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The Commandment of Yol - A Declaration of Betrayal


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[!] This is only available to members of the Uruloki and members of Tor-Azdroth unless shown otherwise through roleplay.


Upon new inquiries within the politics of the world revolving one of our very own members Kaito the Mali’ame from the Vale - you are commanded to bring him to I, Morur’ei alive. For those unaware of such histories, my Herald had found himself at the doorstep of the Xannic Keep where he had turned himself in willingly. As a result of such he then proceeded to unveil his Heraldry not only to Azdromoth but onto myself in which, working alongside the wretched paladin herself, attempted to lure myself in for execution. It is now known that he has been seen leaving the Xannic Keep harm free and that to no avail he has achieved de-heraldry. 


Upon this date the 18th of The Amber Cold, Kaito, Mali’ame of the Vale is wanted captured alive for the following creed breakings,

I. Soldiers of the Uruloki  are bound to the Creed and must follow it at all costs, even if it means one would have to die doing such.
II. The compliance or assistance to forces of the dark is prohibited, and should one encounter the presence of such - it must be purged immediately. 

III. Service and Sacrifice are the core of the Uruloki and those who swear oaths to such should work alongside each other as a flexible machine.
V. Soldiers of the Uruloki are bound to the rule of the blessed father, Azdromoth, first-born among the dragons of the world. Through his wisdom will they find the path.


I implore you all to do your best in tracking the traitor amongst us down. Should he be captured, he will stand before those he betrayed and defend himself from the enactment of The Execution of Flame. The following are appearances in which he often acquires for himself.

- Blue, Steel Armor with a “T” shaped Visor.
- Ferrymen Attire, Cyan Bandana.
- Earth tone clothing.
- Brown skin, green eyes, reddish-brown hair, mali’ame.


To members of the Uruloki who seek him down, beware of retaliation from groups that he lingers within such as the members of the Ferrymen who - should you come across should be given respect and spoken to accordingly. Explain the betrayal and why it is key that the one known as Kaito is served justice. He has previously resided within the Vale for quite some time and now has been seen within the grasps of Xan. Approach with intelligence, however do not spare any mercy for those who seek to drive a sword through their teachers.




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"I. . . I just spoke to him. . . ." said a Nephilim 

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1 minute ago, Qizu said:

I had @Amyydo it for me


Ty for the sauce gamer


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Lyari frowns after having the missive read to him. "...Why can't we all just get along?" Frets the youthful Mali, quietly stirring together warmed milk, yeast, eggs, sugar, and softened butter. "I don't want to die..." He'd mumble as he slowly added the flour and salt. "...Or kill anyone." Came the afterthought as the dough formed and he set it aside to rise. 

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1 minute ago, rukio said:

Lyari frowns after having the missive read to him. "...Why can't we all just get along?" Frets the youthful Mali, quietly stirring together warmed milk, yeast, eggs, sugar, and softened butter. "I don't want to die..." He'd mumble as he slowly added the flour and salt. "...Or kill anyone." Came the afterthought as the dough formed and he set it aside to rise. 

The Nephilim approached the young Lyari as he shook his head, "We've got a snake to catch Lyari, see it that way. Snakes bite yer toes!"

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IVE BEEN DOXXED NOO but the sword is awesome looking so its worth it.


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Nothing to add in character but your formatting is always really nice


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12 hours ago, Guzr said:
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Nothing to add in character but your formatting is always really nice





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Santiago shrieked as he read the missive, pacing back and forth in a certain keep. He kept looking at it from every angle to make sure he read it right, even going as far as to hold it up to the sun to look at it. "Amigo! Dey're after ju'! Ju' have to do somethin' about it mane!" The Ferrymen said to his fellow scallywag.


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