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Recovering The Ancient Tongue Of The Elves.


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I've updated the wiki page with all the words. Haven't added any of the new sections though, perhaps you should look at it Sporadic as I'm sure you understand the grammar stuff better than I do.

((Well, my take would be to copypaste this page directly, as I am satisfied with my own setup. You formatted the wiki a bit differently, which is of course fine, so I leave the decision up to you. If it were up to me, though, the grammar stuff you're requesting will be directly copied from the main page.

I also noticed some words I didn't put on the main thread. I did so now, though there's still the 'heya' matter which I'll add to curious words soon. Though I don't know how to integrate this word yet.))

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Felt I should put it in as I had been using it a little bit. As it stands I use it for any question except where 'o' is appropriate. The nature of the question is determined by following heya with the subject. So for 'which tree' its heya'taliame, and seen as sentences start with the subject it is always the first word of the sentence, therefore '?' is not used in elven.

And that raises another point: where is it appropriate to say Elven, and where to say Elvish?

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Fellow scholars,

I am deeply pleased to inform you that, after deciphering the scattered tomes that accounted his travels, I have come into contact with the retired Aerin Lissar. He is faring well, though he has asked me not to divulge his new whereabouts, for his health requests he stay away from the turmoil that now sweeps our lands.

However, he has been most hospitable, and even entrusted me with the entirety of the notes he and his companions drew up. I can assure you, they are most insightful. And even though it may overthrow some of the information that we until now assumed to be true, I am positive that this collection will rapidly advance our knowledge of the eldest of tongues in the near future.


Rivell Gordian

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((I've been trying to update the wiki page. Things are getting confusing, but I think I'm faring all right))

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((I had rearranged the words on the wiki page into sections because when you want to find a word fast its really freaking hard if you don't know what letter it starts with.))

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((I had rearranged the words on the wiki page into sections because when you want to find a word fast its really freaking hard if you don't know what letter it starts with.))

((I'm just afraid that further seperation than that between affixes and seed words will no longer be possible, considering the great amount of different words that can be formed from the same seed word, verbs nouns and adjectives. Unless you want to name each seed word thrice (once in each catagory) the recombination just becomes too much.

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I understand what you mean, but its so frustrating when you write something in elven spur of the moment and then you can't remember a word, so flick over to wiki and then spend a minute looking for the word. By that time the moment is passed. If we could divide them into categories -to take out Pronouns maybe, as there's a few of them- it would make quickly finding a word easier. But we can only really put down root words in the wiki or it will be an overload.

Potential categories, without going to verbs and adjectives again because I see your point, could be: Pronouns (wizard, elf, etc.) and Nature (forest, salmon, etc.) Perhaps we should continue this conversation in PM.

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This language has been the product of a decent amount of time, but we are not yet ready to release literature either in elven or about it. I am hoping to offer classes in speaking the language at AIT eventually, whether or not I teach it is to be determined later. Once the

scattered tomes that accounted the travels of Aerin Lissar

have been properly assessed and added we will most likely have enough of the language to warrant writing books.

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This language has been the product of a decent amount of time, but we are not yet ready to release literature either in elven or about it. I am hoping to offer classes in speaking the language at AIT eventually, whether or not I teach it is to be determined later. Once the

have been properly assessed and added we will most likely have enough of the language to warrant writing books.

((Actually I gave Mechawolf the green light on writing books about the elven language. Mostly this amounts to progress reports and ties in with his other projects, such as the Wardens.

Of course, Mecha hasn't been around lately. I suppose if you don't want anyone else writing about it we won't give express permission. It's only a little bit more time until Nanatsuno's notes are integrated and we'll have a pretty usable language, anyway.))

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[[i would suggest trying to get a plugin that works much like that of the ale plugin, changing words and such. Now obviously with would be difficult because of all the words but what you could do is take basic words such as is, are, and, of, from etc… and have the plugin switch out these words with your elven words.]]

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((Interesting idea, however along with trying to spread Ancient Elven we're simultaneously encourging mispronunciations and incorrect sentence structuring etc. Trying to keep some mysticism about the language by making it very hard to learn. If Elven was too easy to learn then everyone would and it wouldn't be special.))

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Nov. 17 Quick Changelog:

  • Introduced the -sae affix family. Allows for many new words.
  • Created the -ii suffix and the matali- prefix combination for even more words.
  • Many new words added! Most of them focused on giving names to the block types in minecraft (most block types now have an elven name, items don't yet)
  • Added 5 elven colors: White, black, red blue and gray
  • Gave both this thread and the wiki sections per letter (standard dictionary style)
  • Added a few useful phrases to the wiki, to be used in everyday conversation.
  • Attempted to fine-tune the elven language for popular use and accessibility in-game.

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