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What does it mean to be alone? [PK]


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13th of  The Amber Cold, 1924



Playing amongst the children of New Providence, Kendrick, one of the more extroverted kin of House Nightingale. Tall in stature and broad shouldered as he grew in age, skyrocketing through his adolescence. Into his teenage years he would go to become an Officer Cadet of the Imperial State Army. Quickly working his way through the Officer Academy, he'd land himself a position of Pennymaster and promoted to the rank of Ensign within the 1st Regiments 1st Brigade under Captain Vladrick var Ruthern. Contrary to his brother, Atticus Nightingale would accomplish many things during his time within Arichsdorf, enlisting into the House Guard and leading a fine team of stewards. Manfred von Arichsdorf would grant Atticus and his pedigree the Hamlet of Luscnia and gentry status, making way for Kendrick's return as the abrupt start of the Brothers War made way. The pair often coming to discordant banter with one another as they managed the Hamlet. Earning few tenants during the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Oren. Retired from the Imperial State Army, Kendrick lived his life away within the walls of Luscnia, surrounded by his siblings Atticus, Sergio, Penelope, Annuum, and Ida.  With the death of Atticus, Kendrick became unhinged, inevitably he'd vanish. Without Atticus, the main jobholder of the family and only one to retain their status, the Hamlet slowly crumbled. One by one, the siblings perished with age, Penelope, Sergio, Annuum, leaving dearest Ida, one of the youngest alone. 


Kendrick lost himself in the realm of Almaris, his mind left in fragments as he had wandered aimlessly, the war and fall of Arichsdorf left him empty. First, only mere days went past, moving to weeks, then months, years, and finally decades. Having found his old home in shambles after so many years, he'd begin his search without further knowledge that many of his siblings had succumb to the passage of time. Travelling from lands far and distant, The Duchy of Minitz, the Kingdom of Haenseni-Ruska, the Kingdom of Balian, and many more. Ending in the Principality of Sedan, where he would find a middle-aged woman farming outside the gates of the city, it had been Ida. After long hours of futile attempts to convince his young sister that he was truly her brother, he had finally made a break through. After catching up to with what had occurred during his long treacherous travels, they settled on moving to the Viceroy of Hyspia. Plagued with infection, Kendrick now remained withered away in his quarters, long since had he seen the coasts of Luscnia. A decrepit smile manifested on his expression, his arm would raise upwards and reach towards the glistening sun that penetrated the curtains of his lodging. As he wilted away beneath the sheets of his bed, his arm fell, surrending to death with few final soft-spoken words. "Y will always love vy all, mea siblings." His eyelids falling as he slumped downward with a blissful smirk, his final thoughts being the children of Nightingale running rampant across the streets of New Providence.



@PaleOmnivore390 @Heart_Spam @ATallTower @SapphirePool @outcook @far1ca 

Thanks to all of you for the enjoyable roleplay during the time I had Kendrick. I still miss the days where we would rp in Luscnia and Arichsdorf. 

Another thanks to Tower, he's the only reason I'm able to write this PK post today.




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Some days had passed before Ida, now the last remaining Nightingale, braved the stench (and her brother's wrath) of Kendrick's quarters. She'd thought it was an infestation - either of mice or mold - and stood unmoving as the door creaked open to reveal such was not the case. After a moment, Ida straightened, hands twitched, as she reached for her medical bag. She thought him dead once and he had returned - surely, he would do the same again. 


But all efforts were in vain; not even the most skilled herbalist could combat Death's final judgement. Surrounded by medicines, herbs, and bandages strewn in disarray, Ida slumped to the floor in the corner, arms wrapped about her knees. Only her incoherent mumblings broke the heavy silence as she rocked back and forth, keeping vigil in hopes Kendrick would wake.



Thank you for dragging me kicking and screaming (kidding-) into the Nightingale family. I highly enjoyed Nightingale rp and miss the old Arichsdorf days aswell. Here's to Kendrick o7


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Cesar did not know much about the man's prior life. However, upon hearing the news of his death. The teenage Prince of Hyspia imparted a gentle sigh. He signed the lorraine as he would then murmur, "I only met you when I was younger. Lo siento. I'm sorry for the hardships you faced, señor. You once told me about your search for your lost sister. I am glad that you found her again before your passing."

Oh, if only Cesar could see his late eldest sister one last time...


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Elena thought of their time spent in Arichsdorf fondly, remembering how strange she found Kendrick at first. "After Atticus left, it just wasn't the same.." she'd quietly comment to herself. 

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