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The Last Royal Act of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor


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Tar-Caraneth Aryantë spent quite some time in the Temple of Saint King Caius in the days that followed, praying for guidance.

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"Thank you Father, for all that you've built for us."


Azrubêl says before congratulating her sister.

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"May you sleep under the starlit sky for many years to come, O' King of Kings. Your daughter will do just fine, I do think. May we meet again. In this Kingdom you have built or on the roads."
Traskaath would utter as he sat by the firepit of Númendil. Muttering a silent prayer to both Cernunnos and Cerridwen.

Edited by DankuzMemuz
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RE: The Last Royal Act of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor



As written upon on this 6th of Sun’s Smile, 142 S.A.


From the Lordship of Caladras to the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil

"Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.”





To the Esteemed Númenatâr Foronathor of the Royal House Arthalionath of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, as well as Her Grace, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the Royal House Arthalionath of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil:





The Lord and Lady of Caladras, Ser Elerríon and Ser Cálienë of House Seregon, pen these words with the utmost respect and sincerity as we have received the news of your decision to resign from the esteemed position of The Exilic Kingdom’s White Throne. Your reign has been marked by an incredible amount of accomplishment from the most humble of beginnings, to the passionate rise of the Folk of Harren. It was through martial prowess and unwavering commitment to those within your merry band that you laid claim to land in the most unforgiving of circumstance in Almaris. Through that venture, you have risen to your place with wisdom, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare and prosperity of your subjects.


First and foremost, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your years of exemplary service and leadership. Your tireless efforts have been instrumental in shaping the Númenaranyë into the strong and vibrant realm it is today. Your accomplishments, your pursuit of Godly justice, and your visionary approach to old Idunia’s culture have left an indelible mark on our history.


We understand that the decision to step down was not made lightly, and we hold the utmost respect for your judgment. Your well-being and happiness are of paramount importance, and we fully support your choice to transition the crown and your positions to your daughter.


As you embark on this new chapter, please know that you will have the unwavering support and loyalty of House Seregon. Your wisdom and counsel are invaluable to our kingdom, and we believe your guidance will continue to be a vital asset in the years ahead.

It would be remiss of us to not also extend our heartfelt appreciation for your patience and understanding during the formative years where our arrival and adoption of the chivalric Code and more importantly, the conversion to Canonism. The ease with which our Elven blood had integrated into your kingdom is a testament to your leadership and the welcoming spirit of our new home.


While your resignation marks a significant transition for our realm, we are confident that your daughter, our new Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, will uphold the same principles and ideals that have guided us under your rule. As we move forward, we shall face the future with the same determination and unity that you have instilled in our people.


On a personal note, we want to express our gratitude for the friendship we have shared throughout your reign. Your fairness, consideration, and advice have meant a great deal to both of us, and we look forward to continuing our bond in the years to come, regardless of your official role.


In closing, we extend our deepest regards and appreciation for your service to our kingdom, Your Majesty. As we navigate this time of transition, may we continue to uphold the values and principles that have made our realm strong.


With the utmost respect and admiration,




Lord Saoren of House Seregon,

Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Scribe and Tutor to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm


Lady Dele of House Seregon,

Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm

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Father Brandt, having also recently abdicated has a note hand delivered to the former King, whom he knows as Uther;


"Dear Uther,


I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits during these times of change. I wanted to take a moment to extend my thoughts and well wishes to you as you navigate the path that lies ahead.


Verily, the paths of you, Oijin and I have been intertwined, for we have crossed each other's paths as knights, then rulers, and now, you and I, as rulers no longer. 


While our titles may have changed, the bonds of friendship and respect remain. The experiences we've shared throughout our time together have left an indelible mark on me, and I'm grateful for the moments of camaraderie and understanding that we've built.


As you embark upon this new phase, let yourself cast eyes back upon the trails you have blazed, the wisdom garnered, and the connections that have knitted themselves to the tendrils of fate. I hope to see you sometime again.


Father Brandt."

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Within the white towers of Númenost, recovering from his wounds sustained in recent battle, a certain dwarvish blacksmith muses.


"Be ye King, Knight, or Hermit en a barn.. Ye'll always be one thing fer' certain Uther: my best friend."

Edited by TN_TURKEY
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