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RE: The Betrayer Returns


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*Notices are swiftly handed out from within the realm of the urukim and would quickly make their way across the realm and into the hands of any individual wishing to read it.*

By now, I am sure you have seen the notice that has labeled me a traitor of my own people and an oath-maker with the shadows that haunt this realm. I am not here to claim whether or not what I did was true. As the information afforded to me was clearly not the information that you clearly have. I am saddened and angered at my own mistake. A misstep in judgement.

What you have heard is partially true. I had made a pact with a knight. A knight that claimed control over a worm, large enough to devour the very lands that the darkspawn live upon to the east… Or as you supposedly call them, The Synod. As the knight had shared similar interest in ridding the realm of these so-called Synod. The agreement was to use the worm, as even I know the urukim of the Iron Horde are not strong enough to take on those within The Synod alone.

The urukim of the Iron Horde fight alone in this battle against darkspawn. Yet I call upon all others who claim to be against these creatures, where are you to lend your swords? Where are you when they freely roam your streets, take your women and children from their homes and lands only to put them in never-ending misery, /a hell/. Why do you cower even now, knowing very well we wish to strike at the heart of the problem? For a realm filled with such righteous individuals, I see little to no action by your leaders. Instead, you fight amongst your own. Steal, slaughter, and destroy families, homes, and cities and for what? Can you not see that these creatures of darkness sit upon their thrones and laugh at you? They mock your very existence as they continue to wreak havoc upon this realm and steal the bodies of the dead from your petty wars amongst each other to bolster their own ranks.

When a leader is left with no other options, he turns to drastic decisions. While you continue to cower behind your walls, allow these creatures of the shadow to wander your streets freely, allow them onto your own councils, the urukim will continue to fight against it. While you sit upon your throne, protect information regarding darkspawn and demons that have been known to end continents, we will continue to fight against it.

And even now, you, Valyris of Celia’nor, lie and slander my very name in the claim that you are more good than you are evil. You are correct in your claim that I am unaware of such intentions of this so-called /tree/ you speak of. Yet, I made no pact with a /tree/. For a knight had come to the lands of the Iron Horde, offering aid in our war. A knight. Something much more noble and righteous than anything you have ever offered yourself which has been nothing at all as you have known of our war for some time now. Yet, as my hatred grows for you for yours and your peoples constant slandering which has existed even within past leadership, I will trust what you say is true. As it is clear you have more experience in speaking with this so called /tree/ that you so easily claim that I had swore fealty to.

With the information provided by that of Celia’nor, I will retract my agreement with the knight to use such a creature against these so-called Synod in the east. As it never was nor will ever be my intention to aid another creature of the shadow. Yet let it be clear that no fealty was ever sworn. The urukim of the Iron Horde bend the knee to no one.


Yet, there are many questions that still remain that have gone unanswered on your own wrong-doings, Valyris of Celia’nor.

Why had you continued to allow those of dragon-kin to still roam and wander your lands and city freely, after your predecessors had declared an unjust war against the urukim many decades ago for the very same reason only until recently?

Why have you defended the name of your predecessors and followed in their footsteps only until recently to protect those dragon-kin within your city?


Why have you only now banished the Azdrazi from your city? What information do you have of their kind are you hiding from the rest of the realm?

Why do you continue to allow dark creatures, known solely by their appearance, to freely travel within your city and converse with your people without repercussion?

Why do your guards put no stop to these dark creatures that wander, live, and feast upon your lands?

Why was it the job of the urukim to notify you of necromancers that you had given land and homes to peacefully?

Why even to this day, after the urukim and you had fought these necromancers of Cartef-mor after you had given them land and clearly knew of their existence within this city, you still allow them to live upon your lands?

Why is it that after such an attack upon Cartef-mor had happened, did you not want the urukim of the Iron Horde to travel with you to talk of the attacks to this so-called Lectorate you spoke of?


Why havent you released any notice condemning the necromancers of Cartef-mor for their actions?

How is it that I know little of this tree you speak of and yet, you seemingly know everything about this tree? Including its own ranks, allies, and what it claims to rule over?


How is it you know so much about the creatures of the shadow, who leads them, whether they come and go upon this realm, and what their motives are?

Why would you hide information that could be key to leading an end to all we’ve ever known and what would ever be from the rest of the realm?

What is it that you are hiding from the rest of the realm?


How do you know the name of this darkspawn group to the east? The one you call The Synod?

What do you know about the Synod that you are not telling us?

Why have you let darkspawn create a space in the east which they may gather to bolster their tools, weapons, and ranks to wage war against all of us in this realm without doing anything about it? You clearly had the knowledge of their existence long before our war was ever declared against them.

If it is not you learning of this information from first hand experience, then who upon your council is telling you? It is clear they have many questions that need to be answered too…

You have chosen to throw rocks while being surrounded by glass.

What I have done is not excusable if what information you claim is true. Yet rather than provide this information to us, you hid it from us. Waited. Plotted. Conspired with others behind your walls. For a nation claiming to wish for peace, you instead set out demands. Threats. What is your true motive, Valyris of Celia’nor? It was Celia’nor that had led the breaking of the peaceful pact of Malinor that had united the elves. Celia’nor that was under your rule. Upon breaking this pact, you sought to make peace upon a bridge built of rotten woods and broken stones with the honorable people of Nor’asath and yet… you have sought no such peace with the rest of your elven brothers and sisters… Even now, you declare the banishment of spiritualists. The very same spiritualists that live directly next to your city and the very same spiritualists you had only sought to make peace with.

I formally invite Valyris of Celia’nor to meet upon neutral grounds to answer these questions herself, face to face. We will travel to the human realm of Balian where we will meet peacefully. There are to be no guards. No accompaniment by either party. No weapons are to be brought.

*A date and time is written at the bottom of the paper*

((Sunday, December 4th, 5PM EST. Balian's capital city.))

REX, Willy of San’Velku and The Iron Horde




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“Everyday I wake up and I help fix international relations” Ledicort would sigh reading the missive as it graces his desk “regardless I do hope both can talk out their outstanding issues and work together against the darkspawn threat”

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"Tree fuckers words always twisted truth" 

The Targoth of the Horde commented to his Rex, approving of his bold answer.


"We hope they rid themselves of the darkspawns that plague their nation."

The uruk then left to prepare for the opening of yet another drug shop!


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A Ker shows off the paper to another dark elf. "See, Netseth, we are correct. They would have never knowingly done such a thing. It is as I told Ilira. Willy would never have made a direct pact with Ibless. I had hoped that such could have been spoken openly. Just today we have a training session in the pit near the square. Ibless is a known liar and manipulator. I can only hope that going forward, we can all remember to speak face to face. These letters and writings of paper. Offer to little feed back."

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"That's a lot of writing, must be trying to make up for something." Jhaeros would snicker to Valyris. On and on he read, shaking his head. "I'll have him know that I personally prevent darkspawn when I'm on gate duty, as does every other diraar, and we handle the darkspawn as they reveal themselves. Perhaps the Uruks knew because they were in league with the necromancers and were in on the effort to kill you, larii'onn. He brings up Cartref a lot- does he not realize it's been cleansed of the necromancers, that the settlement is empty?  He wonders why we wouldn't bring uruks- does he forget their own hostilities? Why would we bring allies of Serheim to aid us against darkspawn?" 


A tsk as he'd continue, never heated, ever too proper a 'Thill to bear a temper. "There's no way uruks are this stupid, they aren't QUITE ologs. As for why the information was not given- perhaps he did not yet live when the Inferi attacked the descendants, in that realm we fled from to reach this one. I know of few who have existed more than a few decades who aren't aware of what a Synod is or its existence there." A snicker. "Perhaps he needs a lesson in history, espionage, and politics. He paints only himself into a corner with these accusations. No Diraar lets darkspawn walk freely." 

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An currently bed ridden elfess would come across such notice as she carefully sat up reading it over her brows furrowing upon it "it seems the rex has decided to cover his ass to such claims, and try to throw those who persecuted him for such actions by condeming them for 'not doing anything' for a supposedly innocent man he sure is quick to take attention off himself and instead to the accusing party..." she grumbled letting out a string of sickly coughs "we'll see how this goes...for now I take this statement with a grain of salt...Krug must be rolling in his grave with his kins actions" she then layed the statement to the side, taking her medicine before laying down once again to hopefully get some rest. 

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"Lies, and attempting to deflect blame, will not avail you" an ame comments before once more returning to his forge. His weapons of war are prepared, this forging, was of a gift.

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"GRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The grey orc lets out a roar of dismay and rage, arms flinging the held possessions across the room. A bottle of fine ink shatters against the tower wall in a shower of droplets and twinkling shards as Kor'garr's frame shudders in disbelief. He continues to seethe as he looks between the two missives upon his desk, each individually worrisome but together telling a story of intentional slander and deceit. 

"...Tuu mani liez. Kor'Garr wihl zpred dah Truth."

Wordlessly, coldly, the greyskin's eyes burn in vibrant crimson hues from outrage as he strides over to the nearby drawer. A new bottle of ink and many, many sheets of parchment are laid before him as the newly motivated former Rex of ages ago begins to write for the global stage once more...

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23 hours ago, rukio said:

"That's a lot of writing, must be trying to make up for something." Jhaeros would snicker to Valyris. On and on he read, shaking his head. "I'll have him know that I personally prevent darkspawn when I'm on gate duty, as does every other diraar, and we handle the darkspawn as they reveal themselves. Perhaps the Uruks knew because they were in league with the necromancers and were in on the effort to kill you, larii'onn. He brings up Cartref a lot- does he not realize it's been cleansed of the necromancers, that the settlement is empty?  He wonders why we wouldn't bring uruks- does he forget their own hostilities? Why would we bring allies of Serheim to aid us against darkspawn?" 


A tsk as he'd continue, never heated, ever too proper a 'Thill to bear a temper. "There's no way uruks are this stupid, they aren't QUITE ologs. As for why the information was not given- perhaps he did not yet live when the Inferi attacked the descendants, in that realm we fled from to reach this one. I know of few who have existed more than a few decades who aren't aware of what a Synod is or its existence there." A snicker. "Perhaps he needs a lesson in history, espionage, and politics. He paints only himself into a corner with these accusations. No Diraar lets darkspawn walk freely." 


"Ya have darkspawn within your own ranks, ya idjit." A reputable business man would comment in passing, before entering the inner sanctum of The Hiram King

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1 hour ago, GamblersPalm said:


"Ya have darkspawn within your own ranks, ya idjit." A reputable business man would comment in passing, before entering the inner sanctum of The Hiram King

Jhaeros would be unable to hear the man, as he never associates with the lessers in Celia'nor.

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