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The Treason of the Pontiff and Balian - The Lands of Yol


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Fin Rah Lo

I send this out to all of you on behalf of the Lands of Yol. As of late I, Morur’ei the Lord Of Yol have taken quite the interest in observing the politics of the world. As the war was settled with the elves of the west, I had noticed many procomations from other nations using my existence as a reason to go to war with the orcs. This is quite a cowardly act on behalf of many parties involved within the war, therefore I wish to clear their lies so that my dearest friends who, quite frankly I believe hate me themselves, are no longer slandered by settlements who housed me within their very walls themselves.

The lands in the south should hold their tongues when speaking on behalf of my name and the ‘Azdrazi.’ Let it be known, that during the civil war within the lands of oren against the Imperial’s and Fredrick’s armies I had sought out the imperialists to aid them. I had reached the Emperor himself within the church of Fort Galbraith. It was here that I made a deal, the very founder of Balian himself had agreed to such.

The Imperialists had agreed to take me into their lands once the war was over, they were to allow me to harbor Azdrazi within them under the condition that I help them fight their war. Eventually after fighting alongside the Imperialist they had valiantly accepted defeat. From here, I had guided them and my flock of heralds to the south where the city of Balian was established and in it’s naming of the city, it even paid homage to my past life Atrus.

As Balian placed its feet into the ground, me and my kin, the Azdrazi, had been welcomed among the lands. Even within the campsite leading up to the construction of the city which, believe it or not I had built myself! We were even welcome among the courts and the people, and given quite the sizable amount of land. Even the leaders of the settlement had allowed me to take some of them and turn them into my very own Heralds, as well as some of their citizens.

All was well until the citizens of Balian had been caught by the Church to be harboring Azdrazi, and from this day onwards they have spoken of me as a ‘threat’, a ‘monster’, a ‘servant of iblees’. Why was it that they had not called me these things before when they were using me for their success?

As for the recent pontiff himself a similar declaration is to be constructed. A near Saint’s week ago I had met with the pontiff myself, the Azdrazi known as Morur’ei. It was here that I had struck a similar deal with him, as I looked onwards at him with a blazing fire within my eyes the very pontiff himself had made a deal with me.

The Pontiff had agreed to meet with the Azdrazi themselves, the so called Spawns of Iblees. We had made a plan together for the Pontiff to meet with us to allow us back into the church as, believe it or not we are a large flock of Cannonist ourselves however do not mistake my words as an act against the church, it is an act against treason itself. Why is the man who proclaims to be connected with GOD himself agreeing to help coerce the Azdrazi and then the next day he uses them as a political move? Why is it that a man of GOD is engaging in mortal politics? Why has he plagued the church with his treason and his lies?

I speak these words not to spark conflict, or hate, but to speak truth. Do not use me or my children of the titan himself to win and wage your wars, you should have kept silent but now all shall be revealed. As per the blatant lies of Azdrazi living within the lands of Krugmar, do not spin these lies any further. The Azdrazi and the Lands of Yol are independent from their governance, nothing but the truth itself should be shouted in the streets of the city, which is why I send this very letter to you all.


The Lord of Yol, Morur’ei


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"Wub da zkah." Ivarielle comments.

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Durin hammerforge reads the missve carefully "Tha khorvad warshippers beh tryin teh fool us!" He yells as he shakes his fist in the air

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Yelena vas Ruthern would chuckle at the paper of lies. She'd add it to her toilet paper roll. "Look everyone, free paper!"

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Pavel enunciated the following despite his thick Raevir accent, "Yam would be pleased to be Excommunicated if this truly was the case. No true churchman would sell out to the Dragonkin. The Mother Church has soiled itself by ruinously involving itself in political affairs."

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Sir Rev Vuiller tilted his head arching a brow "How interesting these lies flows from the Azdrazi, As John I was gone during the time.. and Building the city? I'm rather sure myself and Leopold and many others did quite some hard work from a blueprint that did niet function best for what was needed." he shook his head a few times, chuckling  "And accepting Azdrazi vy say? Even if we have had people try to rid vy from our streets from our very founding? annoucments being made of our hunt against vy. Vy speak of having been accepted, yet vy shunned vy from the moment vy showed vyr true sight." 

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A mechanical lord somewhere in a lofty and dour light house lets out a booming laugh as he shakes his head. 


"Lies? In your house of God?" And then another round of laughter is heard, breaking the sorrow for a moment...

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“If only the countries of Almaris focused on me as a threat to be quelled, instead of looking at boring lizards to garner reputation. I have grown tired of hearing about the Azdrazi. Make it stop..” The Dark Emperor lamented, staring at the horde of dark-robed minions preparing for his war against the south and the north. He tried to vanquish away the dark thoughts, but whispers about the Azdrazi continued to fester in his ears.

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Cardinal Viktor is torn between a look of confusion and bemusement at the strange accusations placed at the feet of His Holiness Tylos III "It truly thinks those of any intelligence or logic would accept it's words as fact? I believed the machinations of the Azdrazi-folk to be far more... thoughtful, less clumsy, alas I am wrong. Our Azdrazi enemy is far less intelligent and far less of a threat than we previously thought, obviously"

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"Those aren't news... Everyone already knew that Balian and the Church are both full with vipers. Death to them all," commented Luisa bitterly.

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19 hours ago, Qizu said:

The Azdrazi and the Lands of Yol are independent from their governance, nothing but the truth itself should be shouted in the streets of the city, which is why I send this very letter to you all.

"Even if you are classed as independent, they are still on their lands and surely if the land you are on is not protected by Krugmar then they would take up no issue with you being sieged." said Walton.

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