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Within the Kortrevich manor, an aged bull found himself alone in his room. The dimly lit space was cluttered with empty bottles and torn pages. It was late at night as Aleksandr was seated at his desk, penning various letters. He had been sitting there for hours now, wide awake, tormented by his thoughts. Aleksandr had never been easy to handle, let alone reasonable. The death of his wife, however, snapped something within the man. He could no longer love, no longer smile, no longer feel joy. He remembered the nights he spent with Nataliya atop the Jerovitz towers, enjoying the sunsets. Those moments of serenity were something he had long been craving for. One by one he saw those dearest to him fall, either through his own doing or events beyond his control.


What little he had left he felt slipping from his grasp. His own children he no longer saw as his own, the family he had once helped lead estranged completely. Perhaps Aleksandr was never destined to succeed, perhaps he failed so that others may learn from his mistakes. He knew all too well he had burned the bridges he still had left. The Kortrevich flock he cared for so dearly saw him as nothing more than a crazed man filled with nothing but rage and contempt. What legacy would he leave behind? Would anyone remember him for the good he had achieved? For the times he spent with his family, for his reign as Baron of Mondstadt? He doubted such, as if it mattered little in the end. He knew that he had pushed everyone around him away for good, his relations damaged beyond repair.






He eyed the papers before him, contemplating what to do with the unfinished writings. Was it even worth it at this point? In the middle of the night Aleksandr, carrying with him the letters. As he turned to shut the door of the Kortrevich manor one last time he paused, memories flooding to him. Ileana, Yankova, Anastasia, Fabian, Sergei, Irena, Elena, Leonid, Larissa, Dimitri. He could hear them all, for a moment wondering if it was too late to fix things. In the distance he spotted the blue columns of the Amador storefront. Nataliya, Liridona, Magnus, Albus, Henrik, Poppiya, Karl, Magnus, Matyas, Theodosya. He once abandoned the Kortrevich name for House Amador, in the end unsure if it was ever worth it. He would set out to leave Valdev behind one final time, knowing that wherever he was going, he would soon again meet those he had been missing so dearly.


A single letter, found within the Kortrevich manor was all that would remain of him.


To whoever may find this, an apology is all I can give. I failed you all as an uncle, a cousin, a nephew. Hurt has been all I brought upon this family in the end, and I can no longer live with the guilt that has been eating away at me. Wherever I may go, never will I forget House Kortrevich. You have always been, and always will be my one true family. The future is bright for all of you, but it is a future you will have to face without me. I don’t wish for anyone to mourn me, for I am not worth grieving over. Take good care of yourselves and of Irena especially.


“Tiz Dzuty, Triek Caezk”

-Aleksandr Kortrevich



Hello guys, Aleksandr was my first character in my return to Haense and he was an absolute blast. I felt like things with his were a bit stuck in the end, and I didn't feel as much motivation to play him anymore. He had a nice wrap up to this arc in the end (depends what you call nice), so it felt like the time was right to end it for him. Short little PK post to finally wrap things up for him!


I would like to give a very special thanks to @MissToni for allowing me the chance to rejoin the House I had once lead myself, and to all the others in both House Amador and House Kortrevich who have given me a chance to help both communities, and have made me feel more than welcome again on my return to a nation I care about a great deal. You guys have made this a very enjoyable experience for me, and you all deserve my thanks for that. I've met a lot of great people through playing Aleksandr, and am definitely looking forward to my future characters in Haense!


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“….Alek,” The Amador regent whispered, falling against the wall in absolute shock. Tears filled her eyes. She thought of the times she had bantered with her brother in law, the times they fought. How she had taken care of his children in his stead.


She recalled how only a few hours ago, Alek had asked her to get him a drink. How she wished she did.


Liridona then sought out her nieces and nephews…. Though in mourning once more, she needed to now be strong, for them.

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After the festive gala had finally concluded and Leonid was able to rid himself of his thin costume, he came home to a sense of dread and devastation. Something was not right in the House of Kortrevich. It was only when his cousin, whom he found in tears, informed him that their uncle had left, never to return.


For once, the boy did not cry at a loss. Not immediately any ways. "This isn't permanent" the teen thought to himself. But as the days continued on and on, it became evident that Aleksandr was not going to return. What hurt him most wasn't the fact that they left on sour terms, cursing each other, nor was it the fact that he'd never see him again. It's that Aleksandr left without saying goodbye to anyone in person, and that was what caused Leo's eyes to tear up.

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Irena Kortrevich leaned over the letter, staring at it for a moment as the words on the page washed in and out of her vision. She stumbled out of the room, a jar of jam heavy in her pocket. Not grape, not raspberry, lemon jam. With shallow, wheezing breaths, she turned to stare at the door to what had been her parents' bedroom, and her eyes flickered between it and the room she had just fled. 


Why did everyone leave? 

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Despite her mother passing several many years ago now, Poppiya still had not come to terms with the loss of one parent.


Now her lifeline, her father- of whom she had certainly not given enough time to in her childhood, was gone.


She retreated into herself, into her own mind and sadness. A girl already closed off to the world, was only now moreso.

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Ileana watched from the seven skies with a frown upon her cousin Aleksandr's escape.


"Oh, Aleks... Why must vy always be vyr own undoing. The House loves vy and cares for vy very much. A shame it had to end like this." She then glanced over to the rest of her family members in the skies with her. Embracing them into a deep hug as she waited for her cousin to join them.

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Aurelia, thought she would feel at least something for the man who held only hate for the youth, yet nothing came to her. Only his last words to her rang through her mind, as they often had since she attempted to break up that fight between him and his son. She barely spent a moment on the grief of this man, remaining silent to those who wished to observe mourning for a man who had never cared for her.



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Henrik Amador, Baron of Mondstadt, recalls his final discussion with his father. The ache in the young nobleman's chest had yet to fade, and now grew vice-tight in his throat. At least he did not remember his mother: but his father, for better or for worse, would never be forgotten.




Fabian lays alone in a sickbed, curled silently around a pillow. He is weeping. He has been weeping for nights upon nights upon nights, and all of them he has been alone.

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A young woman of fiery red hair adorned in heavy furs barreled in through the doors of Balian. She'd spent plenty of time in Haense recently after the passing of  her Mater, Ileana. A keen eye kept on her siblings and younger cousins. She'd been so deep into her own mind that she'd hardly seemed to bat an eye at the given news to yet another passing. Numb to it all. At least until she'd burst into the doors of her Balian home and straight into her Pater's back. A firm punch given to his arm, "Pater. He's gone." Her expression was always flat. Unreadable... Except for that slight twitch of her lip in lieu of what really lie behind those stormy eyes. 

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As he felt the weight of his daughter slam into his back, an older man of blond hair turned around with raised brows. "... Truly?" His lips seemed to twitch upwards for a moment before he regained control of himself, shaking his head. "Canniet say Yam surprised." Was all he seemed to have to say on the matter before he moved on about his day.

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Cassian did not know his uncle, truly, but his heart felt heavy with the weight of his mother's grief. "It will be okay, mamej. . Ea will make it okay." @Cheese

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30 minutes ago, Nilyeet said:

Cassian did not know his uncle, truly, but his heart felt heavy with the weight of his mother's grief. "It will be okay, mamej. . Ea will make it okay." @Cheese




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Sterling felt nothing for this man, only pitying his children.

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