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[✓] [World Lore] [Further Alchemy + Animati Clarification] Sintel's Smoggers/ Tinkering

The King Of The Moon

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Sintel’s Smoggers

(A smogger purposed as a giant hammer, being put to use in a shipwright’s workshop for the faster shaping of anchor chains and the like)



Garumdir, the Aengul of the Invention, birthed the first engines upon his realm, Val’garis, in the form of the Gear Heart. With this he was able to put to use the alchemical formulae now called ‘Lifeblood’, in order to power his Animii and later his valkyries in more complex forms. 

In the process of his tinkering, however, came a prototype modern Tinkers and Animii Crafters refer to as the ‘Gear Stomach’; where the Gear Heart is small in scale and efficiently cycles fuel around a mechanism, a Gear Stomach is far larger, inefficiently digesting its own unique fuel with each single use for a higher output of energy. Effectively in constant overclock, the Gear Stomach is an engine far larger than that which an Animii can usually house, far less efficient in its resource use and far more clumsy in its energy output. 

These crude engines dotted the landscape of Val’garis, upturning its soil in an ever-growing thirst for the alchemic components to lifeblood, which it greedily burnt through, poisoning its air with a thick smog of alchemical fumes. Dissatisfied with this imperfection, Garumdir undid his polluting mechanisms, soon enough perfecting them with larger scale versions of the Gear Hearts we know today, far too intricate for descendants to replicate.

Eons later, however, through similar trial and error did a simple tinker manage to replicate this Gear Stomach when trying to fuel a sort of walking laboratory. Thus, the Gear Stomach was reborn.




Smoggers are stronger and larger, albeit far clumsier and less efficient Animii, that rely upon a finite fuel source known as Red Oil to function. This Red Oil is processed in what has been dubbed the ‘Gear Stomach’, a much more aggressive form of Animii Engine that consumes its fuel in a manner akin to a beast of burden consuming calories.


For instance, a machine of similar size and output capacity to a plough horse would require a similar equivalence of Lifeblood to be burnt as calories intaken by a beast of burden, operating on an identical basis to the mana-charging to spell output ratios of magical enchantments.


Rather than carefully managing the energy output of Lifeblood to power clockwork in the long term without wasting any of the liquid (as Gear Hearts do), the Gear Stomach is capable of outright burning it as a single-use fuel for immediate short-term bursts of power. 



Red Oil


The fuel of all smoggers, Red Oil is a bastardised form of the typical Lifeblood found in their more complex cousins, Animii. 

A crude modification to the original recipe, Red Oil is a single-use substance, which must be cycled and replaced once its energy has been expunged. This is achieved by digestion via a Gear Stomach, which cause Red Oil to glow like a roaring furnace before it evaporates into a thick black smog, harnessing all of its energy output at once rather than prolonging its use as a Gear Heart might with Lifeblood. 

When this process takes place, Red Oil strangely remains the same temperature, and if one were to stick their hand into a Gear Stomach whilst the process was undergoing, it wouldn’t be burnt or damaged. The real hazards come in Red Oil’s slickness, and its corrosive effect on the vulnerable tissue when in liquid form. One would struggle to clothes and skin, causing rashes and irritation after prolonged contact, whilst exposure to the eyes can cause temporary blindness and ingestion would bring on symptoms akin to alcohol poisoning. 

Furthermore, in its gaseous form - once vapourised in a Gear Stomach - the dense smog produced would induce coughing and irritation to the throat and eyes, being deadly in high enough doses such as a poorly ventilated space with a Gear Heart being left to run for long enough.

This smog also causes nearby plantlife to experience a searing pain, akin to the effects of Red Oil on a descendant’s skin albeit tenfold; whilst the smog wouldn’t be capable of outright killing plants, it would stunt their growth if subject to prolonged Red Oil pollution. This would notably alert nearby Druids and Fae, bombarding them with the angered cries of the wilds and likely provoking retaliation against the sources of said smoke.

The recipe for Red Oil, as mentioned, is similar to Lifeblood, but with some tweaks. Primarily the addition of powdered Redstone dust and other catalysts in place of the more mild components to the fluid, which turns the substance into burgundy coloured, viscous substance. This addition of Redstone, a volatile ore comprised of ancient solidified mana, also adds vulnerability in the form of Voidal disruption. Whenever a Voidal mage establishes a connection closeby, the reactive substance will bubble and fizz. This would cause jamming in smoggers even when the fuel is being processed by a Gear Stomach. 


Red Oil Recipe:


Red Oil Recipe:

Lifeblood recipe + 16 redstone dust.


Written out, the entire recipe looks like:
Powdered charcoal mixed with water

Connection x3

Life x3

Growth x2

Strength x1

Balance x2

Endurance x3

Grace x2

Order x3

Redstone Dust  x16



-The recipe for Red Oil must be taught through Roleplay means. 
-All reagents gathered for the Red Oil recipe must be - as with any product of Alchemy - gathered through screenshotted roleplay, with the exception of Redstone which relies on minecraft mechanics and will require mechanical Redstone Dust to represent it.
-Red Oil in its liquid form is not flammable, let alone combustible. Even when being processed by a Gear Stomach it will not change from room temperature. 
-Red Oil in its liquid form will only cause similar irritation to a sunburn to skin after exposure for over ten narrative minutes, lasting for 3 OOC days. When splashed upon eyes it will cause pain and temporary blindness, though this blindness only lasts for a narrative day before normal eyesight is restored. There are no remedies for these effects at present and their duration must be Roleplayed accordingly. 
-When vaporized, the smog Red Oil produces will have similar effects on the body to real world Carbon monoxide; it can and will damage the throat and lungs when inhaled, though its effects will only be lethal in extreme doses such as staying in a confined space flooded with the smog. 
-The pain caused to plantlife by the smog from Red Oil will only minorly disrupt Druidic spellcasting to the extent of adding a single emote to Druidic Communion spells in a 10x10 radius from an operating Gear Stomach, though its effects in paining and angering the voices of Nature will spread over a 50x50 block radius from an operating Gear Stomach (past the point where smog is still visible or damaging to Descendants) and it is perfectly plausible for a Druid to find the connection between the pain brought to the wilds and its source - the smog.
-If a voidal connection is established within 5x5 blocks Red Oil in its liquid form, it will bubble and fizz. This is not combustive, nor could it effectively be weaponized, but it would create a nuisance and wastage when the fuel is not properly contained.


The Gear Stomach
(A craftsman toiling away at a massive Gear Stomach, before it might be paired with additional machinery)


The Gear Stomach is an essential component for all smoggers. An engine, similar to the Gear Heart proposed in regular animii and smaller contraptions, albeit far larger and less efficient. Whilst the Gear Heart can fuel humanoid or smaller sized machines indefinitely, by winding key and perpetual lifeblood circulation, only damaging this process in overclock, the Gear Stomach acts in an effectively constant state of overclocking. 

These bursts of overclock would be far too damaging to any complex animii capable of thought or movement beyond simple kinetic tasks (walking, hammering, etc) and alongside pressure that might overload the intricate interior of said machines, would also produce a thick smog to be expelled from the machine, which will eventually suffocate individuals if flooded into a confined space. Because of this machines are incapable of producing force outputs superior to that of a Golem, or moving at a speed superior to a horse, without MArts.

They are also effectively useless in melee combat applications, being unable to effectively sword-fight, for instance, due to their lack of agile movement (beyond locomotive contraptions) and their inability to think and react for themselves in a complex manner.


To accomplish this straining vaporisation of fuel, Gear Stomachs are typically far larger in size, being at bear minimum no larger than a grandfather clock represented as two mechanical minecraft blocks, which would produce enough energy output to run a smogger’s moving parts to the equal labour output of a plough horse. Additional output could be achieved with larger engines, scaling at the rate of half of the aforementioned output from a beast-of-burden per added block. 

They are built much like the Gear Heart of a usual Animii, albeit far larger and requiring much more reinforcement, in the form of a ferrum (or stronger) shell akin to a stove, so as to prevent it from bursting from the pressure produced when Red Oil is converted into energy output. All vessels and tubing attached to a gearheart must then be fully metallic pipes, or reinforced with segmented or ringed metal so as to remain airtight and sustain similar pressure, as the energised Red Oil runs through its tubing far more violently and quickly than the Lifeblood circulation of a usual Animii. 

-The design for Gear Stomachs must be taught through Roleplay means. 
-Gear Stomachs can not be paired with playable Animii or Machine Spirits.
-Gear Stomachs can not be paired with any sensory Animii parts bar 
-The smallest form of Gear Stomach would run at maximum capacity for two OOC days of consistent on 1 litre of Red Oil. Each added enlargement (each successive minecraft block) to the Gear Stomach would require an additional 0.5 litres of Red Oil for consistent running. 
-Gear Stomachs regardless of size or Should a pipe or reinforced vessel be burst or sabotaged on a working Gear Stomach, all of its contained fuel would be sprayed out and evaporated near instantaneously, wasting it.
-Gear Stomachs at their minimum size will only produce an energy output equal to that of a plough horse. 
-Any Gear Stomach intended to rival five or more plough horses (an engine mechanically larger than 8 blocks) in energy output will require a MArt, along with the smogger it is meant to fuel. 
-Any damage caused to a Gear Stomach will require a Tinker to repair it.
-Any Voidal connection established within a 5x5 radius of a Gear Stomach will cause it to stall and stop functioning, requiring an tinker to unjam it before it may again operate.



(A lost soldier piloting a sort of walking smogger in favour of a horse drawn carriage, stopping to ask a Halfling for directions)


Smoggers are contraptions put to use by the power output a Gear Stomach can achieve, surpassing the usual size and strength of normal Animii, those in the macro scale are capable of far greater outputs of force than usual, at the expense of complexity.

Whilst the regular Animii is capable of the same range of senses, intelligence, dexterity and overall function of most animals and descendants, the smogger is only capable of converting power from a Gear Stomach into kinetic force, which is dictated by a mix of the material durability of its components and the energy output of the Gear Heart running it, making it incapable of more complex functions found in the usual Automaton.

Typically, this kinetic force is harnessed in simple acts of pushing and pulling, for purposes akin to making legs walk, making hammers clang, making bellows squeeze and so on. Its overclock-reliant nature requires apparatus too large to be carried around by a single set of Descendant hands, and too clumsy to perform any task more complex than walking.

Furthermore, restricted by the dense vessels and tubing that’d be paired with a Gear Stomach, smogger are singular in their functions. This means that a machine intended to perform tasks like striking down a fixed hammer could not also be affixed with legs to carry it around, and would require a seperate Gear Stomach and device altogether if one wished to have a moving powertool. 

Typically, then, the smogger appears an array of metal apparatus, in the form of churning cogs, pumping vessels and so on, whilst also always requiring some sort of chimney to exhaust out the smog produced by a Gear Stomach lest it overflow and jam. In consistency with their lack of artificial intelligence and complexity, they would also all require some form of components affixed for someone to operate the machine, be they in the form of cranks, pulleys or levers, as it would continue to perform the same task (such as a walking smogger continuing in the same direction and stumbling over obstacles or crashing into walls without a pilot) indefinitely without further instruction and would be unable to receive or process auditory commands like most smaller and more advanced Animii. 

-The design for smoggers must be taught through Roleplay means. 
-All parts fashioned for smoggers must be - as with any product of Alchemy - produced through screenshotted roleplay and provided to an ST-Writer on request. 
-The process of building a smoggers takes 2 IRL weeks (or half the time with assistance from another tinker). 
-All smoggers must be mechanically represented by a minecraft build or, in the case of moving smoggers, a minecraft horse.
-Any smoggers larger than the size of a two-story building that's as wide as a standard building that is intended to move will require an approved MArt.
-Any damage caused to a Gear Stomach will require an smoggineer to repair it.
-Any Voidal connection established within a 5x5 radius of a smogger will cause it to stall and stop functioning, requiring a tinker to unjam it before it may again operate.

Red Lines


-The creation of smoggers requires a ‘Tinkering’ FA. It cannot be self taught by animii crafters nor can tinkers self teach animii crafting.
-All humanoid shaped creations larger than an Orc and non-humanoid shaped Animii larger than a plough horse now require a Gear Stomach and smogger fueled by Red Oil to function.
-Gear Stomachs can only be used to power simple parts that result in the movement of appendages attached to machines (such as walking legs on a horseless carriage,rowing oars on a crewless boat, pulling rakes on a horseless plough , etc). All other non-kinetic machine parts would be overloaded and disassembled when linked with a Gear Stomach, making all forms of obedience vessels, thinking, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling machinery past the scales already outlined in Animii Crafting impossible to create (no supercomputers, no house-sized Automatons without MArts, etc). This in turn means a machine will always need to be physically interacted with in some way for it to work, as there is no means of conveying verbal or visual commands to a machine.
-Any machine complex enough to require manual control (such as any form of locomotion past a fixed point in space, ie piloting a crewless boat with self-rowing oars, that would need to have their speed, steering and fuel levels constantly monitored on a situational basis)
will need an individual taught by an accepted tinker versed in smogger crafting’s instruction, who knows of the machine's function and controls, or the tinker themselves to operate it. The only exceptions to this would be intentionally simple machines that would only require the simple crank of a lever to activate or deactivate.
-Whilst non-tinkers can be taught how to make Red Oil, repair tubing and pipes, and produce various replacement parts for Gear Stomachs and smogger, actually assembling and repairing the more intricate parts of these devices will require an accepted Tinkering FA and instruction from a teacher.


The difference between simple repairs and those requiring the expertise of a Tinkerer are as follows;


Simple repairs are those which do not require mending the internals of the Gear Stomach itself, or the more intricate parts of a Smogger machine. E.G, Pipes, tubing, chassis repairs, and other repairs which are equivalent to taking something out and putting it back in. 


Complex repairs, requiring one with an accepted Smoggers FA and the knowledge to perform, are those beyond the scope of Simple Repair. E.G, repairing the internals of the Gear Stomach's cog work and complicated mechanisms, the repair of control interfaces, mending damage to Vessels or Pistons which is unable to be fixed with a simple replacement of the part, and similarly complex engineering work. 

-Any weaponization of smoggers will require an approved MArt (someone choking on smog or getting caught in the moving parts of a stationary machine would not constitute 'weaponisation'; smoggers do not simply 'cease to exist' in combat). Furthermore, attempts at siege weaponry involving smoggers would require further approval from War moderation.
-Mobile smogger mounts that are intended to remain functional in combat can not weigh any more than 1,000lbs without a MArt; the maximum weight for an Olog or horse. All mobile smogger larger than this (but still not larger than mentioned in previous redlines as requiring a MArt) such as caravans, must remain stationary or cease any current movement during combat, the only exception being during events where an ST-Actor has been consulted and allowed the use of these larger 'vehicles' during.

-Smoggers are by nature clumsy contraptions. They can only produce kinetic force in pulling, pushing, turning and bending motions. All other applications of Animii Crafting would immediately malfunction and break if added to a smogger’s system. For instance they could not spin a motor reliably enough to move atop wheels, or in more extreme circumstances would be completely inept when attempted to turn propellers or flap wings for the purpose of flight.

-This may not be taught via OOC oversight and requires in-character lessons performed by the teacher.


Purpose (OOC)


The purpose of this lore is to add a means by which non-magical Roleplayers might experience or create similar machines and inventions to those already long standing through the means of Golemancy and Telekinetic Enchantments. 

This piece is also intended to encourage craftsmanship Roleplay both from Animii Crafters and other artisans, primarily for blacksmiths in creating the shells of Gear Hearts, pipes, tubing, reinforced vessels and gears and for miners to go out and mine Redstone (an otherwise useless resource on LoTC until this point). To a lesser extent, I also hope that this will encourage more exciting business and production RP in the use of new machinery and tools for trades across the board.

As well this lore intends to provide a space for long neglected ‘tinkering’ RP, for those that do not even possess Animii Crafting FAs, in performing a more basic version of ‘engineering’ with what will hopefully be broader aesthetic. 

Lastly additions have been made to encourage conflict and social opposition from Mages and Druids in encountering these machines, in the former case where pseudo Luddite mages might go about sabotaging smoggers so as to promote more reliable Voidal or Golem based alternatives, and in the latter where moral ideals might clash between nature-preserving Aspecitsts and more ruthless pragmatic Alchemists.


The primary intention behind writing this piece however is aesthetic. As I’ve already noted and wish to reiterate, everything achievable in the above piece can be done with other areas of lore, which - in light of recent Techlock complaints - has left a large chunk of the playerbase disenfranchised with the lore of LoTC and the more fantastical elements of the server being able to achieve things as mundane as profession RP through much easier means.

In summary, hoping to build a bridge between the higher fantasy mage and golemancy sorts of Roleplay to the more contained industrialist and artisan sort of Roleplay found elsewhere on the server, by putting a new system out there by which the same ends can be achieved through a more favourable means, all whilst keeping a firm lockdown on any potential combat uses that might’ve been exploited via this lore as per the final redline in the above section.

Citations and Credit


All art used in this lore is the product and property of Jakub Rozalski. Go check him out here https://jakubrozalski.artstation.com/ !

This lore is rooted in animii crafting though for the purpose of broader accessibility has been split into its own standalone FA.

Animii Crafting (lore): Phil


Animii Crafting (guide): AlphaMoist


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i genuinenly really like this, would be nice to see some tangible technological progression on lotc

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I think it’s cool I like it but why is it this should be allowed when large scale golem constructs weren’t, do you have anything to say on that?

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7 hours ago, z3m0s said:

I think it’s cool I like it but why is it this should be allowed when large scale golem constructs weren’t, do you have anything to say on that?

As a matter of fact I do! Large scale Golem constructs have been allowed time and again, as well as large scale constructs with broader Runesmithing.

On Axios there was Arcadia, a literal flying Rune city and giant (20ish blocks tall) MArt/ ET played Golems stationed outside of Urguan. I even remember Pandann having a fully automated Thanhium mine complete with Golem labourers outside of Celein/ Sanctuary when he was still an Admin. I’ve also seen walking buildings with Golem legs, Golem computers and even regular player Golems RPing up to 12ft in size and being distinguished as ‘worker Golems’ (as opposed to ‘war Golems’).

Similar achievements have also been made with the use of Transfiguration and Atronachs, too numerous to name, and it’s already clearly stated in this lore that those heights of complexity can’t be achieved, as Macro Animii can only perform kinetic actions and require objective instructions as they’re unable to think and feel on their own.

You ought to also note that any Macro Animii intended to require more power than four plough horses will require a MArt, something I’ve seen plenty of player Golems RP having as a default, let alone NPC Golemancy/ Runesmithing machinery... So the argument ‘this is allowed but large scale golem constructs weren’t’ doesn’t really hold up.

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On 2/6/2020 at 6:39 AM, The King Of The Moon said:

As a matter of fact I do! Large scale Golem constructs have been allowed time and again, as well as large scale constructs with broader Runesmithing.

On Axios there was Arcadia, a literal flying Rune city and giant (20ish blocks tall) MArt/ ET played Golems stationed outside of Urguan. I even remember Pandann having a fully automated Thanhium mine complete with Golem labourers outside of Celein/ Sanctuary when he was still an Admin. I’ve also seen walking buildings with Golem legs, Golem computers and even regular player Golems RPing up to 12ft in size and being distinguished as ‘worker Golems’ (as opposed to ‘war Golems’).

Similar achievements have also been made with the use of Transfiguration and Atronachs, too numerous to name, and it’s already clearly stated in this lore that those heights of complexity can’t be achieved, as Macro Animii can only perform kinetic actions and require objective instructions as they’re unable to think and feel on their own.

You ought to also note that any Macro Animii intended to require more power than four plough horses will require a MArt, something I’ve seen plenty of player Golems RP having as a default, let alone NPC Golemancy/ Runesmithing machinery... So the argument ‘this is allowed but large scale golem constructs weren’t’ doesn’t really hold up.


I wasn’t really intending to fight the argument of why would this be allowed when other stuff wasn’t, just curious if you had thoughts on the differences for if that situation arised, having skimmed it it is nice to know you added the MArt redline in there, though if I was nitpicking I would say a lot of your mentioned runesmithing/golem stuff was mostly MArt/event stuff as well, I mention this just to say that we by no means get a free pass (thought as always all the voidal **** gets a pretty clean pass because magic where all mechanical based stuff is scrutinised heavily down to the last nut and bolt. When I read this I was specifically thinking of the lore written for Golem beheamoth lore where in the end it wasn’t even accepted to be used as an ET creature, figured if that mindset was still in play it would be unlikely this would be passed considering that lore wasn’t, hopefully that isn’t the case.

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why accept anything mordu posts like lol

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Thank you for submitting your piece! Your piece is now under review and a reply will be given once a verdict has been reached.

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This lore is pending, you will be sent a forum PM in the next 24 hours with a list of issues that need to be fixed.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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