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The New Archbishop of Henrikev

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The New Archbishop of Henrikev


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"As the new Archbishop of Henrikev, I shall do my utmost to protect the citizens of Karosgrad." 

~ Archbishop Ivarus of Henrikev ~


For the love that I bear the beloved Capital-City of Haense, Karosgrad, I shall spread the word of Godan with all the knowledge that Godan allows me to know. With our new High Pontiff, His Holiness Tylos the First, I shall represent the Basilica where he resides with pride. My life as a Priest has been a very long journey, from being an Acolyte and having my mentor who is now the High Pontiff, to one who is leading his own Archdiocese. In the past, I have travelled a lot as a Priest, preaching the scrolls in each nation, city, town possible. I declare my absolute loyalty to my Koeng, His Majesty Heinrik Karl and to the Godanloving people of the entire Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. 


The Lord knew my struggles in faith, yet I am here as an Archbishop, for I will not let the heretics triumph over the Canonist believers. I will represent our beloved Church, as the name of Godan must be preached to each nation who has not discovered his path yet. As the recent crimes committed by the Ferrymen, are absolutely acts of pagans and heretics, torturing and murdering children who would not even  hurt a fly. This may never happen, to the Canonist believers of each nation. Because, if this happens to the Canonist believers, once more; they shall feel the wrath of Godan when the Canonists rise to protect what is dear to them; God, Faith and Family. As I, Archbishop Ivarus of Henrikev shall be representing each and every one of you, those who believe in our Holy Church and its Teachings.


May Godan have mercy upon you and may he keep you, now and forever,

God bless The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.


Archbishop Ivarus of Henrikev, Karosgrad. 




Edited by sashimichopped
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Two figures move around Karosgrad with wet towels in their hands as they notice the new Archibishop seated in the marketplace. One of them smirks as it looks to the other ( @Capt_Chief26)

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Within some moss-kissed, crumbling crypt, a peculiar beast would be roused in fashion most macabre - for from its maw spilled crimson lifeblood, dripping from jagged and gnarled fangs numbering dozen score. Its eyes were awash in baleful rancor as it came to regard the news, its haunting features contorted into foulest snarl upon that wolven maw. Harrowing utterances of sacraments most profane spilled forth, like scarlet ichor as curses upon the souls of the damnable souls yet clung to mortality - and thus the Hound proclaimed so;


"Those claiming holy dispensation are yet seldom so,


O' Lord, bedamn they who spread naught but woe.


As some craven bird who may screech nevermore,


Mayhaps, mayhaps, I must come rapping at his door - that friend, that Patriarch, of ages yore..."

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