean to be rude, but maybe you can put your effort into making better lore than me.

Hoes mad 

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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