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Mourning a Sovereign


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[!] Missives would be posted around Talon's Port and Veritas, and then personally sent out to numerous people across Almaris.


"To all friends and family of the sixth Sovereign of the Depths, Gail Cordius, we of Talon's Port wish to invite you to the city for a game of darts, and a chance to speak on the memories you have had with the man, in honor of his traditions and interests that he had brought to the city.|

Death is a natural thing, though a sad one for many who have seen it first hand; terrifying even. But death does not mean the end of the memories, so why not share with the world the memories we have made?



We formally invite the citizenship of the Jade State of Yong Ping, the citizenship of the Domain of Vortice, the citizenship of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the citizenship of the village of Veritas, and all those who considered him a friend to the nation of Vortice as a final goodbye to Gail Cordius, a man who was well loved and did his best for the sake of the nation."

Special Invitations are sent out to many names, ones of which those close to the Cordius family would know personally.

Eletha and James Avery
Delphine and Ren of house Tianrui and their children
Asami Ambrose
Ania Sterling
Anastasia Dokar
Castiel Valaker
Briala Atmorice
Kallian Syrivir

The funeral will take place in two elven days; on the First Seed, at roughly mid elven day.





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Aeline looks over the missive, her eyes puffy from crying and deep circles under her eyes from loss of sleep, though a small smile appeared on her face on the thought of everyone sharing their memories of Gail and celebrating his life .”...He will so greatly be missed”

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Eletha looked to the missive making a solemn nod as she made plans to attend the funeral. 

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Lelina Cordius would receive the missive well drinking in the Young Ping trying to forget the lose of her dad. She would nod well reading it and decide to go if she does indeed have time to show up. Well in her drunken Haze she starts to remember memories of her father as her face turns more and more red and start to cry once more...

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The nonexistent ghost of Gail Cordius implores you to attend the funeral.

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Saemos Hidone sits in his home, reading through a book, the missive arrives at his home, as he reads it he says “‘Twas an honor Gail”

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Poignancy remains in the air surrounding the environs of Elysium when the missives arrived...

Eugeo de Astrea takes care to attend!

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Anastasia Dokar would read over the missive with a deep sigh, heartbroken she could not attend.

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Somewhere near the sea, calmly listening to the sound of the waves, an elf gets the missive, slowly reading it over before letting out a small sigh. "It has been a good run, Gail. You did well." Just then the elf makes his way off towards his home, preparing for the mentioned funeral. "...I hope you find peace, old man." he'd say to himself.

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Upon seeing the missive, Mellen could only offer condolences from afar. "Rather attend the wedding of someone I know than the memorial of someone I don't. Rest easy, little guy."

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Aylin de Astrea
felt saddened by the passing of a person she had only met briefly and was taken with his humility, generosity, and good humour. She would, if it was within her power, attend his funeral. 


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