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『 Paradise Found 』[PK]


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[  Lady Sierra Weiss ]



The grand halls of Novkursain lay shrouded in profound silence, a rare contrast to the usual bustle of the Weiss family's daily routines. All were engaged in their busy lives, save for one exception: Lady Sierra Weiss, who rested within her chambers, battling yet another bout of ill health. Her condition had deteriorated significantly over the years, especially after the heart-wrenching loss of her beloved husband and children. Sierra had fought valiantly to hold on for the sake of her cherished family, but her body had reached its limits.


After composing poignant letters to her loved ones, Sierra's chest tightened, and a raspy cough emanated from her frail form. She desperately sought the assistance of her household's servants, yet her voice failed her. Gasping for breath, she stumbled toward the door and fell to her knees. Was this the ending she desired? Weakly, she dragged herself back to her bed, determined to meet her fate with grace and dignity, sparing her family from the anguish of finding her fallen on the floor.


With her last reserves of strength, she pulled herself onto the bed, her face flushed from the effort to breathe. She had been prepared for this moment for some time, and as she lay there in her final moments, a faint smile graced her lips, her memories dancing before her eyes.


The memories transported her to a simpler time, a crowded family home echoing with the youthful laughter of Sierra and her siblings: Audo, Haus, and Via. In their innocence, they were a boisterous bunch, with Sierra at an age where she was not too challenging to handle. The young girl regaled her family with tales of becoming a Soldier Princesa Witch, their imaginations running wild.


During those early years, Sierra had a best friend who taught her a lesson about loyalty to family. In her final moments, she wondered about Lucy and whether the girl still existed as a cursed child. Even now, Sierra could not bring herself to judge those born under unlucky stars, such as cursed beings and demons. She wondered if they felt a sense of loneliness. In her youth, she often befriended them, leading to moments of trouble that temporarily strained her relationship with her brother.






Despite her youthful mistakes, her father was a constant source of guidance and support. He remained her anchor as she grew older, emphasizing the importance of family bonds. Through her trials and tribulations, she learned that blood was unbreakable, and family was a pillar of strength. Her troublesome days eventually gave way to more refined lady lessons, which transformed her into an honorable lady. Upon returning home, she discovered the beauty of love and married Carolus Colborn. This should have been the pinnacle of her life, but it was marred by the loss of her beloved father, a pain that continued to haunt her even as she lay dying in her chambers.


Yet, the most painful thought was that she would leave her precious daughter, Levisa, alone in the world, a pain she had experienced firsthand and wished to spare her from. Sierra pondered whether she had done enough and whether her friends and family would remember her in a positive light or forget her, harboring resentment for her perpetual illness.

As her thoughts wove through the tapestry of her life, her breaths grew slower, ushering her into a peaceful slumber. In that final moment, her mind cleared, and she saw only light. It beckoned to her like a door, and she reached for it eagerly. Upon opening it, a warm, humid breeze washed over her, making her feel young again. She stepped through and beheld the paradise her father had spoken of so many times, her namesake, Sierra.


Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed upon the breathtaking scenery, resonating with the sounds of nature and the echo of her father's chuckle, sending shivers down her spine. She spun around, her eyes locking with her father's, who awaited her with a warm smile, just as he had promised.


"Papej! Papej!


Sierra joyfully cried out and embraced death, rushing towards the old man with boundless love. At last, she had found her paradise, her heaven, her Sierra.



I loved every bit of Sierra! The Weiss has been the greatest mineman family I have ever been apart of! One of the most loving groups and great storytellers! I want to thank Frisk and Seth for allowing me into this family <3 And thank you to everyone that was apart of Sierra's story! She could have gone farther but It was time to let her rest! Ill still be around on the new Weiss! Reza Weiss! Anyway! No sappy stuff allowed! Here's a bunch of art and screenshots throughout Sierra's life <3



















That's enough LOL! Once again thank you to everyone! I hope Sierra had a story that everyone got to enjoy <3 



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Felix Weiss ran forwards as he heard the cry of his daughter, for he had been waiting so long for her arrival. He scooped her up and twirled her around, and he laughed with the joy of family re-united, for even in death he would always be there for her.


Finally, they could explore this fabled paradise together as they had planned so long ago.

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Levisa Weiss was in the garden assorting the fresh herbs she gathered. Taking it inside, she sees the servants running about with grim looks. One bumps into her. "What is happening?" Levisa asks to the grim maid. 


"I-...oh God. I'm so so sorry, Lady Weiss." She cried out, tears threatening falling from her eyes. "It..it is your mother! She's dead." The words came out with grave hesitation. Levisa drops her basket and stumbles against the wall slumping into a ball.


"You speak lies! Mamej is just resting! I just...I just saw her." She yells at the maid who flinched at her words as if it was a cruel dagger into her side. Levisa starts to go quiet. No breathing. No moving. Then a sudden gasp for air struggling to breathe as she wailed. It shook her from her core and at the same time she didn't even hear herself. She heard nothing. Another gasp before a full sob rung out of her trembling form. The maid respectfully stays by her side not saying anything. No amount of words could qualm her pain. 


The loss of her father and brother was one thing. Her twin another. Now her mother, who fought so hard to be alive. Levisa wanted it to be the truth, that her mother was doing well, but alas everything has an end. The maid eventually takes Levisa to her own room and left her to mourn for her mother.

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i didnt get to interact with sierra very much, but this is a beautiful pk post <3 rest well queen


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Somewhere, something frozen wails, onyx-wisp tracing cracked flesh, clung to the neck of the behemoth. A name is scratched from a frigid tablet; And a candle is lit at some viscera stained alter. 

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Ser Audo Weiss heard the news second-hand. Of course, he knew his sister sickly and unwell - as two of his sisters had been. How precious each were and how delicate they proved. 

He never did get to prove to her that she was strong - that she was capable. And once home, he yanked his plans for Sierra from his desk and binned them with haste. It seems he never quite finished them in what time he had allotted to the project, one built not from honesty but from the desire to let her win. And, even still, he had made a circled note to himself in the corner of the page to stock her medicine before any attempt. 

And now it was just him - and Haus. Haus and him. The two that failed to reconcile. The brick wall he met, and continued to bash his head upon. 

The older brother remained in bed the next day with a bottle of Carrion Black. Time was a crushing pressure that sapped his energy, and ever-more apparent with each loss.
"...Why couldn't she live a little longer?" He asked, perhaps to himself, or to GOD, or whatever watched him in that moment.

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Somewhere in a similar Paradise Maria heard the laughter and cries of Father and daughter reunited, she merely watched as she smiled from afar. Knowing how excited they were to see each other again

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