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[✗] [CA] The Ser


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Created by:


Asteodia (Lore and Idea)


Seus (Add ons, Norms, Religion and Misc. Ideas)


Please note this isn’t JUST a CA submission, but also a lore change on the topic of Dragons.  It could fit in easily however, as like a sentence could be added to add in this change to dragons.




The Ser’Ven poison must be used as a /roll, and nothing but.


The Ser shed, and these sheddings HAVE NO ABILITIES.


The Ser must shed every 100 years.





 “Man is the cruelest animal.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche



Long before the Ser were born, the dragons ruled the lands.  These giant beasts flew across the night sky in search of prey, with no mercy.  Yet, these beasts were one with nature, and when Horen, the first King Of Man, gained power, the dragons fell into ruin.  Before their demise, however, two new creatures were created.  Nephilim were the first, the Dragon People. These were the creatures men saw in dragons, yet not what they were.  And then the Serpens, also known as The Ser.  These creatures looked more like snakes then dragons, where what the dragons really were.

  The Nephilim were created to punish men, and The Ser  was made to let Dragons live on.


They lived in peace, away from all men, orcs, and dwarves.  A handful of Mali’ame found their way to the Ser, and were, in general, not eaten.  Many people have claimed to have seen these beings, as they reach 6’ in height.  All sightings have been seen as myths, however.  After thousands of years of living in peace and away from modern society, the Dwarves tunneled their way into the Ser’Tarra tunnels.  A massacre ensued, leaving many Ser and Dwarves dead.  The remaining Ser’Tarra fled, and rallied their siblings, and thus, the Ser were introduced into the modern world.  The Ser despised the Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs for disrupting nature, and that the dwarves were the worst.


A similar race in the Fae realm, called the Elekhei (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194526-ca-race-lore-elekhei/?tab=comments All credit to her for the Elekhei) was also being evolved at the time.  Many believe that the Elekhei are related to the Ser, but it is not certain.




The Ser range in many different looks, some looking like Cobras, and others like Common Garter Snakes.  Depending on the subrace, they would have different tints to their scales.  The Ser’Tarra would be brown, the Ser’Aquis blue, and Ser’Ven black.  They often have jewels attached to their tales, with one joule per year alive.  This is a sign of glory, as many Ser died in the first years of their introduction into the modern world.  If you were to insult a Ser’s looks, the Ser will attack, with the intention of making you as ugly as you said they were.  Unhealthy Ser are smaller, weaker and overall worse.  The tail of a Ser can be from 4’ to 6’, depending on the Ser.  Many despide the Ser due to their looks, as a common fear of people revolve around snakes.

How would a person who is a snake from the waist down move around ...



The Ser mainly only eat meat.  Their favorite food being fish, rats, mice, pork, and steaks.  All raw, of course.  According to them, fire ruins the world.  A healthy Ser will be 6’ tall and giant.  An unhealthy one being slim and small, around 4’.  Children are around 3’ healthy, and 2’ unhealthy.  The unhealthy will die young, at 300 years old instead of 500 years old.  If they were to eat anything but meat, they will have a reaction.  Their scales would turn deep gray and start to fall off, leaving bare skin behind.  This, to the Ser, is very painful and would kill them if not treated.  They will not eat meat from Humans, Elves, Dwarves or etc.  This, to them, is a sign of disgust, and rarely, can cause Dragon Rot. 



The Ser don’t suffer from normal disease, yet they do suffer the same diseases, and some new ones, as the dragons.


-Scale Wilting.  Their scales will fall off, living pink or red skin in their wake.  These patches will start to break up in hives, and sting to the slightest touch.

-Claw Rot.  Their claws will slowly shrink, leaving nubs behind.  In time, if not treated, the claws will disappear and never grow back.  Having no claws is a common sign of weakness to the Ser, and many will be disgraced for the rest of their lives.

-Dragon Rot.  The entire body will start to shrivel, making the Ser weak.  Its caused by malnutrition mainly, though rarely Ser get it by feasting on Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Etc.  This disease makes the Ser VERY weak, and can die from the slightest cut.  If the Ser where to do nothing about their sickness, they could die within a year.

-Fire Glaze.  When a Ser is burned, they can rarely get Fire Glaze.  This disease will make the Ser very weak and unable to sit upright.  Over a course of one week, the Ser will get temporary bad vision, bad hearing, and bad overall senses.  In addition, they will have a constant headache and hives/welts.


The Ser can also suffer from The Cold, yet it hardly affects them.



The Ser speak in a weird tongue, consisting of mostly hissing sounds.  They cannot write well, and often the writing looks like a child’s first attempt.


Aauim – Dragon, Mentor, Ancestor

Aquis – Sea, Water, Ocean

Elze – Elf

Kai – Magic

Naturz – Nature

Oosi – Friend

Saac – Town, City, Empire

Sak –  Morning

Salz – Human

Sazi – Good

Sazo – Enemy, nature hater/destroyer

Sazu -Neutral

Tarra – Earth, land, ground

Uroz – Orc

Ven – Venom, poison

Zaa – Goodbye

Zai – Dark Magic

Zals – Hello

Zaltu – Dwarf

Zer – Ser, Serpens

Zesir – Man, boy

Zezar – Woman, girl

Ziw – Sleep

Zoldi – Gold, Mina

Zurzi –  Fire, Destruction


Add on


I plan to add more to this later. (If it does get accepted)








The Devourer - Primal god of the Ser

The Religion of the Ser, peoples of the snake...from other races’s view on the practice their ways seem alien & strange-yet detailed & of interest. The Ser worship a giant snake, its humongous & strikes fear for all who dwell-its scales are said to be made from Descendant Skin-under the scales, the flames of Hell, if you stand near it you could smell its burning insides as its charcoal clusters around you, wherever it goes comes destruction, however-due to this it doesn't move that often, its constantly in sleep unless the end times comence-which is believed by the Ser. The Ser were touched by this giant snake, seeing it as their god, constantly doing its bidding through worship, they call him SEL’ANK, or  the DEVOURER in common...reasoning being they believe at the end of time-the snake shall come out from its resting-awakened from times of troubles, and through this itll slither through the worlds, eating everything in its sight until there is no more signs of life, this is the end story for the Ser-However, the Ser believe they could resist this end event through practicing worship of this demon...this form of worship is done through the removal 0f skin on the snake’s tail, this being with a knife or any form of blade-once done they take the skin & burn it...of course as the Ser are similar to snakes they could regenerate said skin. In the Ser’s mindset their god is the creator of the ser, along with the first snake to ever exist.


Rites of Ancient

The Ser follow a very strict code, and when they come of age, (100) they will receive the Rites of Ancient.  These writes, which can only be found in a single thousand year old book, must be read in the birthplace of the Ser, no matter how far it is.  The rites consist of an oath, a pledge to nature, and deep magic.  A council member is present at each, and if not, the rites will not happen.  If the rites are not done by age 110 years old, the Ser will start to suffer from a curse, The Dragons Curse.  This curse makes the Ser lose vision, smell, and senses.  The Ser will suffer constant pain and then, in time, turn into a fern.  Once the curse starts, there is no stopping it.


The Rites go as followed.


A 100 year old Ser walks into his/her birthplace, accompanied by their parents.  (If alive)

Ser being given the rites will say, “I, (Name) give myself to the Aaumin, pledge myself to naturz, and join the Ser in the togetherness of life.”

At this point, a Ser elder will accept or deny the rites.  If the Ser is denied, they must wait one more year before retrying.

If/When rites are accepted a Ser Council member will enter the birthplace, and say the following in Ancient Serpenian “Quis sponzet az natursam izvenzes zias eozam sna auza mazorez, nusquaz ezze tusbaza.”


Thus, the rites are complete.



The Ser have a strict code of honor, and if broken, the punishment is often death.  The Ser, over 5,000 years ago devoted themselves to nature, and if a Ser were to dishonor nature, the Ser will no longer be worth anything to other Ser.  The different Ser races have different opinions, however they all come down to the same principals.  (I’ve decided that if the Ser are accepted, the different species should be able to make their own culture norms, as I think races should be as up to the player as possible. -Asteodia)



The Ser choose one mate, and stick with them for life.  If a Ser were to break a bond by cheating, breaking up, etc.  The two Ser will be unable to mate again, or have a love interest.  They will feel no love for any other Ser ever again.  If a Ser breaks a bond with another, the Ser in question will be put on trial, as this ruins the life of the other Ser.  The punishment is often life in prison.  Over the span of their 500 years, the Ser finds a mate at around 200, any younger will most likely not work out.



The Ser have a unique government system.  In the idea of a hierarchy, there is the Leader of a Ser City, a council consisting of 5, Royalty (The Ser Leader’s or Council’s Family) Guardians, whose job it is to keep the peace with nature and other beings, the common police, business owners/artisans, and then the common people.


The roles go as followed:


Ruker– Makes the final decision, advised by the council.  Keeps the city in check, hires new council members and fires old ones.  Oversees the Army, Business, Economy and just overall runs the city.


Council of 5 – The council holds meetings with the people.  The council listens to the concerns of the common Ser, and then take part in a private meeting in which the Council comes to a conclusion.  Most decisions are made by the Council, yet the very big ones by the Serpans Ruler.


Royalty – These Ser are family of the Ruler or council, they are normal people except they get honorable treatment.


Guardians – These are hand picked Ser who pledge themselves to nature, the Ruler, and dragons.  They protect nature, oversee the most dangerous tasks, etc.


Common Police – These officials will take care of the majority of problems.  The giant problems will go to the Guardians.


Business Owners/Artisans – These are normal Ser who simply own a business or possess are useful skill, the Ser officials host more meeting for them than the common folk.


Common Ser – These Ser make up the Majority of the population, just being normal, everyday folk.


Titles are given by the council, and the Ser apply for them.



The Ser build in a very Elvish style, often with dragons and snakes engraved in all the buildings or items.  Some examples of Ser what buildings look like are seen below:










Elvenking's Halls | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom





Gemstone snake ring | Etsy

Products | Jill Fenichell, Inc.

Miniature elves | Etsy

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Yeah, it was based off them LMAO

Edited by Asteodia
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Also, picture didn’t load, idk why


heres a screenshot


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wasnt another snake CA just posted like a week before this one

On 8/24/2020 at 1:21 PM, Asteodia said:

Long before the Ser were born, the dragons ruled the lands.  These giant beasts flew across the night sky in search of prey, with no mercy.  Yet, these beasts were one with nature, and when Horen, the first King Of Man, gained power, the dragons fell into ruin.  Before their demise, however, two new creatures were created.  Nephilim were the first, the Dragon People. These were the creatures men saw in dragons, yet not what they were.  And then the Serpens, also known as The Ser.  These creatures looked more like snakes then dragons, where what the dragons really were.

  The Nephilim were created to punish men, and The Ser  was made to let Dragons live on.


also this area just seems like the writer is struggling to explain what Azdrazi are, and it’s more importantly not entirely correct

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Nice attempt at a CA race. Always like to see original concepts pop up. 

Problem being, your mention of dragons and the lore surrounding them is not well-founded. I advise you do some deeper research before pushing for this piece to be accepted.


Best of luck to you!

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22 hours ago, Malaise said:


Problem being, your mention of dragons and the lore surrounding them is not well-founded. I advise you do some deeper research before pushing for this piece to be accepted.



Well, like said in the preface – this isn’t just a CA but also a lore change idea.

On 8/29/2020 at 2:50 PM, Ryloth said:

wasnt another snake CA just posted like a week before this one


also this area just seems like the writer is struggling to explain what Azdrazi are, and it’s more importantly not entirely correct

Again, lore change not just CA creation


also, the other snake CA was coincidence, I was working on it for a while before it published.

Edited by Asteodia
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I don’t see why a lore change is necessary, kind of ruins the vibe we’ve been following IRP already, makes no actual sense. 

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Are we really going to retcon years of rped lore and cannon important events including the relation to dragons an empire holds in a small paragraph, lmao. 

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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