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The Brothers Divide

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A missive has been distributed amongst the people of Valdev.



At the behest of the honourable Ser Andrik var Ruthern, I do declare to the people of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, my innocence in the wrong-doings of my brother Talinn Tordove. I wanted to keep such a matter private, but my honour was publicly questioned in the streets of Valdev. My older brother was a twisted man, and died the second he decided to delve into dark powers he did not fully understand. My brother and I did not agree on much, and even went our separate ways after his act of cowardice during the fall of Karosgrad back in the lands of Almaris, and I would only speak with him if we happened to cross paths.


Ser Andrik questioned why I did not act upon my suspicions of my brother sooner, and I answer that simply; I did not want to kill my only brother so hastily without knowing his true guilt in the matter. And once I did come to the conclusion my brother was to be brought to justice, I did just that, sending private letters to the King, Queen and Captain of the BSK, laying forth all I had found, and seen my brother do. I did not know my brother was on trial to be executed that same day, and was not able to attend such as I was defending the city alongside my brothers and sisters in arms, as I have honourably done for the past thirty years of my life. In such a letter I also offered to come before the King and Queen to discuss any matters further, should they believe it was necessary, and I even have a copy of said letter to prove it to anyone who should want to see it. I may also like to mention that my wife, Siora Virralei-Tordove, was the person who executed my brother in the square of Valdev, overseen by Ser Audo Wiess, should that also be questioned.


All of this is to say that I do not condone the behaviour of my older brother, and had no part in what he had done. I publicly sever any and all ties to my former brother, and should he return, as I would presume he intends to do, I will cut the bastard down myself.


Firr Rolim Tordove


Firress Siora Virralei-Tordove


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Sitting upon a darkened throne of flesh and bone, deep within the Urguani forest, the echoes of a blinded man sounded out. As it was read to him, he contained his laughter, yet upon the mention of being 'cut down', and being named a 'bastard' - a title he found honorable - he spent a good few minutes laughing about it. Though, as his laughter subsided, he found himself commanding a group of those whom long since died. Something was being built! And yet, he was still bored. He penned a public letter in response!

My dearest brother.

 Let it be known, you disowned me. You forsake my name, and cursed my very being. But, as you may know, I am a fair man. I could have your dear Aywin lose an arm or two, of course! And yet, I will offer you this.
 Meet me, and duel it out with my champion! Should you win, I will abandon my name, and leave you, your family, and Haense alone. Should you lose..
Well let that be a surprise.

 Ah, and some final words for you. 

[!] The words here were written in blackened blood, and had a foul smell.
You threaten a Divine, and the skies above will strike you down.




Upon sending this letter, he got back to work...

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The Captain looked to the missive, giving a simple, subtle, shake of his head at the belligerent manner which had necessitated the response from a supposed brother-in-arms. His visage was aged and strained more than ever, very much eroded by the workload and stress he was under each waking, and oft sleepful, moment.



He folded it up, setting it aside from his pile of unending work. "By goodness Ser Andrik is just like Haus. Nieauwn keeping him on a leash." He grumbled, waving fourth a servant so that he might pen a new missive. "The sins of familia do niet reflect all among them. He should be thankful for that." He grumbled bitterly. "GODspeed to vy, Rolim, borsa." He added somewhat more quietly, under his breath.

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Siora stood behind her husband as he wrote his missive. Her typically smug features turned stony. Unwavering from that controlled confidence that boiled beneath the surface. A woman satisfied in the kill of a man she'd never liked in the many years she'd spent in company of the Tordove. "His death shall be repeated time after time 'til the day he shall cease to rise. I must speak with Evangeline. The poor soul is too fragile." With a final kiss to be set to the cheek of her husband, the 'Aheral turned on her heels. Daughter at her side to finally confront a sister-in-law she'd not seen in years.

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Fredrich Ludovar grumbled as he saw the letter "Andrik must stop think he is some kind oh hero with authority and make citizens' life miserable. I hope this man can live peacefully and ignore Andrik."

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