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The Final Duel [PK]


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The Final Duel



The Port of Ciudad de Plata, 116 S.A.



This night seemed different from others. As Cesar walked out onto the port of the City he had constructed so long ago, he felt as if this night would be his last time seeing the sea.


Cesar stood upon the docks, Cigar in one hand and cane in the other. Suddenly, he heard the clanking of armored boots behind him. The Viceroy turned, and a figure clad in full plate armor stood before him.


You know why I’m here.”


I won’t come easily, chico.”


I’m not here to kidnap you.”


I know.”


Swords were drawn, steel met steel, and blood dripped. When Cesar saw that fateful strike, it was already too late. Steel sliced through part of his neck like butter, leaving a gaping wound that bled like a fountain. As Cesar fell to his knees, gasping for air, his assailant removed his helmet and revealed his identity to the Viceroy-Emeritus.


And then it was over.





OOC: Well, this ain't how I expected Cesar to go out, but RP is RP and I can't say it isn't a suitable ending. I had a ton of fun playing Cesar, and I hope you guys enjoyed interacting with him whenever you did. I now go to a new character that will inevitably suffer a cruel death


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Hearing this news, Alejandro lets out a sigh "Hm.." Is all he lets out as he looks over to the person laying in the clinic bed next to his chair.


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Wyn would begin to pack his bags from his home in hyspia...once the news had reached him, it was proven to both himself and the world that he had grown lackluster in his efforts the past years, and so with the fall of the one who knighted him did he too leave hyspia. 

For he had failed...

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Vicereine Amity does her best to comfort her husband and children over the loss of their father and grandfather, truth be told she felt nothing on the matter. The woman long having been numb to the deaths of her family. She had prepared for this grief. What her main focus was now, was to comfort her husband above all else. She knew how hard this would hurt him and she refuses to leave his side. The first words she says to him after the death would simply be "I am with you every step of the way mi amor, it will be vale. I promise."

Edited by Kitomine
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Verónica having been one of the people to find her father's corpse, was utterly devastated.. She felt numb.. Only coming out of her room in Hypisa went she absolutely had to

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Princess Sofia de Pelears heart dropped and her breath hitched at the news. Her knees cracked against the ground, clasping upon the cross she donned at her neck, praying for it not to be true. Her father is dead. Murdered.

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Laurelie de Pelear, would be waiting on the balcony for her husband to come back from his nightly stole of the city. A small since of panic filled her though, as if this was all to familiar. The same feeling she got the day she found her father dead. She pushed it down though, moving back to her bed room and getting out the Pear Brandy she had been meaning to give him. She wasn't much for drinks, but she knew he enjoyed it. What was the harm in just one drink.  

Edit: Finding out

He hadn't come home yet? Why wasn't he home yet. She moved down the stairs, leaving her dog behind. She moved to take the path he walked, or at least the path they walked when they walked together... she stopped at the church, to find her grand daughters... tears started to roll down her face at what she saw. Why did God keep testing her, what did she do to deserve this. She dropped to her knees, arms moving around her grandchildren. Trying to shield them from what they've already seen.

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"Curse Alejandro and his power of powergaming two crossbow bolts to the back!" Lorec cried out!

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Isolated in some caverns Francisco would look over to something, something inhuman and almost unnatural, something that was bigger than he could have imagined. Distanced from whatever this entity was, would be Francisco himself, his eyes widened, he had been crying- a lot. Quickly he would drop something into the cavern, though quickly after it would go, never to be seen again by anyone, destroyed, obliterated and wiped from existence. A light grin would begin to tug at the man's lips, a feeling overcame him, a feeling he hadn't had since his first kill leading his people's army into battle at the age of thirteen. "Mostraré la misericordia que él no tuvo." He would quip lightly before going to find his wife, children and weapons.

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18 hours ago, CamoRein said:

"Curse Alejandro and his power of powergaming two crossbow bolts to the back!" Lorec cried out!

The musin would pat his foe on the back of the leg “You’ll get him next time pal.”

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