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Everett's Apprenticeships

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Inconspicuous notices are pinned about Helena, Haense, Aegrothond and Siramenor.


Everett Ferro’s Apprenticeships.


If interested, please fill out the form below and deliver it to the factory outside of Haense.

You will receive word back if selected.






What are you good at?


What do you know about alchemy?


What do you know about tinkering?


Why do you want to learn?


Why should I teach you?


Are you clever or dumb?



No hippies!

Cheers, Everett.

Edited by _Hexe_
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Name: Ophelia

Age: 110

Race:  Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I’m adept at cooking and baking, which I suppose would mean I’m rather good at collecting and measuring ingredients and such. I can also clean very well. I will admit that I haven’t accumulated many skills that could be deemed more useful, but perhaps this is my chance to change that.


What do you know about alchemy?

What I’ve heard of alchemy is only from what I’ve read in books. Having never seen its practice in person, all I know is that it involves mixing various herbs and such together in order to combine their special properties into elixers and such that provide various effects derived from those properties.


Why do you want to learn?

I rather enjoy learning new things, and I’ve taken a basic herbology course within the Grove. I love all things involving plants, and the opportunity to delve deeper into more than just taking care of them intrigues me. A man by the name of Iarias informed me to fill this out if I were interested in learning more about herbs, so I’ve decided to do just that.


Why should I teach you?

I think you’ll find that teaching a student as eager to learn as I am will be both an enticing and more than rewarding experience for yourself as a teacher. I love asking questions and participating in learning environments, and such areas are among the places I feel most comfortable. I can’t offer you money or anything physical in return, really, but I’m more than willing to help with whatever you may need help with, whether it be related to studies or not. I do not wish to be anything like a burden, and I’m willing to match the effort you place into me


Are you clever or dumb?

I suppose that’s up to you to decide, once we meet in person.

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2 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

Name: Ophelia

Age: 110

Race:  Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I’m adept at cooking and baking, which I suppose would mean I’m rather good at collecting and measuring ingredients and such. I can also clean very well. I will admit that I haven’t accumulated many skills that could be deemed more useful, but perhaps this is my chance to change that.


What do you know about alchemy?

What I’ve heard of alchemy is only from what I’ve read in books. Having never seen its practice in person, all I know is that it involves mixing various herbs and such together in order to combine their special properties into elixers and such that provide various effects derived from those properties.


Why do you want to learn?

I rather enjoy learning new things, and I’ve taken a basic herbology course within the Grove. I love all things involving plants, and the opportunity to delve deeper into more than just taking care of them intrigues me. A man by the name of Iarias informed me to fill this out if I were interested in learning more about herbs, so I’ve decided to do just that.


Why should I teach you?

I think you’ll find that teaching a student as eager to learn as I am will be both an enticing and more than rewarding experience for yourself as a teacher. I love asking questions and participating in learning environments, and such areas are among the places I feel most comfortable. I can’t offer you money or anything physical in return, really, but I’m more than willing to help with whatever you may need help with, whether it be related to studies or not. I do not wish to be anything like a burden, and I’m willing to match the effort you place into me


Are you clever or dumb?

I suppose that’s up to you to decide, once we meet in person.


A clockwork bird searches about Siramenor to deliver the following message, it squawks the womans name until it finds her.



I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered.


See you soon, maybe! – Everett



((when the alchemy rewrite is done))

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Name: Elnirith

Age: 205
Race: High Elf 


What are you good at?

I’m pretty good at fishing, mediocre at swinging steel, walking, used to brew elixirs... forgot how to do that, though


What do you know about alchemy?

Alchemy is a power or a process that changes or transforms something in an enigmatic, impressive way – a philosophy aiming to achieve the discovery of a universal cure for an illness for the benefit and in order to prolong life. I understand the law of equivalent exchange, albeit not how to utilize such, and a bit of the mainstream herbs used in modern alchemy.


Why do you want to learn?

I wish to, once again, touch up on the art – re-learn it. I hadn’t practiced the aformentioned in a good while, and i see this as a perfect opportunity to not only do such, but learn new things too from an experienced ‘thaumaturge’


Why should i teach you?

I believe i should be given a chance because i once was a practitioner of voidal magick - knowing firsthand how such chaotic art is practiced. Disliking such, and ever since wishing to get into something more civilized, natural even. Seeing this parchment, i find this the perfect opportunity.


Are you clever or dumb?

That’s for you to find out..


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Name: Saevel Venleth

Age: 56

Race: Mali’thill


What are you good at? 

I am adept at gardening and herb collecting. As well as writing, cooking and geography which are skills I have picked up in the down time of my studies. I can also make a few concoctions.


What do you know about alchemy?

I have thoroughly studied an alchemical map that made its way to my lab. I have a decent amount of knowledge of the basics and fundamentals of alchemy and its meaning. I have also delved into natural philosophy. Finally, I can make an assortment of different potions and elixirs, among other things, though only for healing and treatment.


Why do you want to learn?

I wish to further pursue my studies and satiate the ever-growing grumble of hunger for innovation of alchemy.


Why should I teach you?

I have always proven to be a valuable student and asset within a work and learning place. I am always willing to learn, and take critique for the peculiarly precise craft that alchemy is. I hope that you will soon see that I can repay you in any way, such as helping out, scavenging for resources and more.


Are you clever or dumb?

I consider myself eager to learn, as such, I have an expanding bank of knowledge though there is infinite room for improvement.

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Name: Nicholas

Age: 23

Race:  Human


What are you good at?

I am a young man and as such I haven't had the lifetime needed to acquire many skills. As a youth, however, I did farm labor. As such, basic woodworking, knowledge and skill in agriculture, and cobbling are all things I am proficient at.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I confess. Footnotes and mentions in tomes, references in conversation. From what I have gleamed, it's manipulating natural properties to achieve a new result. Through herbs, and the like.


Why do you want to learn?

My knowledge of the natural world is lacking severely. Only recently have I emerged from my shell and truly learned a bit about the world I live in. I am quite tired of moving around the world slackjawed, so to speak, and from what I can gleam a study of the alchemical seems to be a good way to learn more of natural processes and of the world at large.


Why should I teach you?

I am maybe not the most knowledgeable of men at this current time, but I consider myself an apt student. I am capable of hearing, understanding, and discussing what may be taught to me, and I take such lessons seriously and with appreciation for whoever may teach them. If I prove myself worthy of tutorage, I won't squander the time you take for me.


Are you clever or dumb?

I am but a man, who has said and done foolish things. This is twice as true, as I am a youth. With that said, however, I am capable of learning and fixing my mistakes. I strive to never make the same mistake twice.

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7 hours ago, Archipelego said:

Name: Nicholas

Age: 23

Race:  Human


What are you good at?

I am a young man and as such I haven't had the lifetime needed to acquire many skills. As a youth, however, I did farm labor. As such, basic woodworking, knowledge and skill in agriculture, and cobbling are all things I am proficient at.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I confess. Footnotes and mentions in tomes, references in conversation. From what I have gleamed, it's manipulating natural properties to achieve a new result. Through herbs, and the like.


Why do you want to learn?

My knowledge of the natural world is lacking severely. Only recently have I emerged from my shell and truly learned a bit about the world I live in. I am quite tired of moving around the world slackjawed, so to speak, and from what I can gleam a study of the alchemical seems to be a good way to learn more of natural processes and of the world at large.


Why should I teach you?

I am maybe not the most knowledgeable of men at this current time, but I consider myself an apt student. I am capable of hearing, understanding, and discussing what may be taught to me, and I take such lessons seriously and with appreciation for whoever may teach them. If I prove myself worthy of tutorage, I won't squander the time you take for me.


Are you clever or dumb?

I am but a man, who has said and done foolish things. This is twice as true, as I am a youth. With that said, however, I am capable of learning and fixing my mistakes. I strive to never make the same mistake twice.


A clockwork bird searches about Helena and Haense to deliver the following message, it squawks the mans name and age until it finds him.



I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered.


See you soon, maybe! – Everett



((when the alchemy rewrite is done))


On 5/12/2020 at 7:43 PM, Nozoa said:

Name: Saevel Venleth

Age: 56

Race: Mali’thill


What are you good at? 

I am adept at gardening and herb collecting. As well as writing, cooking and geography which are skills I have picked up in the down time of my studies. I can also make a few concoctions.


What do you know about alchemy?

I have thoroughly studied an alchemical map that made its way to my lab. I have a decent amount of knowledge of the basics and fundamentals of alchemy and its meaning. I have also delved into natural philosophy. Finally, I can make an assortment of different potions and elixirs, among other things, though only for healing and treatment.


Why do you want to learn?

I wish to further pursue my studies and satiate the ever-growing grumble of hunger for innovation of alchemy.


Why should I teach you?

I have always proven to be a valuable student and asset within a work and learning place. I am always willing to learn, and take critique for the peculiarly precise craft that alchemy is. I hope that you will soon see that I can repay you in any way, such as helping out, scavenging for resources and more.


Are you clever or dumb?

I consider myself eager to learn, as such, I have an expanding bank of knowledge though there is infinite room for improvement.


A message is finally delivered to the Alchemist’s Guild.



Saevel, why would I teach you? What would I teach you, even? A friend of mine told me long ago of your guild, if you already have your hands on my father’s map, enough knowledge to further your own studies, AND assumedly your very own workplace, there’s nothing that I can do for you!



Edited by _Hexe_
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Name: Zolvan

Age: 87

Race: Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I am good at quite a few things as I have acquired many skills in my short life time, I am a skilled warrior, a quick learner, and some skills in writing and note taking. In my youth my father had me work in picking herbs in such for a family friend who practiced Alchemy, though I have not done so in many years. I would say my biggest boon is my curiosity, over the last 50 or so years of my life I have been moving from place to place, learning and seeking out knowledge wherever I may find it.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I have studied a few book and seen it practiced in small amounts, though I have never taken it upon myself until this moment to take the initiative to try and learn such an art. All I really know is that Alchemy is a concoction of herbs boiled down to a liquid state and combined to create different potions and elixir.


Why do you want to learn?

From my childhood until now Alchemy and the mixture of academical concoctions has interested me, the time one takes to master such a craft and the patience they must have to do so. I want to gain these skills and apply them to other areas of my life as well as fulfill my childhood dream and learn how one creates these elixirs and potions.


Why should I teach you?

Although I can not give you some large reason why you should teach me over everyone else who applies, or tell you I shall be the best student you’ve ever had. I’d like to say I am a quick learner and able to be a good student who will listen to you with joy and gather any knowledge you see fit it give me. I will gladly take what you find me worthy of learning, I will take it seriously and never squander the knowledge you bestow.


Are you clever or dumb?

I like to think I am fairly clever, I’ve spent most of my life moving around and gaining favor in different areas of the world. Through my travel I have acquired knowledge and something most valuable, common sense.


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2 hours ago, JaxonBlues said:

Name: Zolvan

Age: 87

Race: Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I am good at quite a few things as I have acquired many skills in my short life time, I am a skilled warrior, a quick learner, and some skills in writing and note taking. In my youth my father had me work in picking herbs in such for a family friend who practiced Alchemy, though I have not done so in many years. I would say my biggest boon is my curiosity, over the last 50 or so years of my life I have been moving from place to place, learning and seeking out knowledge wherever I may find it.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I have studied a few book and seen it practiced in small amounts, though I have never taken it upon myself until this moment to take the initiative to try and learn such an art. All I really know is that Alchemy is a concoction of herbs boiled down to a liquid state and combined to create different potions and elixir.


Why do you want to learn?

From my childhood until now Alchemy and the mixture of academical concoctions has interested me, the time one takes to master such a craft and the patience they must have to do so. I want to gain these skills and apply them to other areas of my life as well as fulfill my childhood dream and learn how one creates these elixirs and potions.


Why should I teach you?

Although I can not give you some large reason why you should teach me over everyone else who applies, or tell you I shall be the best student you’ve ever had. I’d like to say I am a quick learner and able to be a good student who will listen to you with joy and gather any knowledge you see fit it give me. I will gladly take what you find me worthy of learning, I will take it seriously and never squander the knowledge you bestow.


Are you clever or dumb?

I like to think I am fairly clever, I’ve spent most of my life moving around and gaining favor in different areas of the world. Through my travel I have acquired knowledge and something most valuable, common sense.



A clockwork bird searches about Siramenor and Aegrothond to deliver the following message, it squawks the mans name and age until it finds him.



I’ll send you a letter of when you start whenever I can be bothered.


See you soon, maybe! – Everett



((when the alchemy rewrite is done))




The notices have a second piece of paper pinned to them.



No more spaces! Still taking applications for later, though. Feel free to put your name down!

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On 5/12/2020 at 1:15 PM, TheAlphaMoist said:

Name: Ophelia

Age: 110

Race:  Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I’m adept at cooking and baking, which I suppose would mean I’m rather good at collecting and measuring ingredients and such. I can also clean very well. I will admit that I haven’t accumulated many skills that could be deemed more useful, but perhaps this is my chance to change that.


What do you know about alchemy?

What I’ve heard of alchemy is only from what I’ve read in books. Having never seen its practice in person, all I know is that it involves mixing various herbs and such together in order to combine their special properties into elixers and such that provide various effects derived from those properties.


Why do you want to learn?

I rather enjoy learning new things, and I’ve taken a basic herbology course within the Grove. I love all things involving plants, and the opportunity to delve deeper into more than just taking care of them intrigues me. A man by the name of Iarias informed me to fill this out if I were interested in learning more about herbs, so I’ve decided to do just that.


Why should I teach you?

I think you’ll find that teaching a student as eager to learn as I am will be both an enticing and more than rewarding experience for yourself as a teacher. I love asking questions and participating in learning environments, and such areas are among the places I feel most comfortable. I can’t offer you money or anything physical in return, really, but I’m more than willing to help with whatever you may need help with, whether it be related to studies or not. I do not wish to be anything like a burden, and I’m willing to match the effort you place into me


Are you clever or dumb?

I suppose that’s up to you to decide, once we meet in person.


On 5/15/2020 at 4:48 AM, Archipelego said:

Name: Nicholas

Age: 23

Race:  Human


What are you good at?

I am a young man and as such I haven't had the lifetime needed to acquire many skills. As a youth, however, I did farm labor. As such, basic woodworking, knowledge and skill in agriculture, and cobbling are all things I am proficient at.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I confess. Footnotes and mentions in tomes, references in conversation. From what I have gleamed, it's manipulating natural properties to achieve a new result. Through herbs, and the like.


Why do you want to learn?

My knowledge of the natural world is lacking severely. Only recently have I emerged from my shell and truly learned a bit about the world I live in. I am quite tired of moving around the world slackjawed, so to speak, and from what I can gleam a study of the alchemical seems to be a good way to learn more of natural processes and of the world at large.


Why should I teach you?

I am maybe not the most knowledgeable of men at this current time, but I consider myself an apt student. I am capable of hearing, understanding, and discussing what may be taught to me, and I take such lessons seriously and with appreciation for whoever may teach them. If I prove myself worthy of tutorage, I won't squander the time you take for me.


Are you clever or dumb?

I am but a man, who has said and done foolish things. This is twice as true, as I am a youth. With that said, however, I am capable of learning and fixing my mistakes. I strive to never make the same mistake twice.


On 5/15/2020 at 6:26 PM, JaxonBlues said:

Name: Zolvan

Age: 87

Race: Mali’ame


What are you good at?

I am good at quite a few things as I have acquired many skills in my short life time, I am a skilled warrior, a quick learner, and some skills in writing and note taking. In my youth my father had me work in picking herbs in such for a family friend who practiced Alchemy, though I have not done so in many years. I would say my biggest boon is my curiosity, over the last 50 or so years of my life I have been moving from place to place, learning and seeking out knowledge wherever I may find it.


What do you know about alchemy?

Not much, I have studied a few book and seen it practiced in small amounts, though I have never taken it upon myself until this moment to take the initiative to try and learn such an art. All I really know is that Alchemy is a concoction of herbs boiled down to a liquid state and combined to create different potions and elixir.


Why do you want to learn?

From my childhood until now Alchemy and the mixture of academical concoctions has interested me, the time one takes to master such a craft and the patience they must have to do so. I want to gain these skills and apply them to other areas of my life as well as fulfill my childhood dream and learn how one creates these elixirs and potions.


Why should I teach you?

Although I can not give you some large reason why you should teach me over everyone else who applies, or tell you I shall be the best student you’ve ever had. I’d like to say I am a quick learner and able to be a good student who will listen to you with joy and gather any knowledge you see fit it give me. I will gladly take what you find me worthy of learning, I will take it seriously and never squander the knowledge you bestow.


Are you clever or dumb?

I like to think I am fairly clever, I’ve spent most of my life moving around and gaining favor in different areas of the world. Through my travel I have acquired knowledge and something most valuable, common sense.



A letter is sent to the three;


Hello all!


Hope you’re well. Please send me your times of availability.


Cheers! Everett.

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Name: Sapientae

Age: 52

Race: Elf


What are you good at? I can shoot a bow. I can swing a sword, yet I cannot heal. Apart from that i cannot do much that others can. I suppose i can read, write, think, analyse even, but that’s about it.


What do you know about alchemy? I’ve read books about the 4 main symbols (earth, air, water, fire) and what they represent. I know of some herbs that represent the aspects and their properties. I also know the dangers of alchemy, such as homunculi, chimeras, the philosophers stone. It must be noted, however, that most of my knowledge comes from books i’ve found in libraries across the land, not from experience.


Why do you want to learn? To help those who cannot help them selves. Also to satiate my lust for knowledge and experience (I find alchemy very interesting and engaging, even if it does lead to a few explosions).


Why should I teach you? I suppose because i have previous knowledge, even if it is only from books, which dictates my dedication to the art. Whether or not you think that is enough is up to you.


Are you clever or dumb: Depends on how to measure cleverness or stupidity. I’m stupid at things i have no experience at. I’m smart at things i do have experience in. Don’t ask a goldfish to climb a tree, or it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid.

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Ciliren Vethrai






What are you good at?

I can swing steel well enough to protect myself, and I have experience in a laboratory environment. I know how to gather herbs for myself, and have done so in the past. I am a practicing physician, and have stitched countless wounds at this point. My favorite pastime is the creation of Sorvians, clay constructs that are a joy to be around. 


What do you know about alchemy?

I have read multiple books on alchemy and alchemical theory, and have spent a hefty amount on more books to complete my collection. As said before, I have collected herbs in the past for their base properties, and have been able to use them effectively in helping the injured. 


Why do you want to learn?

The primary reason would simply be that there is knowledge to gain, and I would like to gain it. The other reasons are mostly my intense interest in the subject from my countless time reading various books on the wonders that the science can do. Curiosity, a desire to learn, and a duty to heal all give me reason to want to learn. 


Why should I teach you?

I like to believe I am a rather apt student, with a passion for learning things in the world. I study and look into various things and topics, with the pursuit of alchemy at the top of these subjects. A mixture of a passionate and eager learner would surely make the experience enjoyable for the both of us. 


Are you clever or dumb?

Giving either answer is either vain or foolish, so I will not say either. I will say that I know some things, and do not know others. There is a broad spectrum of intelligence in all matter of subjects, so we cannot quantify intelligence in any meaningful way. 


Edited by TimberBuff
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1 hour ago, TimberBuff said:

Giving either answer is either vain or foolish, so I will not say either. I will say that I know some things, and do not know others. There is a broad spectrum of intelligence in all matter of subjects, so we cannot quantify intelligence in any meaningful way. 


A bird built of clockwork and mechanism seeks the woman out, returning her answer to this question torn off from the rest, circled and underlined a few times over. “Genius!” is written beside it.


Come by the factory sometime. I don’t have the time to teach alchemy, but I can show you something else that you’ll absolutely be interested in.


- Sir Everett Ferro


((discord dm me or forum w/e

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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