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To the Cowards of Malin'or


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1 hour ago, Moribundity said:

“Killed who?” A highly confused mali queried, adjusting the new piece of beastmelding equipment she’d crafted from a dead orc’s jaw. Swinging the mace-like attachment on the end of her spear over her shoulder, she turned to it. “Ready for some- what was it?- oh, klomping and flatting, Bonk-Bonk? Time to crush some more unworthy Uruk skulls.”

A wild specter grumbled, facepalming as he asked "The **** have I missed within these past three saints months?"

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"Finely put." hummed the Haelun'orian Sohaer, a gentle smile to receive this news; the flame-risen hearth keeping the Witchen frost that covered his city at bay would crackle in exude of great warmth, a hushed ticking of clock faintly heard in quieter moments of the flame. "The Horde stands as one; in defence of its people, in defence of tradition - in defence against a faux-elven state that thirsts only for power, ne any greater pursuit." Lifting to his lips an ornate teacup, painted with watery lamb, the High Elf took a slow sip, his outward monologue then continued. "If they truly held any pure 'thill, I would hold great pity - and for the misled 'aheral youth, one still does. And yet, Celia'nor - improperly conjugated as as it is - fails to pursue the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya and Larihei's path. No claim have they to the sovereign mantle over the Mali'thill; an erasure of all our principles for the hunger of power." And yet, the clock which so ticked was raised up from breast pocket - a silvery pocket-watch, the Haelun'orian sigil carried by argent stag crafted carefully in so that one might see the gears work behind. Lifted to eye, he'd place parallel - a gaze across the face's glassy cover, turning the item gently between leather-gloved fingertips.  "..Though, you know - one is quite surprised. I had expected their declaration to come much earlier... time ticks ever away." And so, with recognition of this, he'd roll the missive aside - returning to other caveats of paperwork, some grumbled complaint beneath breath about an Okarir'maehr.

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Dakath Ipos restocks his quiver. He seems to have expended it all on these so called ‘Malin’orians’.

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"If only they could fight at least as well as they can.." she trails off, reading over some parts of the missive "Lie, it would seem. Though the Horde likely doesn't understand our pragmatic approach, what is there to gain by warring Krugmar, when they were the ones who attacked us first? Though ironic they call us those who associate with the dark, when a curse spread through Krugmar in which causes the Descendants to turn to Blood.." she pauses before simply commenting "Insignificant, as usual from these half-wits who don't even take time to learn the basics of what they talk about." and with that, she carried on to Court in Celia'nor.

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Krashk'Raguk the singer's deep and godly voice reverberates through the forests as he sat, throat singing upon a rock. As he did so he reached into a pocket of his loins, packing some cactus green into his pipe.

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13 hours ago, PXY said:


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I'm not really one to take part in wars unless it's genuinely something that I have a vested interest in, but the type of attitude where you have a spoiler of all your 'PVP Kills' is one of the most primary -- and horrible -- parts of conflict in LOTC, where it doesn't turn into a narrative story that both sides can enjoy and contribute to, and rather a shit-flinging contest where both sides try to outdo one another by showcasing how many people they've downed; showing that there's a lack of distinction between RP and OOC.


At the end of the day, there's a person behind the screen and I don't think showing off the number of people slain in a conflict via mechanical combat is in good faith and fosters a more toxic and negative environment between two differing sides.


The whole culture about 'Rep Wars' is also pretty gross as well.


Likewise, I don't think the Orcs should be carrying things to bait other players in their signatures just because it's funny. As aforementioned before, it only adds to the negative mindset currently seen now.



Can't really be surprised that he would stoop to such a level of pettiness, Fenn is already a toxic ****hole (Talk about a double standard, hah)


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Hieran chuckles to himself, as he lets settle a slight scoff over the events surpassing between the Mali and Orcs

"Children, all of them. Rather disappointing display... If they stopped wasting their time writing their little declarations and more time taking some real action, I'd even dare to call it an international war rather than child's play. Just a little fighting would prove a real point."

He puts the paper back upon the haenseni stall, before humming to himself as he walked off to forget about the western war mongers and northern elves.



He is a grumpy old man. 


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20 hours ago, PXY said:


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I'm not really one to take part in wars unless it's genuinely something that I have a vested interest in, but the type of attitude where you have a spoiler of all your 'PVP Kills' is one of the most primary -- and horrible -- parts of conflict in LOTC, where it doesn't turn into a narrative story that both sides can enjoy and contribute to, and rather a shit-flinging contest where both sides try to outdo one another by showcasing how many people they've downed; showing that there's a lack of distinction between RP and OOC.


At the end of the day, there's a person behind the screen and I don't think showing off the number of people slain in a conflict via mechanical combat is in good faith and fosters a more toxic and negative environment between two differing sides.


The whole culture about 'Rep Wars' is also pretty gross as well.


Likewise, I don't think the Orcs should be carrying things to bait other players in their signatures just because it's funny. As aforementioned before, it only adds to the negative mindset currently seen now.



Spoons is a stinky troll but i agree with this.


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