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Fredrich Ludovar's Bogatyr Quest


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The Bogatyr Quest


Fredrich Ludovar








Issued By

The Knight Paramount

On this 19th day of Joma ag Umund of 495 E.S.


Squire Fredrich Ludovar, a loyal soldier of the Kingdom and one of our long standing squires, has completed their final trial during his training as a Squire of the Crow and as such, I deliver this quest unto him;


There have been reports of a creature or entity ravaging caravans travelling south through the savannah portion of our kingdom, this has caused disruption amongst the nation's trade routes and must be resolved swiftly. The reports detail a large, scaled creature, although no further specifications are made, it is to be considered a dangerous foe.


The quest is simple, track down this creature and ensure it shall no longer be a threat to the realm, a trophy or item of proof must be presented to myself upon completion of the quest.


May GOD guide Fredrich Ludovar on his quest.

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