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My Disappointment with LOTC is Immeasurable


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sike lol

I am extremely bored and I enjoy being asked questions


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Opinion on the lhindir hivemind.

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If you could change any one thing on LOTC, what would it be and how would you do it?

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What’s your favorite color? What’s your go to snack (sweet or savory)? Who’s been your favorite character to play so far?

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What is your favorite build made ever? Or well one you helped build.

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34 minutes ago, Lhindir_ said:

Opinion on the lhindir hivemind.

the what


32 minutes ago, bunnyeatsmoss said:

whats a song that makes you think of each of your characters and why

why are you so incredible

1. I don't really have one honestly so I'll just link a couple of my favorite songs





2. why are you?

32 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

If you could change any one thing on LOTC, what would it be and how would you do it?

PvP raids. Right now, pvp raids have little to no actual impact on RP outside of forum posts, which are often barely roleplay in the first place. I think this is a problem that can be remedied with cooperation from both the average raiders and raidees through higher standards for raids by the moderation team, as well as offering more avenues for roleplay interaction during raids. An idea I had a while ago was that nations could be given the ability to change their region flag to describe the damage a raid has caused. For example, [!] As you walk the streets of ____, the scent of rust fills your nose as you begin to notice the carnage caused by a recent enemy raid. Local shops have been smashed and collapsed, while bloodied weapons litter the pathway. I honestly believe actually showing people the damage a raid has caused would create much more of an incentive to roleplay consequences and interaction with raids, even if the interaction isn't necessarily with the raiders themselves. I think raids have so much more potential for creative routes, but instead we never see anything beyond a couple of minutes of a PvP slaughter and rarely a captured RO or PRO by players who don't raid for the sake of being a villain, but for the sake of PvPing. 

32 minutes ago, Mewliet said:

What’s your favorite color? What’s your go to snack (sweet or savory)? Who’s been your favorite character to play so far?

1. Maroon
2. Pan-cooked popcorn
3. Eir'thall. I really enjoy some of the dynamics he's had with other characters and the RP I've gotten on him. Also his druid totem is really cool imo. Wildfire. 


27 minutes ago, NLThomas said:

What is your favorite build made ever? Or well one you helped build.

Built these statues of Cernunnos and Cerridwen a few days ago :) Really like how they turned out

5 minutes ago, Mordhaund said:

thoughts on me


favourite netflix show, favourite anime


favourite experience you've had roleplaying ever on lotc 

1. Honestly no opinion. Don't necessarily "like" you but I don't hate you either, just don't know u that well
2. I very seldom actually watch shows or movies but I really enjoyed The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. TDC was a childhood favorite for me so I really enjoyed the prequel they made. Also I don't watch anime that much, but Parasyte the Maxim is probably my favorite. I thought it had a neat world and some cool ass fight scenes 

3. I really enjoyed the inferis event I went to with a few siramenor players. We went to some old building in the desert and killed some crazy looking demons. The CRP was pretty enjoyable and there was some cool brotherly RP between my druid and imattyz character which I'm always a sucker for  

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13 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

The CRP was pretty enjoyable and there was some cool brotherly RP between my druid and imattyz character which I'm always a sucker for  


Any potential for this template? Tom cruise having gay thoughts:  MemeTemplatesOfficial


avius about eirthall bro

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What’s been your favorite event you’ve participated in(ST or player hosted) and why?


If you could change 1 thing you’ve done during 2021 what would you change?


What has been your biggest point of character development on any of your characters.

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9 minutes ago, Kholibrii said:

What’s been your favorite event you’ve participated in(ST or player hosted) and why?


If you could change 1 thing you’ve done during 2021 what would you change?


What has been your biggest point of character development on any of your characters.

1. The inferis CRP event I went to with about 9 other players. We all went to different areas of an old building and did 2v1s or 3v1s against inferis demons. Other than that, I don't really enjoy attending events whether they're ST or player hosted. Haven't actually been to a real event in a while.
2. Honestly nothing so far. I'm a pretty content and happy person so I can't really say there's anything I'd change this year. 
3. I typically don't roleplay character development as any one point of change, but rather something that happens over a long period of time. My snow elf Darcassan is the patriarch of the Araaloq bloodline, and when he discovered that he was expected to take charge, he was very hesitant and unwilling to do such. Since then, he's experienced a lot of favorable and unfavorable interaction with other players that has since then caused him to have a change of heart. Although he's still a bit insecure and doubtful of himself, he doesn't shy away from his responsibilities like he used to. 

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damn i was rdy for a dramatic "and thats why im leaving also x admin is a pedo" post

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What are you unwilling to do?

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