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The Banishment of Saemos Hidone


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Due to recent events occurring within our city and much deliberation on the part of the Congress of Vortice, it is seen fit that the banishment of Saemos Hidone should take place on behalf of two acts of treason and putting our citizens in danger as a cultist. Saemos will be killed on sight should he be seen within the Domain of Vortice, it’s lands, or it’s walls.

He is also stripped of any affiliation and titles regarding the Vortice military, the Vortice Congress, as well as the Maelstorm family name from here on out until the end of time.


Signed, Athri Onfroi Belrose-Maelstorm, Princess of Vortice, Representative of Foreign Affairs and Commissioner of Defense


Signed, Vivian Maelstorm, Monarch of Vortice and Keeper of the Depth's

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Apollyon Snowell sighs deeply while continuing to hammer onto a new chest piece, with her sleeves pulled up and while cursing under her breath.

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An Eldritch figure wonders if Talons will have people left to banish - though that is not his problem.

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"Those who woul' betreh deir own people er teh lowes' folk of dem all" Azkel would say from Kal'Darakaan, shaking his head "Oi applaud our friends within Vortice fer doing teh hard act ehf banishing deir own famileh, eht is something oi am far too familieh wit".

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"Another one bites the dust, much like me." Peralien says from the Silver State, her Adfectio Stone eye gleaming red, hatred.  "This will all collapse in a lovely way, and someone's gonna have their neck on a noose, and it won't be me this time."

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And so, upon reading this, an elf sighs and drops the missive by the fire, returning to his daily routine and cleaning over his mechanical limbs. "...I wonder... How will he react upon hearing of this result..."

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Aeline Cordius rolled her eyes, looking over how the once known as Talon's Port  is being run, Aeline mumbles scrunching up the missive.

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