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The Assent of Mons Alexandria

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As Godfrey Baradaeus a young Balinese man, would find him self sailing east of Balians port, where his small boat struck land, a comment from his diary reads like this, 'Tis my second day in which I found myself and my crew aground upon this land, on further inspection we discovered that the lands vegetation would hardly reach above 2ft in height, with no trees to be seen on the North Easterly side of the new island.' Godfrey and his crew would continue his exploration the island where they came across the foot hills of a mountain though to centre itself in the island, so they climbed it and when they ascended its peak they chose a name for the great peak they called it, 'Mons Alexandria' (mountain Alexander) named after the King's late and much loved Father. With this he would also place down a banner of Balian to signify that they had been on the island. Another extract from his diary reads, 'The land had full or small rolling hills and flat plains perfect for any sort of agricultural development, and with its mountain many treasures could possibly be hidden with' 

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