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A Juxtaposition of Power and Envy


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A Juxtaposition of Power and Envy

3rd of MSITZA AND DARGUND, 409 ES  | 5th of HARREN'S FOLLY, 1856



[!] An exquisite drawing of a hand with a quill sits on the top of the page.


Why does frost and bitterness define so many hearts? Why is slander incessantly spewed about the highest standings in Haense, regardless of certainty or truth? Perhaps this gossip is truly a misunderstanding of pretense, the facts of the matter being distorted in some undevised way? Perhaps the gossip is true, these deep dark secrets that noble men and women try to hide? I think not, for a majority of these statements are declared to be false shortly after public conception. No, it seems that there is a deviousness behind these personal attacks, one which is set forth with a certain precision. These words, a well-executed knifestroke directed at the heart of order and reason. A divisive letter written to chaos, with blood ink. It is the perfect mix between fact and fantasy, truth and deceit. This is the stench of deep-seeded hatred, envy, and scorn.




One young lad that I had the pleasure to talk to, described Haense as “One of the most beautiful places in all of Almaris.” Indeed these land are gorgeous, but where beauty generally is, so too does jealousy reside. Where people have thrived, so too are there people who envy of such success. Gossip is not a new idea nor fashion. Though, as of late it seems to be growing in scale. To this fact, I ask, what is the nature of the origins of gossip? The concept is rather simple, and most people understand the why, so I will give only a brief synopsis. 


People crave power. People fear power. People are envious of people who have more power than them. People are cautious of people who have the same power as them. People oftentimes wish to claim power over others, sometimes, these people will do whatever it takes to get there too. Though, it must be said, there is a difference between being envious of power and acting on such envy. There is also a difference between working hard to gain a prominent position and tearing others down to achieve one’s goal.




[!] The image is the same as that of one on the missive, “In Friendship and Truth” 

The grand reconciliation and unveiling of truths in front of the Hexer Camp depicted circa 1855.


In an important side note to reasoning this out, a statement had been given regarding the current hearsay involving the Prince. Such a matter is concluded by a statement given in an article titled:


“In Friendship and Truth” 

A N N O   D O M I N I  1855

16th of Joma ag Umund, ES 408


Written by, 


Her Highness, Nikoleta Barbara Morovar  


Her Excellency, Lady Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid


For the sake of brevity, I shall not define everything that was said, for the missive is pinned all over the city. All one has to do is read. In this most recent hearsay, it would seem that the accusation regarding the Lady of Savoy and the Prince of Haense is nothing more than just that, hearsay. It is accused that the Prince and the Lady had a secret relationship or even desire for one another. Yet, according to the publication by these notable Ladies, it has been assured to the reader that there is no such relationship besides a purely professional one. 




In light of this previous outbreak of gossip, specifically referring to “Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska - IX,” I want to understand why it is that this gossip starts. From this question, 


Two paths emerge:

Path to Chaos

There is not a question that these hearsay letters are meant to spur on one specific thing, chaos. Though, the question of a purpose behind this chaos is unknown. Perhaps it is chaos for chaos’ sake. A sickening thought, surely, that one should choose to see panic spread like wildfire for their accursed amusement. That the only reason one may spread such lies is to strengthen fear for no other purpose than for a twisted sense of pleasure am rather despicable.


For one to be spreading such malice on a whim just to sow the seeds of chaos, one must be devilishly evil. However, it seems that no man or woman, despite how hurt they feel, would do such a thing without trying to get something out of it. This is why the second option seems so much more appealing and logical an answer. 


Path to Power

As stated numerous times, people crave power. Power can also lead people to achieve great things. 

Yet, Power can also make a man go mad. The purpose, still, is unknown, but perhaps it is chaos for the sake of gaining power or seeing others fall from it. Historically, every set of Hearsay to come out has been a blast against some nobleman or royal member. This tells a daring and important truth. The author is coming from a place of deep concern or perhaps fear. This concern leads to the direct or indirect attempt to sabotage those they are concerned about. Perhaps it is because they wish to claim the spot in which another noble or royalty holds and their attempt is a defamation so that they may overtake the weakened party’s position. Perhaps it is as simple as wishing to grow distrust between members of a noble house, across noble houses, or even, as we have seen, across nations. Yes, yes.... This seems to be the nature of letters such as these.




One further question emerges. 


Why does gossip spread?


There is a love for gossip, a crave for it in fact. Perhaps it is because there am nuggets of truth mixed in with the lies. Perhaps it is because people love to believe lies as long as it is a good story to tell to friends. As a question a dear friend once posed. “How many lies will they continue to believe about the people of Haense? How many people must be harmed for the sake of some small piece of twisted entertainment?”




Iulius Vernhart - Tutor, Philosopher, Scholar.

Exert from a book

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A blonde 'aheral philosopher reads the missive from the docks of his beautiful citystate after picking it up in a voyage. "Truly, it is the folly of man, who creates this situation for himself. He spends his life in mere toil, building the kingdoms of others, working helplessly to gain position in owned space. When in truth, the degeneration of others, as signaled by the crass backhanded ways to achieve power now; through background politic, rumor, and various scheming diplomacies, is in fact a marker of a stagnant state. Where man cannot stretch his arms without interfering with the affairs of others. With no great challenge, man does not live in ascent, just a state of stagnant degeneration and perversion. Mere life. Not ascendant life. Yet he still craves to gain, and you already know what he will do for it in a perverted society"

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The aforementioned Prince looked at the missive that was seemingly defending him, or at the very least, shared a common enemy. He thought of writing an official public response, praising the author for at least seeing the flaws of hearsay. But then, he remembered the words of the Oracle @Gusano, and stayed silent on the topic... There was only one thing he could do now.



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A certain blonde woman was curled up on her bed with the book; only candlelight luminated the small bedroom. Taking in each inked word like a sponge, Madeline read it over and over again until her candle went out and left her in the dark. Laying back against her pillow, dark eyes stared at the ceiling above, "What a wonderful read!" Madeline exclaimed in a whisper. Twisting onto her side, the woman replaced the book into where it belonged on the shelf before laying to sleep for the night. 

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