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When does your right to roleplay on LOTC get permanently revoked? [TW]


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I wouldn’t turn your guns on Alex for a vote all admins made. Don’t shoot the mail man

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Maybe the team should have been more reluctant on giving their word in the first place. I feel like neither "side" is entirely satisfied.

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It's terrible honestly but it's also true that unfortunately back then this super toxic and vile behavior was seen as normal and was seen as the norm in the so-called "Dewper era" (in the flay-controlled Empire of Man / Renatus).

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Good that he's banned, but, to the admins, do better in the future. Don't give notoriously horrible people the benefit of the doubt, they never deserve it.

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******* finally.


Everyone take note of the stout defenders of that freak.  Keep an eye on them.

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8 minutes ago, GMRO said:

and any chats involving anonymousalexa for good measure 

Now that was just uncalled for

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34 minutes ago, itdontmatta said:

Hi again,


Upon further review of the evidence and comments made, we have decided to give Charlemagne a permanent (Player Conduct Violations) ban for his behavior in the screenshots Muna and MissToni provided. Although he has apologized and offered that he has changed, we cannot provide a platform for his redemption. 


In two days, it will have been 10 years since I joined LotC. I endured several different iterations of the LotC community, and I have been both on the receiving and giving end of really shitty, toxic behavior. I thought that since I matured and learned from my mistakes that anyone else could. When Charlemagne appealed, and there was support on his appeal, I thought there was a possibility that he changed. While he was back, I saw that change and I thought that it was okay. I didn’t come to think that even though he possibly changed, his behavior could not be redeemed on our platform.


There is a threshold that cannot be crossed, and we see that in this thread. I personally underestimated how much this community has changed in the ten years I’ve been here. I reflected on what I had posted, and I started to have a weird feeling about it. It wasn’t a call that I was 100% confident in. 


I am sorry, specifically to Muna and MissToni that we mishandled this. 


Lord of the Craft serves to offer a place that people can escape some of the realities of their real life situation. My topmost priority has been to encourage a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Please hold me to that. If I cannot offer that to you, the community, then please ask me to resign and I will. My next step is to implement standards for the roleplay server communities we advertise in our public discord, and set rules & guidelines for conduct we expect on discord.


Thank you, and I will not let you down again.




Good that further consideration was taken. Hopefully further incidents such as these do not repeat and player safety is thoroughly upheld within reason.

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Thank you. I hope that player safety and comfort are prioritized from now on.

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5 minutes ago, squakhawk said:

I want to personally apologize for the people who’s trust in player advocacy and safety I have betrayed with this issue. After talking with many of you both in group and in one-to-one, I deeply regret not having stepped in sooner. While I may be the first to advocate for a ban, that doesn’t make up for the fact that I did not allow it to go through in the first place.


I have failed you guys in your trust and confidence, and for that I am deeply sorry. I can’t make that up to you, and I can’t undo the damage I’ve already done. I can, however, try again. I have served the playerbase both in matters of story and player advocacy since I became admin, and I felt proud to be able to say that I was always making the right decisions. But this time, I was wrong, as was all of the administration. But from now on, I want to make it right. I want to restore that trust and faith you guys had not only in me, but in the administration as a whole, to uphold and advocate for player safety, trust, and advocacy. 


I fucked up. I’m sorry I did. I don’t deserve an apology or your guys’ sympathy. But I’m going to try and restore that trust you guys had in me to be your advocate and your representative. My first step was advocating for a re-ban on Charlemagne and listening to you guys in your discords and dms, and understanding I was wrong. I saw it one way, you guys see it another- and I don’t think the way I saw it initially when we decided to not ban was right. 


I’m sorry again. I’ll make it up to you guys. Please let me know how I can if you would like, my DMs/Discords are always open, and I’m always available for conversation. I’d like to continue to be transparent and open about how I feel and see things.


Thank you to my friends, team members, the denizens of “The ‘Cord”, and others who approached me both as groups and personally to discuss this issue. It means a lot to me you did not immediately believe I stood fully behind what decisions were said and done. I’m sorry I disappointed and let you down- I don’t want to ever again.


-Squak (Steph)

Ive always known that the admins of lotc were incompetent which is why I could never fully immerse myself in the community. Everywhere you go on this server no matter what group you join the admins have their firm grip on whatever they touch and seemingly do whatever they can to make things worse.  Every staff member affiliated with the events that led up to this final decision should resign. Not for banning charlemagne but for consistently flip flopping on various issues which do nothing but spark up anger among players. It is no surprise why there are consistently large bodies of communities breaking away to form other servers or just dissolving entirely. Be better or resign.

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