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[✗] [Playable CA] The Twisted Paths - Shade


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-- The Twisted Paths (Background) –

Aknu’gul, the trapped Mother, freed herself from the confines of the Shade Gems through the purloining of the immense power of the Daeva, which allowed her to snap her ancient bindings, and ascend to divinity. However, unbeknownst to her at first, and beyond the scope of the Shades themselves, remained a pool of power unused. The extent of the might of the Daeva was even greater than Arun’Asna, Aknu’gul at the time, understood in her limited sentience, and so their total absorption was unnecessary, but nonetheless was a consequence of her desire for freedom.


As such, the pool of power was eventually realized, and seeing the growth and spread of her children occurring with a newfound lack of direction, missing the calculating obedience of the Foretakers, Arun’Asna saw it fit to bolster her children, as to propel them towards her goals more efficiently. So she brought to life two new states of being, elevated as the Daeva were, but a far, far cry from their extreme power. She split these states into two distinct categories, the Exalted, who would act as the Daeva did, as calculating, obedient leaders, to shepard the Shades towards the pursuit of anarchy, and the Eclipsed, who would bolster the capabilities of their peers, and could utilize the boons of Shade to influence their environments.




- Exalted -

Shepherds of the flock, cold and calculating, lifted onto an echelon otherwise unforeseen, beyond the unstable scope of the Shade Fathers, lost in a typhoon of psychosis. Closest to their predecessors, the Exalted undergo the Binding Ritual to achieve their elevated state, transforming their very beings into creatures above the puny limitations of Man. As Dark Messiahs under Arun’Asna, they are provided the tools needed to carry out Her will, to perpetuate the pursuit of anarchy, and the demolition of order and society.



The Binding Ritual is the process of elevating a Shade Father into the Exalted state, transforming their soul and mind to mirror the whims of Arun’Asna, to make a Shade Father into an obedient shepherd. The ritual utilizes a Shade Gem, and requires the presence of another, or multiple others, of the nature that the Shade Father in question shall be transformed into.





  • The Shade Father who shall be elevated to Exalted is led into a room with a Shade Gem, alone save for the presence of the Exalted (one or more) who shall be aiding in the ritual. The Shade Father is made to seal their eyes, and kneel before the Shade Gem, while the Exalted moves behind the Shade Gem, or in the case of multiple, circles the Shade Gem and Shade Father. Over the course of six emotes, the Exalted shall place their hands upon the Shade Gem, and shall ease their focus inward on the churning chaos of the Shade Gem, pulling its very essence forth, which appears as a great illumined essence of orange and yellow. Once pulled forth, the chaotic essence is brought before the Shade Father, and, like the process of Parasite Creation, forced into their form, to merge with The Parasite inside them.



  • If there are no living Exalted, an Eclipsed may create one new Exalted in order for a replacement to be made.

  • A Shade Father is required to possess a TA in order to undergo this process.

  • When a player becomes Exalted they MUST agree oocly to the PK clause, else the Binding Ritual will fail. If the Shade Gem they were created at is ever destroyed, they enter into a permanent PK-clause state, meaning that the next time they die, it will be irreversible if they are not rebound to a new gem.

  • There is no limit to the number of Exalted that can exist at one time.





The moment that the Binding Ritual completes, assuming success, the Shade Father will begin to undergo a series of rapid physical and mental adjustments as the raw chaotic energy of Arun’Asna becomes one with The Parasite, and through The Parasite fundamentally changes their soul. The prime adjustment throughout this process is with The Parasite itself, and the way that it interacts with the Shade Father, now Exalted, who possesses it. As well, the Exalted may take note of the fact that they no longer age, nor do they require traditional sustenance to live, becoming effectively immortal, although susceptible to a new, extremely dangerous, condition.





  • Foremost, The Parasite will cease its intense, schizophrenic-like harassment of the Shade Father, now Exalted. The Exalted will furthermore be in a state of mind to embrace the madness they gained throughout Shadedom, seeing it as a benefit of Arun’Asna rather than a curse.

    • To reiterate, while the Parasite itself will no longer torment the Shade Father, all insane behaviour, nightmares, and mental trauma that The Exalted experienced as a normal Shade will not go away. The Exalted will instead merely be unable to see the negative effect it has on them, akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

    • Due to the lack of a sentient parasite to harass them, Exalted not only lose the weaknesses to having a parasite, but they also lose all of the mental boons. No longer will they have a natural mental barrier to protect themselves from mental mages, and no longer will they be able to wake up quickly from unconsciousness. Furthermore, they lose the benefits of Passive Caliginous Healing. Without a parasite, they must manually cover their wounds with amber, which will require an extra emote via a connection tell in order to do so. The existence of amber within their system, however, still proves to be an effective tool in warding off disease and sickness.

  • Fundamentally, the Exalted will undergo a shift in their personality. The goals and interests of Arun’Asna will become the pinnacle of importance, and their perpetuation is an unending goal that must be pushed upon all Shades. This is vitally important to an Exalted, who will always seek to perpetuate the bringing about of anarchy via the Shades, or themselves, over civilization and civilized structures, whether by seeking their destruction, or bringing them to a grinding halt, to a state in which they cannot effectively function.

    • Along with the shift in personality, they’ll find that they would take up some characteristics their parasite once had; this is not a complete merge, though the Exalted will still display their own personality and their parasite’s.

  • Physically, an Exalted is ageless, ceasing their aging at the age at which they achieved this state. This prevents an Exalted from dying of old age.

  • Exalted suffer from an aversion and weakness towards light. Like their stygian mother, Arun’Asna, who lives and basks in darkness, they inherit traits associated with this state. Sources of intense light, such as any source of natural light larger than four blocks (a bonfire, a stream of fire from an Azdrazi, evocated fire, et cetera,) will cause the Exalted mental and bodily pain, driving them to flee from the source, remaining at least 5 blocks away lest they suffer these driving pains. Being out in direct sunlight causes a resting state of discomfort for an Exalted.

  • To counter their intense version to light, an Exalted will find that they can see well in total darkness.



  • It is impossible for an Exalted to opt to neglect the driving desire to perpetuate Arun’Asna’s will. They feel an intense, unignorable, natural urge to bring about anarchy, to dismantle order, and to guide the Shades, like a shepherd does their flock, to carry out these goals.

  • The discomfort of being in direct sunlight is not overwhelming, and can, with some effort, be pushed off as to allow travel and interaction within direct sunlight. However, prolonged exposure (1-2 IRL hours) will cause discomfort to build up to such an extent that the Exalted will feel the urge to find shade.

    • It is permitted for “narrative time” to be taken into consideration when an Exalted is roleplaying. Which is to say that if a roleplay scenario began at night, just because the MC sun came up doesn’t mean they’re suddenly uncomfortable.

    • Simply having prosthetic eyes does not exempt and Exalted from feeling the pains of being subjected to bright light. Even if completely blinded, being within the sunlight for too long will still drive an Exalted to, with great difficulty, find shade. 

    • When in total darkness, their vision is not perfect, and instead is akin to being outside under the light of a full moon.




DARKFORM -- (Combative)

Darkform is a special state of being capable of being utilized by Exalted, often brought about at moments of intense need, circumstantially specific, to make a point, or turn the side of a bad scene. Those who possess this ability often see this as a close representation of their mother, Arun’Asna, bound to their form to be utilized as a great tool in their efforts. 






  • Darkform is activated by first spending 30 Points of Amber, which, over the course of 5 emotes, appears as their skin turning an ashen black color. Their skin then seems to coagulate, and finally, it turns into amber.

    • The appearance of this form is unique to every Exalted, but most often takes on a grotesque, nightmarish appearance designed to strike fear into one’s foes.

    • Darkform causes a shade’s voice to become ethereal or eldritch in nature, with the exact flair of such being up to the player. Along with this, Darkform can produce an aesthetic glow matching that of a Shade Gem’s, in order to represent the creature’s fine tuned connection to Arun’Asna. Both of these can be toggled on and off, and neither are required.

    • While in Darkform, the aforementioned aesthetic glow can be used as a Shade tell.

  • This amber can be softened back to the density of flesh in one emote.

  • For three emotes, an Exalted can cause this amber to harden to that of wood. An additional emote turns it to iron, and one more emote turns it to steel. It cannot harden further.

    • When hardening Darkform, the amber making up the body will grow bulkier, as if the user is donning armor. At the density of steel, the amber is as bulky as standard plate armor.

      • While clothing and armor can be worn over the standard flesh density of Darkform, clothing will rip and tear upon hardening its density past wood. Wearing armor over Darkform prevents the amber from hardening at all.

      • At the strength of iron and steel, the fingers of Darkform do not form like normal digits, and cannot be modified out of their altered state. Rather, the digits of Darkform form like large, razor sharp claws, as strong as iron or steel, respectively.

  • When Darkform has not been hardened, the fingers of Darkform can be shaped and hardened into large, razor sharp claws, as strong as iron with two emotes, or as strong as steel in three.

  • While Darkform is active, the voice of the Exalted’s parasite returns. However, rather than in a tormenting fashion, it will act as a guiding force, coercing them to commit acts of foul and atrocious design. Along with this, it will don a feminine voice, or whatever voice the Exalted believes would fit their view of Arun’Asna, in order to make him or her believe that it is the Mother speaking with them, and in turn guiding them.

    • Darkform can be sustained for as long as the Exalted would like. However, exposure to natural fire, or direct sunlight, will cause it to immediately revert (deactivate). As well, if the Exalted is knocked unconscious, the form will immediately revert (deactivate). Furthermore, if the Exalted sustains a great amount of damage while in Darkform, such as being stabbed through the torso, or losing a limb, Darkform will revert entirely. Small cuts and scrapes will not be enough for this. All wounds transfer over to the Exalted’s mortal body. 

    • Natural fire, specifically, causes intense damage to an Exalted, should they be in Dark Form. The extent to which fire normally affects a descendent being is compounded two-fold, flesh melting away rapidly, muscle and bone becoming deteriorated or all but destroyed twice as fast as normal. On top of this, natural fire has the same effect as Aurum when used against physical Amber manifested by an Exalted utilizing Dark Form.

  • If an Exalted is missing limbs, Darkform can still be activated in its entirety. However, damage to any new limbs made, such as them being severed or stabbed through, will cause an equal amount of damage to be made to the mortal body, such as an arm stub opening as if it were freshly cut, and it will cause Darkform to deactivate.



  • If at any point during the five emote activation process the Exalted is struck in the head, exposed to natural sunlight, or struck with fire, the process will be stopped, and the Amber will be wasted.

  • Containers (such as large bags and back-satchels) will be forced off of the Exalted during the transformation process.

  • Because of the state of the Exalted’s digits in iron and steel Darkform, they are incapable of wielding weapons or items, and cannot reasonably lift or carry objects without damaging them (respective to the object being carried).

  • All of a Shade Father’s, and normal Exalted’s, abilities may be used whilst Darkform is activated.

    • If Amber Manipulation is utilized while Darkform is active, the strength of the Amber armor will lower from steel to iron (with one limb being manipulated), and will lower from iron to wood (with two limbs being manipulated).

  • So long as Darkform is not denser than flesh, thick robes and clothing can be enough to keep sunlight from reverting it. This is because there is no benefit to Darkform while it is at this state of density, and it only serves as an aesthetic until hardened. Exposure to fire, even while covered, will deactivate Darkform. “Exposure” dictates coming into physical contact with fire.

  • Natural fire, whether created or from an Azdrazi, causes immediate and immense damage to an Exalted while in Dark Form, and their Amber. In mere moments a consistent source of natural fire can obliterate a portion of an Exalted’s body, or totally destroy the Amber affected by it. 

  • The exact size of the fire that will be enough to cause horrible bodily harm to an Exalted is anything the size of an average adult human’s fist. The exact size of the fire that is enough to deactivate darkform is anything larger than that of a match’s head being lit aflame. Small sparks will not cause a full deactivation, but holes will form in darkform where the sparks made contact.

  • While Dark Form reverts the moment fire is made in contact with it, the damage is still conveyed on the body of the Exalted. 

  • A shade tell MUST be present when in Darkform, even if covered. Wisps could leak out of fabric, smog can pour out of a mask’s holes, but a tell must always be present.

  • Darkform cannot be hardened when the user is wearing armor and any attempt to do such will not work. 

  • Five emotes are required for Darkform to be activated.

  • Sexual FTB cannot be done in Darkform.








  • Darkform is activated by first spending 30 Points of Amber, which, over the course of 5 emotes, appears as their skin turning an ashen black color. Their skin then seems to coagulate, and finally, it turns into amber.

    • The appearance of this form is unique to every Exalted, but most often takes on a grotesque, nightmarish appearance designed to strike fear into one’s foes.

    • Darkform causes a shade’s voice to become ethereal or eldritch in nature, with the exact flair of such being up to the player. Along with this, Darkform can produce an aesthetic glow matching that of a Shade Gem’s, in order to represent the creature’s finely tuned connection to Arun’Asna.

  • When out of combat, the appendages of Darkform are entirely manipulatable, just as normal amber is, for the Exalted. This means the same out of combat flair that can be done with standard amber manipulation applies to the Darkform’s hands and arms as well. Legs cannot be manipulated.

  • While Darkform is active, the voice of the Exalted’s parasite returns. However, rather than in a tormenting fashion, it will act as a guiding force, coercing them to commit acts of foul and atrocious design. Along with this, it will don a feminine voice, or whatever voice the Exalted believes would fit their view of Arun’Asna, in order to make him or her believe that it is the Mother speaking with them, and in turn guiding them.

  • Hardening non-combative Darkform above flesh density causes it to take on the same mechanics and redlines as combative Darkform. 



  • If at any point during the five emote activation process the Exalted is struck in the head, exposed to natural sunlight, or struck with fire, the process will be stopped, and the Amber will be wasted.

  • Containers (such as large bags and back-satchels) will be forced off of the Exalted during the transformation. 

  • Thick robes and clothing can be enough to keep sunlight from reverting Darkform. This is because there is no benefit to Darkform while it is as soft as flesh, and it only serves as an aesthetic until hardened. Exposure to fire, even while covered, will deactivate Darkform.

  • A shade tell MUST be present when in Darkform, even if covered. Wisps could leak out of fabric, smog can pour out of a mask’s holes, but a tell must always be present.

  • Darkform cannot be hardened past flesh when the user is wearing armor and any attempt to do so will fail.

  • Five emotes are required for Darkform to be activated.

  • Sexual FTB cannot be done in Darkform.




DARKENED LIMBS - (Combative)

The Exalted may only need a portion of their body to go under Darkform. In this case, they can activate it so it only covers a portion of their body.






  • Darkened Limbs is activated by spending 5 points of amber. The Exalted can then spend three emotes to turn their hand, lower arm and hand, into a portion of Darkform. Hands and arms can be hardened and shaped as could traditional manipulated amber for the same cost of points. Only one limb can be changed at a time.

  • The appendage changed will be as soft as flesh to begin with. An additional emote is used to shape it, then harden it.

  • The appendage cannot be stretched like a normal tendril can, and it can only grow an additional block in size.

  • Damage sustained to the appendage in this state transfers over to the normal body.

  • Significant damage, such as what would equate to the loss of a finger, or what would break an arm, is enough for the state to deactivate.

  • Direct sunlight and exposure to fire will cause the appendage to immediately deactivate.

  • Clothing is enough to hide the form from sunlight so long as it is not denser than flesh.

  • If an Exalted is missing limbs, Darkened limbs can still be activated in its entirety. However, damage to any new limbs made, such as them being severed or stabbed through, will cause an equal amount of damage to be made to the mortal body, such as an arm stub opening as if it were freshly cut, and it will cause Darkform to deactivate.



  • If at any point during the four emote activation process the Exalted is attacked, struck in the head, the appendage is exposed to natural sunlight or struck with fire, the process will be stopped, and the Amber will be wasted.

  • If the Exalted was holding something in a hand that is being changed, the object will be dropped.

  • Thick robes and clothing can be enough to keep sunlight from reverting it so long as it is not denser than flesh.

  • Three emotes are required for Darkened Limbs to be activated.





By utilizing the close connection of Arun’Asna within their being, an Exalted may give a victim, Shade or not, a vision of malefic design. Cities burning to the ground, children being slaughtered by their parents, images of the world dying by the hands of beings born of chaotic origin, exposure to these visions forces the victim to suffer from the downsides of Shadedom, and prolonged exposure can leave the victim with permanent effects.






  • By spending 20 points of amber, and by first spending three emotes to activate it, an Exalted may, over the course of ten emotes, force a victim to bear witness to visions designed by the Exalted in question.

  • The Exalted must place both hands against a victim’s skull, and after three emotes, the visions begin.

    • As emotes progress, the visions grow darker in nature. What may begin with cities being raided may progress to mass murders, the slaughtering of children, all the way to the world being seen as a hellscape full of dark and hideous creatures torturing descendants in their wake.

  • As emotes progress, the Exalted will transfer the mental downsides of Shadedom onto the target for a period of 1 OOC hour. The amount of emotes used determines the tier strength of the downsides transferred.

    • Specifically, 4 emotes equates to the downside of a Tier 1 Shade, 5 emotes is Tier 2, 6 emotes is Tier 3, 7 emotes is Tier 4, 8 emotes is tier 5, and 9 emotes increases the mental downsides to that of an Eclipsed. 

    • If the victim bears witness to ten emotes worth of visions, they may become heavily or permanently scarred, their mind tattered and broken from what they have seen. This will result in some form of mental disorder plaguing their mind. The disorder in question, be it schizophrenia, shellshock, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, etc, will either last for 1 full OOC week, or if the player so chooses, it could become permanent. 

  • The visions in question do not inherently target or otherwise use the victim’s own personal fears or phobias. They are specifically of the Exalted’s design, based around the chaotic energies of Arun’Asna resting within them.

    • These visions are chaotic and evil in nature, and they share themes of Armageddon and the end of the world. 

  • It should be noted that if an Exalted were to use this spell on a Shade who is not facing punishment, that is to say undeserving, then the Exalted will be breaking a tenet via causing undue mental harm to a fellow Shade.

  • The tell required to cast this spell is a dark red glow appearing somewhere from the Exalted. Where this light appears is up to player choice, however it must be visible and cannot be hidden.



  • The moment contact is ripped away, the spell will finish casting, and it cannot be continued.

  • The visions cannot cause physical harm, only mental harm.

  • For the vision to cause lasting harm, 10 emotes must be done, and OOC consent of the victim’s player must be had.

  • The visions must be dark in nature, and grow more horrific and grotesque as emotes advance.

  • The downsides of a T5 Shade, as defined in lore, include a horrific choir of voices plaguing the mind, each one suggesting the victim to carry out horrible acts of chaotic nature. Sleep will be haunted with night terrors of vile design, and it will be impossible to get more than a few hours of rest at a time, if even that. 

  • This does not grant one a Shade Parasite, and so does not grant anyone the boons of Shade. It solely gives a victim the mental downsides.

  • Mental downsides consists of exactly what is listed under the Mental Downsides section of Shade Magic.

  • If this spell is used on a T5 Shade, their already present downsides increase to that of an Eclipsed.

  • Shades cannot be permanently affected by this spell.

  • This spell may only be used on a specific victim once per week.

  • If all 13 emotes are used, the victim will suffer the mental downsides of an Exalted, and after the hour, the downsides fade and the mental illness the Player chooses to gain will take effect.

  • 13 Emotes are required to cast the spell in total.





By utilizing the close connection of Arun’Asna within their being, an Exalted may give a victim, Shade or not, a vision of what a Shade would call paradise. Cities ruled under anarchy, rebellion running free, the world prevailing under Sin, prolonged exposure to these visions can leave the victim obsessing over Arun’Asna, possibly to an unhealthy extent.







  • By spending 20 points of amber, and by first spending three emotes to activate it, an Exalted may, over the course of ten emotes, force a victim to bear witness to visions designed by the Exalted in question.

  • The Exalted must place both hands against a victim’s skull, and after three emotes, the visions begin.

  • Despite how corrupt and morally unsound these visions may be, the victim will slowly grow a euphoric reaction to what they witness. What may first begin with resistance slowly morphs into acceptance. By the end of the fifth emote, the victim will become obsessed with Arun’Asna for 1 OOC day, and they will feel compelled to act in her name, be it through acting chaotically and inciting anarchy, or by simply spreading her faith to others.

    • If the victim bears witness to ten emotes worth of visions, they may become heavily or permanently scarred, their mind warped and twisted by what they have seen. This will result in a manic, unhealthy obsession with Arun’Asna for one full OOC week, or if the player so chooses, this can become permanent. This could be roleplayed as the victim refusing to eat, bathe, or sleep in favor of spreading anarchy or her faith, or other insane behavior, such as writing ‘Arun’Asna’ over and over again on public buildings or in a diary they once kept close. 

  • These visions are positive in nature, and they share themes of life unending and how a Shade would envision Heaven.

    • No matter what manic behavior the player so chooses to RP, the victim will be in a state of mind to believe that their mania is positive, and they will be unable to see how self destructive they are acting.

  • The tell required to cast this spell is a dark red light appearing somewhere from the Exalted. Where this light appears is up to player choice, however it must be visible and cannot be hidden.



  • The moment contact is ripped away, the spell will finish casting, and it cannot be continued.

  • The visions cannot cause physical harm, only mental harm.

  • For the vision to cause lasting harm, 10 emotes must be done, and OOC consent of the victim’s player must be had.

  • While this spell could be used to assist in convincing a victim to accept a Shade Parasite, it does not inherently on its own bestow a need or desire to have a Parasite.

    • This spell does not force the victim to work with a Shade, nor does it force them to follow orders. 

  • Shades do not gain an obsession due to this spell, however they do feel the euphoria.

  • This spell requires 13 emotes to cast in its entirety.





By utilizing the close connection of Arun’Asna within their being, an Exalted may give a victim a vision that washes away mental trauma received from Cognatism, mundane mental illness, or anything in between, other than Shade. It can also be used to reverse the effects of other Visions of Arun’Asna.






  • By spending 10 points of amber, an Exalted may, over the course of ten emotes, lessen any mental illnesses or trauma a victim suffers from for a period of 1 OOC hour. The amount of emotes used determines how effective the illnesses or trauma is suppressed. 

  • For all magics other than shade, including creatures, or mundane illnesses / traumas, think of the mental damage lessened per emote to be percentage based. 2 emotes equates to 20% of the illness or trauma lessened, 6 emotes equates to 100% of the illness or trauma lessened for 1 OOC hour.

  • If the total amount of emotes is used, the permanent effects of other Visions of Arun’Asna may be reversed entirely, and/or the victim’s mundane mental illnesses will be absent for a period of 3 OOC days.

  • This Vision does not grant images and hallucinations in the traditional sense, and can instead be thought of as washing away the victim’s current thoughts and feelings. By the sixth emote, the mind is in a peaceful, quiet state, with the victim’s thoughts being quiet and almost inaudible. By the tenth emote, the victim’s mind will be rendered entirely blank, forcing the victim into an almost vegetative state. After the tenth emote is complete, however, the vision ends, and the victim’s mind returns to how it was before, save for their mental trauma being washed away.

  • The tell for this spell is indicated via a yellow glow, akin to a Shade Gem being activated. The location of this glow is up to the player's choice, however it must be visible.

  • While performing VoA: Benevolance, an Exalted may choose to cast another one of the visions on themselves.



  • The moment contact is ripped away, the spell will finish casting, and it cannot be continued or redone.

  • This spell can only be conducted on a specific victim once per week

  • This does not remove the downsides of a Shade Parasite, or whatever magic is relevant.

  • Magical downsides cannot be lessened for more than 1 OOC hour.

  • Arun’Asna’s Benevolence costs 11 emotes to use in its entirety.

  • If casting another vision on themselves, an Exalted will not bear any negative or positive effects outside of flair, and there is no emote limit. 






By entering a state of meditation, an Exalted may tap into the inner connection of Arun’Asna within themselves and commune with what they believe to be Her. In reality, their Parasite reawakens, and it converses with the Exalted while acting how the Exalted would perceive her to act. By grouping together, multiple Exalted may share the same experience with one another. 






  • By spending three emotes to tap into the inner connection of Arun’Asna within themselves, an Exalted may enter a state of meditation that allows them to converse with their Parasite, under the guise of Arun’Asna, as a means of gaining advice regarding how to complete a task, how to approach a situation, as a means of prayer, or for any other reason they may have for doing so. This meditation can last however long the Exalted so desires.

  • By grouping together, multiple Exalted may share the same experience, and they may converse with their Parasites in tandem. When this is done, the Parasites within the Exalted will act as one being all together.

  • The Parasite(s) involved in the communion will not act in the hostile fashion they once did during standard Shadedom, and will take on a guiding and influencing presence.

  • The Exalted will be unable to tell they are speaking with a Parasite rather than Arun’Asna.



  • This cannot be used to come up with anything that your character would be unable to find out on their own. I.E. it’s not a meta tool. 

  • The Exalted do not actually speak to Arun’Asna with this spell.

  • While the Exalted, when grouped together, may share hallucinations during the communion, the visions they see are inside their heads, and are not actually real.

  • The Parasites communed with will never act in a way that would reveal themselves to not be Arun’Asna.







- Eclipsed -

A corrupted tenebrific essence flows through the veins of those who become one with the Parasite. Their blood, once life-fueling and free flowing, transforms into a thick, frothing substance composed of nearly pure amber, Resin. Shade Fathers who choose to subject themselves to the Permuting Ritual bring themselves nearer the mana corrupting substance they have come to know, and as such the insanity that its proximity entails. Their bond with the parasite grows further than ever before, unlike the Exalted and their straying away of the parasite, The Eclipsed are those who become more like the parasite. They are those who opt not to shepard, but opt to heightened the powers of Shade, to more significantly influence the world around them, and their fellow Shades.



The Permuting Ritual is the process of elevating a Shade Father into the Eclipsed state, transforming their soul and mind to further encompass the capabilities of Shade, lifting their spells, powers, and abilities into a new realm of use, expanding primarily their effects on the environment around the Eclipsed.





  • The Shade Father who shall be being elevated to Eclipsed is led into a room with a Shade Gem, alone save for the presence of the Eclipsed (one or more) who shall be aiding in the ritual. Over the course of six emotes, the Shade Father is made to stand before the Shade Gem while their hands, wrists, forearms, and upper arms are cut in multiple places, such that there is a steady, tricking stream of blood moving down the Shade Father’s arms. Then, the Eclipsed will pull forth Amber from within themselves, forming it into a complex web to cover the numerous, bleeding openings along the Shade Father’s Arms. Once this web is established, the Eclipsed will sever the connection to their Amber, clotting the many openings. After which, the Shade Father will be made to place their hands upon the Shade Gem, allowing its chaotic essence to sense the presence of the amber and the blood, allowing the energies to shift out and into the form of the Shade Father, bringing the amber in to mix with the Shade Fathers blood, not only changing the constitution of that sanguine essence, but as well the energies of Arun’Asna merging with The Parasite, fundamentally affecting the Shade Father’s soul.



  • If there are no living Eclipsed, an Exalted may create one new Eclipsed, in order to make a replacement.

  • A Shade Father is required to possess a TA in order to undergo this process.

  • When a player becomes Eclipsed they MUST agree oocly to the PK clause, else the Permuting Ritual will fail. If the Shade Gem they were created at is ever destroyed, they enter into a permanent PK-clause state, meaning that the next time they die, it will be irreversible.

  • There is no limit to the number of Eclipsed that can exist at one time.





The moment that the Permuting Ritual completes, assuming success, the Eclipsed will begin to undergo a series of rapid physical and mental adjustments as the raw chaotic energy of Arun’Asna becomes one with The Parasite, and through The Parasite fundamentally changes their soul. The most notable change is in the quality and experience of the Eclipses blood, which becomes like a thick, nearly black frothing substance, new altogether, a strange mixture of raw Amber and blood.





  • The presence of extra Amber within an Eclipse’s system is capable of being pulled from to fuel the spells and abilities of Shade. The Points of Amber maximum for an Eclipsed increases from 50 to 65.

  • All along the hands, wrists, and arms of an Eclipsed will form a series of intricate tattoo-like markings, appearing in a dark black hue like Amber. These tattoos are permanent, and are incapable of being removed.

  • Mentally, an Eclipsed suffers at a heightened level compared to that experienced by a Tier 5 Shade, normally.

    • Eclipsed are encouraged to consider the writing under Tier 5 of the Mental Weaknesses section of the Magic Lore, and simply take every facet up a notch.



  • The thickness and alien composition of Resin makes it impossible for clean, clear blood flow to occur throughout an Eclipsed form. As such, intense physical activity (climbing, running, extended combat, et cetera) will cause an Eclipsed to become tired far faster than normal, losing the energy to continue at twice the standard rate.






PARASITIC BOND -- (Non-Combative)

Along with the physical and mental changes, the Eclipsed will undergo a type of metamorphosis. The body and parasite become linked even further as they become warped with amber, physically changing their appearance. In this state the amount of dread that emanates from their being is exponential, far more potent than their passive Aura of Dread. Their body can shift and grow amber-like mutations that would seemingly be a representation of the parasite’s physical form.






  • The metamorphosis the Eclipsed go under isn’t restricted to one appearance or list of mutations. Their looks can range anywhere from lovecraftian to demonic, but aren’t limited to such.

    • Some mutations examples include, but are not limited to, growing extra limbs or body parts, (eyes, fingers, arms, etc.) Darkened, scaly or leather-like skin, amber protrusions (horns, claws, etc)

  • Due to their amber-warped being, their surroundings will naturally corrupt with amber, once the Eclipsed leaves the area, it’ll quickly return to normal.

    • Physical contact with an object will speed up the corruption, though decays at the same rate once contact is broken.

  • An Eclipsed can revert back to their Descendant form if they feed three times on top of the normal three, a total of six times. This will last them two weeks before they are returned to their parasitic form, unless they feed again.

    • Assuming they overfed, Eclipsed may switch between their Descendant and Eclipsed form, taking three emotes to complete with no use of amber points.



  • Mutations cannot give any combative use, and otherwise are useless in combat.

  • The range of their passive corruption is four blocks in every direction, excluding the block they stand on. The lowest it may be is two meters, optional to the roleplayer.

    • The corruption isn’t strong enough to affect those with superior souls, but those with lesser souls will find their mana pool being slowly corrupted until the area is left.





The elevated presence of Amber flowing through a Shade’s body further bolsters their passive capabilities. At the height of an Eclipsed passive capabilities, mentalists and those specializing in mind altering magics will find it nearly impossible to penetrate the mind of the Shade, their attempts thwarted by the new-found intensity of the being’s strength. Only the most apt of Mental Mages could hope to break down or protect themselves from the overbearing impact of the Parasite. In addition to this, Passive Caliginous Healing now becomes extremely rapid in its effect, clotting around open wounds such that even once mortal wounds now become livable by the sheer speed alone at which the amber responds.





  • Passive Caliginous Healing clots open wounds instantly, rather than requiring one, or two, emotes to occur. The Point(s) of Amber cost remain the same.

  • By spending 4 Points of Amber, an Eclipsed can allow the Amber utilized in Passive Caliginous Healing to set broken bones, fill fractures, and realign dislocated limbs, over the course of two emotes. The adjustments are permanent, flaking away once the damage heals naturally. Once the Amber has fulfilled its purpose (after the two emotes) the pain caused by the damage will be severely numbed, allowing it to be effectively disregarded.

  • The Eclipsed Shade becomes highly resistant to alcohol and drugs, doubling the amount of the substance required in order to render an Eclipsed intoxicated, or high. 

    • In addition to their resistance to alcohol and drugs, they have complete immunity to poisons, and due to such, alchemy as a whole, also has no effect, be they positive or negative.

  • Attempts to breach the mind of an Eclipsed are met with an intensity of harassment so great, beyond that which occurs within normal Shade, that a Mentalist, or other magi capable of such feats, will be unable to focus their casting within the head of an Eclipsed.



  • What is meant by ‘instant’ is that in the response emote to receiving damage, a Shade would also emote, assuming they haven’t toggled off the healing, the wound becoming clotted within seconds (nearly instantaneous).

  • This clotting is still limited in its extent, and as such will not save a Shade from grievous wounds (lost limbs, being stabbed, large gashes, et cetera), damaged organs, and other life-threatening situations.

  • The caliginous healing ability may only be used out of combat.





RESIN OBELISKS -- (Non-Combative)

Unlike Mana obelisks corrupted with Amber, corrupting a Mana obelisk with Resin-Amber results in a more potent effect. The corruption process is unique to that which is conducted via standard Mana corruption, as the Eclipsed has to pull the Resin from their bloodstream in addition to the Amber from within their corrupted Mana pool. Once this process is complete the obelisk will start to shift in its appearance, becoming fully enveloped in darkness as the Amber spreads from the point at which it was touched. Over the course of several hours thereafter, the obelisk will become splattered with dark red blotches of colour that shift and move about the pillar on their own accord. 





  • Corrupting the Mana within an Obelisk with Resin-Amber follows the same standard process of Mana Corruption, however the Eclipsed simply needs to spend an additional two emotes drawing the Resin from their system to be added to the Amber being pumped into the Mana Obelisk, using 15 Points of Amber.

  • Resin Obelisks lasts for two weeks. During this time the environment about the obelisk, whether natural or man-made, will become corrupted by the influence of the Resin imbued pillar, warping the land into a dark and desolate place. All natural life, such as grass, shrubs, trees and so on will become corrupted, taking on darker appearances and amber aesthetics.

    • Once a non-Shade enters the corrupted area, they will, over the course of a three emotes, build up and become affected with a feeling of intense Dread (impending doom, paranoia, nihilism) that will persist until they leave the area. If they remain in the area for an additional 5 emotes, they will also begin to experience auditory hallucinations of distant, distracting whispers.

  • Over the course of 1 IRL day, a 15 block wide circle of corrupt land will form around the Resin Obelisk upon finishing the imbuement.



  • The Resin Obelisk needs to be refueled (repeat the creation process) every 2 IRL weeks, or, over the course of 3 IRL days, the corrupted circle will shrink and disappear.

  • Unlike standard Mana Corruption of a Mana Obelisk, Resin Obelisks do not act as batteries from which to draw Amber.

  • Region Owner consent is required in order to create this corrupted zone via use of Resin Obelisks.




RESIN MARKING -- (Non-Combative)

Unlike the Amber standard, Resin Marking utilizes the subtle deific chaotic energies of the Resin within an Eclipsed system to broaden the scope of the capabilities of Marking into three distinct categories. While holding the same appearance from mark to mark, the intent of the Eclipsed is what is important, for the purpose behind their marking will determine the effects of the sigil upon the person affected.





  • Application of a Resin Mark functions in the same was as the standard Shade ability, Marking. However, Resin Marking has two key differences. Firstly, the Eclipsed must spend two additional emotes, on top of the standard four, to pull the Resin from their system to combine with the Amber utilized in the mark. Secondly, the Eclipse must formulate the structure of the Resin in accordance with the mark they seek to apply, following one of three key patterns to achieve the desired outcome.


Mark of Resilience

  • The pattern of the Resin for Resilience is a triangle, applied to the Amber and then placed upon the intended target. 

  • Possessing the Mark of Resilience makes the individual utterly immune to Dread (impending doom, paranoia, nihilism) effects caused by Shade’s Aura of Dread ability. Both the passive and active variations of the ability will have no effect whatsoever.

  • Shades who possess the mark will also find that their parasite is slightly dampened, its mental assault and constant battering on the host quiet.

  • This mark lasts for 1 IRL week before fading automatically, needing to be reapplied.

  • An Eclipsed can have a limitless number of active Resilience marks at once.


Mark of Creation

  • The pattern of Resin for Creation is a ‘V’, applied to the Amber and then placed upon the intended target.

  • Possessing the Mark of Creation will allow the affected individual to create a prosthetic limb out of raw Amber. In order for this to occur, the Eclipsed gifting this mark has to pass over an additional amount of their own Amber for the marked person’s utilization.

    • Prosthetic eyes: 24 additional Points of Amber, or, 12 for a single eye.

    • Prosthetic leg (includes feet and toes): 15 additional Points of Amber.

    • Prosthetic arm (includes hands and fingers): 10 additional Points of Amber.

    • Prosthetic hand/foot (includes fingers or toes): 5 additional Points of Amber.

    • Prosthetic finger/toe: 2 additional Points of Amber.

    • Prosthetic tongue: 1 additional Points of Amber

  • These prosthetic limbs are not perfect, and do not cope seamlessly with the body they are attached to. Prosthetic legs will not function without err, inducing some minor piercing pain around the area they are attached to, thereby causing the affected individual to limp. Prosthetic arms may twitch to shift of their own volition, making their use in combat or for acute tasks like rolling the dice. Prosthetic hands or feet will cause similar piercing pain as a prosthetic leg does, but more minimally, such that it is hardly noticeable. Prosthetic fingers and toes function normally.

  • This mark lasts for 1 IRL week before fading automatically, needing to be reapplied.

  • An Eclipsed can have a limitless number of active Creation marks at once.

  • When the Mark of Creation is used on an Exalted, if one week passes and the prosthetic remains intact, the appendage will become a normal limb.


Mark of Tumult

  • The pattern of Resin for Tumult is a ‘W’, applied to the Amber and then placed upon the intended target.

  • Possessing the Mark of Tumult will cause a subtle shift in the personality, and thought processes, of the affected individual. They will begin to adopt more anarchic, libertarian, or generally independent viewpoints concerning the world and its aspects. They may find disagreements with law codes and restrictions where previously they were content, they may desire freedom from social expectations or relationships where previously they were comfortable, or any other subtly chaotic shifts.

  • This mark lasts for 1 IRL week before fading automatically, needing to be reapplied.

  • An Eclipsed can have a limitless number of active Tumult marks at once.



Mark of Resilience 

  • # The triangular formation of the pattern with the Resin onto the Amber must be clearly emoted throughout the process of its application.

  • # Dread (impending doom, paranoia, nihilism) effects caused by other aspects of Shade (corrupted Mana pool, Resin Obelisk, et cetera) are not blockaded.

  • # Four emotes are required to use this mark.


Mark of Creation

  • The ‘V’ formation of the pattern with the Resin onto the Amber must be clearly emoted throughout the process of its application.

  • The limitations/side effects of the prosthetics must be roleplayed as they are described. Perfectly functioning Amber limbs are impossible (save for fingers/toes).

  • The Resin-Amber limbs cannot be manipulated, drawn from, or otherwise utilized by a Shade as a fuel for their casting.

  • For the Resin-Amber eyes, their vision is achromatic, and they see things that aren’t truly there, including but not limited to, shadows, monsters, inanimate objects moving, the rest can be up to the user if it sticks with the theme of the lore.

  • Once the prosthetic used on an Exalted becomes a normal limb, it will mirror exactly how that limb looked and functioned before it was lost. 

  • Four emotes are required to use this mark.


Mark of Tumult

  • The ‘W’ formation of the pattern with the Resin onto the Amber must be clearly emoted throughout the process of its application.

  • By no means is this a major, serious, or otherwise an impactful shift in the personality of the affected individual. It is subtle, small, and minute. At the end of the day, it is up to the affected individual to take it further, as they are not forced to. This mark is specifically designed to try and promote roleplay and character development by making slight adjustments to the way a character views the world.

  • Four emotes are required to use this mark.







Once successfully completing the Binding or Permuting Ritual, the risen Exalted or Eclipsed will find that their body is capable of sustaining itself solely on amber alone. Sleep, hunger, hydration, and aging will no longer be matters of importance. They will also discover that their bodies store their consumable amber storage in a reservoir separate from the amber they can manipulate for their spells.






  • Exalted and Eclipsed no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep in order to stay healthy, and they no longer age physically.

  • Physically, Exalted and Eclipsed are ageless, ceasing their aging at the age at which they achieved this state. This prevents them both from dying of old age.

  • Should an Exalted or Eclipsed perish in combat, they will fall under the exact same rules as Monk Revival, save for the fact that it is Arun’Asna who preserves their life. 

  • Immediately following revival, Exalted have their mental anguish from Shadedom return to them for the rest of the OOC day. Eclipsed will be missing 15 points of amber for the rest of the OOC day. 

  • Exalted and Eclipsed must be bound to a Shade Gem. If this gem breaks, they must PK upon their next death, and they must be bound to a new Shade Gem should they wish to avoid a PK.



  • An Exalted or Eclipsed cannot PK upon death. Exceptions include staff intervention and ET related events where the PK is officiated by lore. Spirit walks are included in this.

  • Exalted and Eclipsed are entered into a PK-clause when they are created, tied in directly with the Shade Gem they were connected to. So long as the Shade Gem they were connected to exists, an Exalted or Eclipsed will be unable to be PK’d, simply reforming at Cloud Temple each time they are killed.

    • If the Shade Gem the Exalted or Eclipsed was formed at is ever destroyed, they will be immediately entered into a PK-clause state. This means that the next time they’re killed, they will be forced to PK.

      • If the Shade Gem the Exalted or Eclipsed was formed at is destroyed, and thus they are under threat of PK, the Exalted or Eclipsed may be re-bound to a new Shade Gem by connecting themselves as they would do to a Shadeling.

      • The Exalted or Eclipsed will be consumed by a feeling of despair and violent anxiety the moment their Shade Gem is broken, and this feeling will grow until they are rebound to a new Shade Gem.








Exalted and Eclipsed parasites are unable to recreate consumable amber passively, so the Exalted or Eclipsed will be forced to convert another being’s mana into consumable amber themselves.

This is done by casting a lesser version of Caliginous Flame onto a victim, and as the lesser Parasite of Rancour feasts upon the victim’s mana, passively converting it into amber, the Exalted or Eclipsed will rip the parasite away and proceed to ingest both it and the amber it had collected. 






  • By spending 10 Points of Amber, an Exalted or Eclipsed can, over the course of 3 emotes, summon a lesser Shade Parasite, and cast it at a target. The parasite will stick to the first surface it touches, whether living or not, and will remain there until dissipating naturally, or being snuffed out.

  • If the parasite comes into contact with a living descendant that possesses a Mana pool, it will begin to drain their Mana over time. Over the course of 3 emotes, it will drain all the mana it can from a person’s Mana pool, and the Exalted or Eclipsed can then rip the Parasite away from the target, and proceed to ingest it. Alternatively, if it was thrown onto a mundane surface, it will remain there for 3 emotes before naturally dissipating. 

  • Parasites created with Caliginous Feeding can be ripped out by anyone with minimum effort (one full emote). If the Parasite is not ingested by an Exalted or Eclipsed within 2 emotes of it being ripped out, the Parasite will dissipate.

  • A target struck with Caliginous Feeding will be met with a sudden trigger of their fight or flight response as their mana is drained and corrupted into amber. The target would begin to suffer under strong dread effects.



  • An Exalted or Eclipsed must use this spell to feed every two weeks. Failing to do so will lead to the inability to cast any spells aside from Caliginous Feeding.

  • If the Parasite does not consume 3 emotes worth of mana, it can still be ingested by an Exalted or Eclipsed. However, 3 emotes worth of mana must be ingested every two weeks.

  • The parasite created is not corporeal, and is merely an illusion. After 2 emotes of being ripped from a target, it will fade away if not ingested, leaving nothing behind but a light lingering feeling of dread.

  • “Suffering from strong dread effects” is to say that the target would be sent into a state of extreme nervousness, anxiety, sickness, or, if the player decides, they could be thrown into a full on panic attack. How this strong dread impacts a character is up to player choice, but some indication that their mana has been corrupted with amber must be present.

  • Caliginous Feeding will never kill or incapacitate a target on its own, unlike Caliginous Flame. 

  • Only 3 emotes worth of mana may be consumed and corrupted by a lesser parasite at a time.

  • Caliginous Feeding cannot be used on other Shades.





Should an Exalted or Eclipsed no longer be deemed worthy in the eyes of Arun’Asna, a ritual can be conducted to relieve the Transgressor of Arun’Asna’s boons. The ritual requires two Shade CAs to be involved in the process, and it leads to the permanent death of the Transgressor.






  • This allows a ritual to be performed which forces a Shade CA, hereby dubbed “transgressor” to be disconnected from the CA and Shadedom, and as a result become PK’d.

  • The ritual in question requires two Shade CAs, the transgressor, a Shade Gem, and an Amber Imbued aurum blade.

  • Over the course of six emotes, one CA shall place a hand upon the Shade Gem, and the second CA will hold the Transgressor down. The first CA shall ease their focus inward on the churning chaos within the Shade gem, pulling its very essence forth, which appears as a great illuminated essence of orange and yellow. The second CA will recite the reason why they believe the Transgressor is unfit for the CA, and the Shade Gem will glow a bright red. The Shade Gem will begin to funnel a beam of red energy into the Transgressor. The Transgressor begins to feel weakened as the energy strips them of their immortality, and the second CA finishes the ritual by slitting the Transgressor’s throat with the Amber Imbued aurum blade.



  • The moment the ritual is completed successfully, the Transgressor shall be PK’d.

  • The Transgressor must be labeled as such due to rp happenstance. Reasoning obtained through Meta-Gaming is invalid, along with OOC reasoning, unless for some reason the Transgressor is consenting.





P U R P O S E  &  C I T A T I O N S


After implementation, it was decided that Exalted and Resin were not up to standards in regards to what they could and should have been written as. They had a lot of potential, but their execution was poor. After collecting feedback from various players, both in and outside the shade community, along with taking note of our own gripes, we wildly fleshed out both CAs while making them efficiently balanced nonetheless. We continued to stray from the circlejerk combat-focused endgames that were seen in shade within the past, instead focusing on roleplay potential and aesthetic. Exalted’s Darkform was drab, boring, and wildly useless in the vast majority of scenarios. Resin was uninteresting and forgettable. They both fell short of expectations, which Lackless and I decided to try and meet with a second take. Exalted is now a creature far more focused around Arun’Asna, with its abilities being centered around the patron, as it should have been the first time. Resin, renamed Eclipsed, is now more eye popping and aesthetically pleasing. Both have revamped abilities entirely, creating far more possibilities regarding roleplay potential than before. Now that the Creatures have been made in the way we thought they should have been written before, along with the recent revisions being implemented, we hope to flesh out our community’s roleplay as a whole and get things back on the right track for us.



Exalted Writer: TheAlphaMoist

Consultation: DumbBlondeElf, DragonofTaters, Elenanananananore, Lackless, Liz, FuryFire, Frott, Sam, Squak, Shade Community


Eclipsed Writer: Lackless

Consultation: TheAlphaMoist, Shade Community


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22 minutes ago, TheAlphaMoist said:


Exalted Writer: TheAlphaMoist, Platinumlens

22 minutes ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

Eclipsed Writer: Lackless, Platinumlens



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i beg you stop ******* posting this

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8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

We continued to stray from the circlejerk combat-focused endgames



8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

DARKFORM -- (Combative)


8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

DARKENED LIMBS - (Combative)


8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



8 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



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2 hours ago, Luciloo said:
10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

We continued to stray from the circlejerk combat-focused endgames



10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

DARKFORM -- (Combative)


10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

DARKENED LIMBS - (Combative)


10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



10 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:



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It’s funny, my magic gets slapped as being an “everything” magic but all these shade Rewrites & additions are literally an everything magic. 

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4 hours ago, Luciloo said:










2 hours ago, Ug said:


Just because a spell can be used for combat doesn’t mean it’s combat focused. For example, darkform needs to be pumped full of emotes before it becomes viable in combat, and even then, you’re better off using normal armor since gold won’t cut through it like butter.

Furthermore, every single vision instills more flavor roleplay than anything. Just because they can be used in combat doesn’t mean it gives a combative advantage. None of them even do any physical harm at all.


1 hour ago, BrandNewKitten said:

It’s funny, my magic gets slapped as being an “everything” magic but all these shade Rewrites & additions are literally an everything magic. 

Shade is a 4 slot, with the CAs 5 slot, magic. We were told we needed to add more spells, so we added more spells fitting for shade magic. Curses that are affiliated with iblees, a disguise to help decrease the chances of being metagamed, etc. 

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14 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

i beg you stop ******* posting this

Lal this aussie just upset that he has no reasons to actually deny shade, a true clown I say.

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On 6/17/2020 at 12:49 AM, TheAlphaMoist said:

Just because a spell can be used for combat doesn’t mean it’s combat focused. For example, darkform needs to be pumped full of emotes before it becomes viable in combat, and even then, you’re better off using normal armor since gold won’t cut through it like butter.

Furthermore, every single vision instills more flavor roleplay than anything. Just because they can be used in combat doesn’t mean it gives a combative advantage. None of them even do any physical harm at all.

yea okay buddy im gonna screenshot ur amber flavour casting couch...

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1 hour ago, Ug said:

yea okay buddy im gonna screenshot ur amber flavour casting couch...

Make sure your egirl is in the frame, she’d love the publicity 

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3 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

Make sure your egirl is in the frame, she’d love the publicity 

Big Bertha isn’t a shade... neither am i!!!!

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After consideration and the application of common sense, I’ve decided that a lot of these don’t need to be considered “combative” and can be labeled non-combative without issues arising. These spells are as follows:

  • All “Visions of Arun’Asna”


Removed the requirement for tenets to be involved with a Shade CA’s PK, due to tenets no longer existing. 

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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