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Issued by the


On this 13th day of The Grand Harvest of 69 SA





Following occurrences regarding inheritance regarding the Savoyard Crown, the Prince of Savoy and Prince of Sutica agree to dissolve the betrothal between Princess Renata de Savoie and Konstanz Barclay, Baron of Sigradz



The terms of the contract shall be as followed, agreed by the signatories;


I. The betrothal between His Princely Lordship, Konstanz Barclay and Princess Renata will be broken.


II. Princess Renata de Savoie and the de Savoie bloodline denounce any claim priorly held to the Principality of Sutica. The royal house recognizes House Barclay as the sole bearers of the title.


III. The House of Barclay will receive three “Savoy pens” and a tunic made of a particularly angry savoyard bird, known as the ‘bomb', as compensation.




His Excellency, Johann Erich Barclay, Lord Marshal of Hanseti-Ruska, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Margrave of Vanderfell, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lord Vandalore, Chieftain of the Reinmaren


His Serene Highness, Lucien I, Prince of Savoy, Duke of Corazon, Count of San Luciano, Peremont and Sarissa, Baron of Brynnrose

Her Highness, Renata Adelina de Savoie, Princess of Savoy

Edited by Frymark
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Konstanz Barclay sits in his office alone, staring blankly at the window opposite, though looking dapper in his new attire granted by the Savoyard Prince. He'd then order his servant to bring him the illegal copy of Ferrum Man 3, his favourite picture book.

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay smiles knowing their title has come to it’s rightful place, but feels bad for the Baron of Sigradz, knowing the young man’s broken heart can only be healed through becoming a Reinmaren gym rat.

Edited by Capt_Chief26
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Almost too giddy at the news, a forgotten poet found her mind to wander more frequently. 

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Karl wonders if he could borrow the by Bishop Viktor blessed 'savoyard angry bird' t-shirt sometime.

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bishop viktor is further pleased by no more gingers tainting the barclay bloodline

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Princess Renata returned to Niseep that night, head hung low as she prepared herself for a new life. One of duty and little rest. Guilt panged in her heart, but she knew it had been the best action she could have taken. Alone in her room, she grieved what could've been.


At least her ex-betrothed had gotten a new fire fit out of the ordeal.





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Borys stood at the end of the feast hall as Prince of Sutica and Prince of Savoy were speaking, he couldn't stop thinking what the Savoyard angry bird named Bomb is...

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