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[✗] [Reagents] Colliery Components


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      'Colliery Components' are reagents made to be mined & obtained via Vanilla and/or 'Vortex' mining. No significant effects nor properties can be noted form either of the four, and only serve to give ease-of-access in creating less-costly potions and concoctions. Brews like 'Blast Potion' require things that it seems the newer Lore Writer(s) didn't exactly think about - for example, currently, the only way to create Blast Potions is through getting Azdrazi Scales, and there's likely many other nigh-impossible recipes that make utilizing this lore difficult and bothersome to roleplay.









Burning x3

Chaos x2
Endurance x2



Scalded and charred earth, either wrought from the ground near flame or within the Nether.



Netherrack can be sourced from the mortal plane at the sites of great bouts of flame (like forest fires)/heat or in the underworld of the Nether.



Due to its hardening, Netherrack requires to be harvested with a pickaxe. Debris & the harder, burnt shell of the earth is broken in the process, giving the fleshy, shale-esque material.


[Netherrack can be mechanically harvested through nodes.]


Raw Effect(s): 

Netherrack can burn indefinitely, often used in fireplaces. However, so much of it is needed that it can’t be used very effectively on torches, inside of lamps, et Cetera.




- Netherrack must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, Netherrack Blocks.

- 12 Netherrack blocks are required to yield the symbols and signs of Netherrack.

- Fire from Netherrack will not spread on its own, unless the flame directly contacts a flammable material (For example holding a stick directly in the flame will cause said stick to catch fire.)

- Fire from Netherrack behaves like regular fire and has the same properties. When transferred onto flammable surfaces, it doesn’t last longer, burn hotter, etc. than it normally would.

- All in all, Netherrack does not make flame more powerful. It’s only used as a flavorful fuel for fire.


Oceanic Coral







Grace x4

Peace x3

*Growth x2

**Reduction x2



Coral can hold a variety of colors and hues, with porous surfaces and weak stems.



Coral is located on the shallower parts of tropical shores & sandbars, though Arctic Coral does exist in very sparse reefs.



Coral is weak and easily broken - best harvested with Alchemical Shears or a thin blade. It’ll dry out quickly out of water, requiring it either be used immediately or stored in a vat of water to keep it from drying out.


[Coral can be mechanically harvested through nodes.]


Raw Effect(s): 

Coral has no significant effects (besides making for fantastic decor!).



- Oceanic Coral must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, Coral Blocks & Fans.

- 12 Coral Blocks are required to yield the symbols and signs of Oceanic Coral. *Blocks will yield Growth x2, but not Reduction x2.

- Alternatively, 20 Coral Fans/’Plants’ can also yield the same symbols of Oceanic Coral. **Fans/Plants will yield Reduction x2, but not Growth x2.









Life x4

Lethargy x2

Darkness x1



Mycelium are the thin, white ‘roots’ of blooming Fungi - complex systems that spread along dirt.



Mycelium can be found anywhere where mushrooms are found, always under the surface in large groups of roots.



Mycelium is incredibly fragile, best collected with a shovel and stored in a moist container. They quickly dry out and/or expire, so it’s best to use them the same day you harvest.


[Mycelium can be mechanically harvested through block nodes.]


Raw Effect(s): 

Mycelium has no significant effects.



- Mycelium must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, Mycelium Blocks.

- 5 Mycelium Blocks are required to yield the symbols and signs of Mycelium.

Prismarine Crystals







Purity x4

Coldness x3

Sound x2



Small, spherical orbs that produce a dim glow and a quiet thrum. These crystals are only tumbled Focus Crystals from the North, often washing up on shores after long journeys through the ocean. Despite their origin, they’ve become inert and are unable to be used as Mana Gems/Focus Crystals.



Prismarine Crystals can be found along the shores of Almaris, dotted along sandy banks and tangled within globs of kelp. Most of the time when they’re found, they’re embedded in ‘Prismarine’ - a ‘stone’-esque material that exists beneath the water.



Prismarine Crystal harvesting is simple; the alchemist must break the tiny crystals from the stone with a chisel & hammer, and then pry the blue ‘stone’ until only the orb remains.


[Prismarine Crystals can be mechanically harvested through nodes.]


Raw Effect(s): 

Prismarine Crystals produce a dim, aesthetic glow. This light cannot stun or blind, and at most, only has the strength of a Redstone Torch.



- Prismarine Crystals must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, Prismarine Crystals.

- 24 Prismarine Crystals are required to yield the symbols and signs of the reagent, Prismarine Crystals.

- Prismarine Crystals may not be used as Mana Gems/Mana Crystals/et Cetera. Their glow & soft thrumming are only aesthetic.











Swiftness x4

Agility x3

Weakness x3



Tiny puffs of white fibre that grow on small, green cotton plants.



Cotton often grows on the sides of roads and in tiny natural patches in nature.



     Harvesting cotton is a lengthy process; first, the cotton boll must be twisted and picked out of the burrs attached to the plant's stem. Then, the seeds inside need to be picked out. Once they have, the boll needs to be washed and cleared of any dirt and residue that might've soiled it during its growth so that its alchemical extraction remains pure - and finally, compressed into smaller balls to be transported.


[Cotton can be mechanically harvested through nodes.]


Raw Effect(s): 

Cotton is able to be further refined to be used in clothing.



- Cotton must be represented by its mechanical item counterpart, Cotton Bolls.

- 5 Cotton Bolls are required to yield the symbols and signs of the reagent, Cotton.

- For clarification; Cotton nodes are represented by Dead Horn Coral Plants;






ArmoredGhost had the idea to make this lore after pointing out the Blast Potion reagent inconsistency! He also had the idea to make Netherrack a reagent, as as well as Cotton.


TreeSmoothie (That's me!) wrote the lores & purposes for the reagents and the submission.

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Absolutely awesome! +10 

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