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1350 A.H. - Present



Skennerton Fraktur

From Ashes, We Rise

EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present

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8th of Gronna & Droba | 500E.S



⋅ ───────────────⊱༺⠀I⠀༻⊰─────────────── ⋅


The following is an objective account of a tragic series of misfortunes at the Mondstadt estate in the month of Gronna & Droba, 500ES. It is published for the purposes of transparent explanation of the threat posed.



A small company of guests arrived at the Mondstadt estate around midday with Liridona Amador. Among them was William Temesch, who went with Lord Amador when a rattle sounded at the gates; there they found a creature of undoubtedly darkspawn nature, proclaiming himself Draugr, carrying a red shield emblazoned with a serpent entwining an eye, and who claimed right to the lands. 


William Temesch claimed this duel as his own, in Lord Amador’s stead, and requested to undertake it alone. He was last seen following the Draugr North, away from the riverlands.



Accompanied by Amaya of Venzia, Laurissa Kort, two respectable gentlemen of the Heartlands, and a youth of Valdev, Henrik Amador rallied a search party into the Northern mountains. When the search raised no evidence of the duel’s grounds nor where the Draugr and Lord Temesch may have gone, the party returned to Mondstadt to weather the night and wait for further word.


While Lord Amador secured the premises, the Draugr returned to the gates with the mutilated remains of William Temesch, where he was confronted by the assembled. He departed after opposition and threat of further resistance from the Queen-Consort, his destination unknown.



⋅ ───────────────⊱༺⠀II⠀༻⊰─────────────── ⋅


THE DEBT I OWE surpasses all languages. It was Lord Temesch’s last wish for his family to know he loved them, and it is my life which is owed to Lord Temesch’s sacrifice for a boy he knew by nothing more than name. I cannot undo what has been done – I can only ensure it does not happen again.


Accordingly, I, HENRIK EDVARD AMADOR, vow a solemn oath, upon which I stake my name and honour: 



We were so newly acquainted that I do not know William Temesch’s next of kin, nor where to reach them. If this finds their eyes, contact me of your own volition and in your own time if you wish any further information on the deeply unfortunate circumstances which unfolded this last Saint’s Day, the fine details of which are best kept from broader publication.


The beast which slayed the valiant Lord Temesch shows no indication that its efforts will end with this. Follow-up missives from the Office of the Abstract and further investigation into the identity and threat of this abomination are ongoing; to speculate would detract from the tragedy of the loss. I am further prepared to offer generous reward for any literature regarding the history of Svarland and/or the combating of and defense against the Undead.


GODAN watch over us all.




((Spectacular, top-notch RP. Thank you to all involved; I hope you had as much fun as I did.))







His Lordship, Henrik III Edvard Amador, 11th Baron of Mondstadt, High Archivist to the Royal Valdev Library



Lady Liridona Ingrid Amador, The Gem of Amador, Regent of House Amador, 

Lady Custodian of Hanseti-Ruska.


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Liridona rocked back and forth slowly within her chair, holding a crinkled paper. She sighed, wondering how such an innocent meeting between two houses ended in such a death.


She signed the lorraine over herself, and prayed for the soul of the man who sacrificed himself for the life of her nephew.

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The Viscount of Mies; eldest nephew of the late William Temesch frowned upon the news concerning the events. It was meant to be a mere introduction of households and instead took the life of a dear kin of his. A letter should arrive to House Amador concerning the events and further information shall be beckoned. Anthony would share the missive with his fellow siblings- noting that his last surviving uncle was now dead.

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1 hour ago, Cheese said:

She signed the lorraine over herself, and prayed for the soul of the man who sacrificed himself for the life of her nephew.

"Ea've niet ever been as thankful for a stranger than ea have now."


Poppiya sought her aunts side, mirroring the gesture as she offered a silent prayer of thanks and blessings.


"Hopefully his kin do niet hold hate for use, because of this."

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At the simple mention of Svarlanders, Alara Camian began fuss and bother, poring over old tomes and burning through incense at record rates. Yet again, the shadows of the old days loomed...


[!] A brief letter was delivered in short order.

To the Lord Henrik Amador,


   It has been brought to my attention that you have encountered a Svarl. This, on its own, would be concerning had you not as well found it to be passed into undeath. If you would know more of the Svarlanders, seek me out. Few yet remain among the living who remember that people's last appearance, but I am among them. I have seen them, and I have fought them, and I know more than I care to admit of their ways and deeds. If information you need, allow me to provide it. It is the very least I can do.


Best regards,

Alara Camian

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Somewhere in Northwestern Aevos, within a burial mound fit for a heathen king of yore, a long-dead Warlord stirs once again on a throne upon which he sat in life, William Temesch's severed head sits at the base by his feet, festering beside a dozen ancient skulls. Jormunharr Ingmornesson rises- Exiting the main chamber to meet with a mortal huskarl encamped in the foyer. When he spoke- his voice was a rumble like rolling thunder...


"Heyr, Verðingarr, legg járnstein að sverði mínu og stefn síðan til Harrfangrfjalls. Ekki tefja, höfðingjadrápari, guðirnir eru svangir. Sjáum hvort kraven-mærin kemur eða sendir annan til að deyja í hennar stað!"

(Hark, Verðingarr, lay an ironstone to my sword, and make for Mount Harrfangr. Don't delay, Chiefkiller. The gods are hungry. Let us see if the Craven-Maid comes, or if she sends another to die in her stead!)

A cruel laugh followed, and with his huskarl in toe, the Dead walked, Holmgang awaits.

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An elfess, dragged down by time and wrought with exhaustion, stumbles upon the missive out of sheer chance, so far from where it had originated. A small frown takes over her countenance at the mention of Svarlanders and, without thought or word, she sends a trio of copies, tomes, forth with a courier to the Amador house. The lad had been paid extra to keep from telling of who, exactly, had sought to send such words forth.

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An actual draugar reads over the missive a little confused. "I don't remember going to Mondstadt... who is this false draugar?"  He said, a new goal now in mind to find this fake draugar.

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1 hour ago, TheNerdocalypse said:

An actual draugar reads over the missive a little confused. "I don't remember going to Mondstadt... who is this false draugar?"  He said, a new goal now in mind to find this fake draugar.

If could, Jormunharr would inform him that he was, in fact, a mythological draugr, a draugr without the 'A', that is to say, a viking-coded Darkstalker. Very different.

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