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Preserving our Purity


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[!] Fresh parchment, untouched,
Ink's embrace, newly written,
Words whisper softly.



In our relentless pursuit of our lost kin, the forgotten children of Silver, we have been engulfed in profound contemplation. The ancient wisdom of our ancestors has filled our thoughts, illuminating the need for our steadfast fidelity to their teachings. 

  • Forgiveness - the virtue that sings the soul of our society - is our grace to those who have strayed but yearn for redemption. Yet, even as mercy sways our hearts, we recognise the need for a purifying acid to cleanse those whose transgressions threaten our existence. Their redemption lies in penance and enlightenment.


Our people are as open-armed as they are discerning. Larihei's warm, inviting embrace waits patiently for those whose quest for enlightenment is genuine. But pretenders, those who don’ facades of false sincerity, will find no refuge in our midst. They are destined to face the cold reality of their deceit.

As a follower of Maehr'sae Hiylun’ehya,we are engulfed in an ocean of responsibilities. We are not merely followers; we are the harbingers of her teachings, the keepers of our ideology, the guardians of our purity. It is an eternal vigil, an everyday duty we undertake with unyielding determination.


A High Elf's purity or impurity defines their existence. A Mali’thill, a pure elf, transcends worldly desires, steered by reason and logic, tirelessly striving to elevate themselves and our homeland. Our devotion to Maehr'sae Hiylun’ehya is not just fervent, it's consuming. In stark contrast, a Mali’ata, an impure elf, lives for the self, their lives haphazardly tossed around by the waves of transient emotions, seeking fleeting pleasures and accolades to satiate their ego. They reject their kin and their community, choosing selfish desires over collective well-being.

To be born of Aheral blood is to be bathed in the purest essence. It is a gift of a superior mind and body, a state of supreme cleanliness that sets us high above the rest. This birthright of purity, unsurpassable by any, is at its purest in a newborn, untarnished by the corruptible influences of the world.


We, the Mali’aheral, are bestowed with the sacred duty to safeguard this purity. Our essence, our greatness, must not be snuffed out by the impure. It is a flame we must protect, a beacon we must keep alight.

The threat of the impure is sinister. They bear our faces, wear the skins of our kin, friends, and family. They are twisted reflections aiming to extinguish our radiance, driven by a terrible cocktail of malice and envy. A High Elf corrupted is a High Elf lost, for once tainted by impurity, their return to their former purity is nearly impossible.

Thus, dear diary, our vigilance must never wane. Our purity is not just our heritage, it is our destiny. We must carry it forward with undying passion, and fierce determination.

Until tomorrow, 

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