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[✗] Settlement Application | Caelia


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Proposed Settlement Locations (Highlight 3 on the map):


We’d prefer to settle in Tile 4 in the Badlands as we’ve prepared our build designed around it, but if we had too, tiles 6 or 2 in the badlands would also be nice.


Settlement Lore:

Caelian Word List


The Caelians follow the Iusreligio religion, a pagan pantheon of deities forming triads of worship.

The Three main triads are 

  • Ivlioia; God of the Seven Skies and ruler of the Gods, Ilia; Goddess of Marriage and Wisdom, Aelivs; God of the sun’

  • Marevs; God of the Seas, Water and Harvest, Amordea; Goddess of Fertility and love, Vervsa; Goddess of the Hearth’

  • ‘Belldevm; God of Conquest, War and Strategy, Soledevm; God of Peace, Justice and Fire, Faberanvs; God of Crafts and the Forge

The Major Gods that arent part of a triads are 

  • Malignivs; God of the Void, Gambling and Crime 

  • Aemillia; Goddess of Victory, Follows Belldevm

  • Parsdiem; God of Wine, and Partying.


Caelian mythos starts in Atlas from Colonia Aequium under Velia. The founder Caelianus Ramnesius is said to have been the son of the Caelian god Belldevm; he led his people out of the Colonia due to disagreements with the government. Descendants of the Contubernii Caelianae became the known Patricii gentes/families in later Caelia. Caelianus was proclaimed Praefectus of the Caelians


The son of Caelianus Ramneseius was murdered by his son Filione, which was avenged by his other son Iulianus who was proclaimed the second Praefectus. Praefectus Iulianus led the Caelian people across the frozen wastes of Atlas into the land of Arcas where the gentes settled on the fields of the southern Korvassa. Iulianus would die defending the gentes of Caelia when Barbarians overwhelmed the defenses of the city. The Caelians would scatter across the wastes of Arcas.


The main lines of the Vlastos gentes would reunite in the Norlander city of Morsgrad where the dream of returning to Caelia reigned in their minds. At the dawn of a Norlander war with Oren the Vlastos gentes took a boat across the south sea in hopes of returning to Iulianus’ settlement.


After bearing harsh weather and storms, the Vlastos eventually arrived back to the site of Iulianus’ settlement where auvergne influenced forest dwarves had taken refuge in the ruins. The dwarves were originally friendly with the Caelian arrivals, overtime word of Caelian resettlement reached the ears of the other gentes of Caelia. In time the Caelians were severely out-numbering the dwarves.


The dwarves were swiftly routed as tensions rose; Latinius Vlastos was hailed as the third Praefectus as his leadership led them back to Caelia and in victory against the dwarves.


Latinius Vlastos led Caelia for 67 years, during his reign he appointed a senate based on the Velian system to oversee the settlement. 


Near the end of the Caelian’s time on Arcas the Inferii invaded the Korvassa. The Caelian legion was worked to the bone defending against Inferii attacks as support from Oren and Sutica was separated by a vast hellscape.


The Inferii were defeated by the firewatch and its alliance; the Caelian legion was able to rest on their laurels for 4 years before catastrophic flooding engulfed the southern lands of Arcas, the Praefectus drowned in the chaos.


During the Inferii war Caelius Ramneseius the adopted son of Latinius Vlastos was proclaimed the fourth Praefectus for the titles he received during his service in the legion.

The gentes of Caelia were able to stay united as they moved in with the Hyspians under Osanora after Caelius reunited with his cousin Herman Vlastos who resided in Tierre Natal on Arcas.


Tensions in Osanora would rise between the Caelians and Hyspians as Caelian culture was being replaced by the Hyspian half of the city. This conflict all came to head as the Caelian Legion who made up the military of the city led a coup d’état against Baron Antonio de Medina.


In what came to be known as the tragedy of the taberna the Caelians lost their Praefectus. Antonio de Medina slit the throat of Caelius as Leo of Phokas retrieved his corpse after chasing out the Mendez brothers.


Leo Phokas was proclaimed as the fifth and last Praefectus of the Caelians, his reign was short lived as the day following the tragedy of the taberna Sutican guards rallied in Osanora to behead the Caelian aristocracy


Forced into exile the Gentes of the Caelians fled into the desert where they would fight off the desert tribes and live as nomads for the next 106 years. The Gentes of Ramnesius, Vlastos, Phokas, Velina, Collina, Palatina, Suburana, Aemillia, Horlenia, Bringas, and Doukas were able to survive the harsh sands.


Four Caelians were sent off from the Southern Desert to establish connections with other powers and find a place for the Caelian people to settle. Flavia Ramneseii Primus, Marcus Ramneseii Scipio, Tullius Vlastoi Proteus, Leonardo Vlastoi Lepidus. They traveled the human kingdoms before settling inside the Duchy of Minitz.


The four would fight and give their all for the kingdom of Aaun for nearly 20 years before getting fed up with the bureaucracy, they came for a fresh start for their people but found prejudice and hate. They were driven out of Minitz and were ridiculed in the city of Whitespire.


With this drive the four returned to the Caelian Gentes and told them of their travels; they would lead the Caelians to a new place of settlement.  


Settlement Government Structure Explanation:

The city of Caelia will follow a Classical Republic style of Government, with elections held for Magistrate positions. Those Magistrate positions would have four positions being Consul, Praetor, Aedile, Quaestor. Those outside of the senate can only run for the Quaestor position, and once you are elected as a Quaestor you are a senator for life or until you resign. Each term there will be 2 of each magistrate position elected from within the senate.


The Consuls lead the senate in sessions and have the power to lead the army, introduce/veto legislation.


The Praetor's role are to oversee legal proceedings in Caelia and act as head diplomats for the senate, in the case the Consuls arent around or delegate the role down the ladder they can also act as leaders of the army..


Aediles are Responsible for planning city events, stewarding the city and organizing festivities.


The Quaestor are to act as advisers to the Consuls, and Proconsuls, for every Consul and Proconsul in term there are to be an equal number of Quaestors elected.


The two non Magistrate positions are Proconsuls and Censors, each of these positions will be appointed by the senate for a time of two election terms.


Leads a Caelian province in the event the senate organizes territory outside the main region of Caelia


Is in charge of conducting a Census every 4 years, keeps the official records of the Res publica, Holds the elections and manages the state’s treasury.


Settlement Builds and Infrastructure:




How does this settlement offer a unique niche not already found in an existing polity on the server?:

Caelia offers a unique experience that's been lost on the server for some time. And, with changes in human nations yet again the niche is greater than ever. Classical/Mediterranean style rp is wanted on lotc and has been wanted for a long time. Our system of government and culture is different from all other cultures and settlements on lotc, republics are rare on lotc; especially classically styled republics.


How does your settlement tie to the greater lore and narrative set by the community on LotC?:

Caelia has been a group of players since mid Arcas and has changed hands a couple of times throughout that timeline. Caelia has connections to Velia from Atlas through rp ancestry (Which was passed down through Zarsies in dms)


Have you ever run a settlement on LoTC before and what experience do you have with leadership within roleplay communities among the current groups of players?:

I ran a small settlement on Arcas, and I have experience with Worldguard and running settlements/groups; we have others in our group who are also experienced with leading outside LOTC.


Do you understand the metrics for maintaining activity and the grounds for settlement removal, along with the standing polity cap?


Realm Color:

Tyrian Purple / Dark_Purple

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Leonardo Vlastoi Lepidus 


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Marcus Ramneseii Scipio


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Tullius Vlastoi Proteus

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Lavette Stroheim 


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Stanton "Sentius" Stroheim


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Erland Maor


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Naexi Miramaris


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