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          “Good riddance!” Tuzic calls as he tosses his hand-hewn crutches off the cliffs of Hefrumm - They clatter against the rocks, smashing to bits before they ever reach the bottom… He sighs and sits back on the bench nearby. “Let’s see ‘ere…” he muttered, his hand feeling over his bench for the lunch sack he had brought with him to his Cliffside spot… though it wasn’t there! “Hrm?... wot en tha..” he turns back towards the village to see a flash of something… something small and silver had dashed off around the corner. Wot en Anbella’s name…” Tuzic thought to himself as he hoisted himself from his seat - he quickly followed after, he was suspicious… with a war going on afterall. He trailed that flash of silver along the paths that lead up the cliffs in the home of the Forest Dwarves. 


          The trail of the small being was easy to follow - it’s tiny feet left clear marks for the seasoned hunter to track “Silleh buggers… Just loike ah read.” he mutters to himself. Tuzic paused then, his head filled with thoughts as he tailed the small thief. The light filters down through the high treetops of the village, the silhouettes of leaves cast on the food storage. Maybe..” he thinks aloud to himself as he digs into a store barrel nearby - he grabs a sack and fills it with carrots from Hefrumm’s stores, and off he is again up the path towards the top of the cliffs.

          Following the tiny trail up the path led the forest chief to a small burrow… dug under the roots of an oak tree. A Silvernip was there, a tiny gnome-like creature covered in silver hair - who was trying his absolute hardest to stuff Tuzic’s lunch sack into his burrow, though the opening was clearly too wide… The chief frowned as he saw the silly little creature struggling to secure his loot, he grabbed the sack he had filled with carrots in one hand as he approached. “‘Ere… bit o’ carrots ‘and oi get me lunch back lad?” He asks the creature in his thick dwarven accent. The gnomish Silvernip lets out a squeal of fear as he sees his victim has caught up to him, and he runs behind the stump of his oak tree to hide. “Ahh… yer ah pest but don’t fret, nah mean ye ‘arm… no point.” the Chief mutters as he traded his lunch sack for the one filled with carrots… he didn’t want to starve the tiny guy. He chose then to leave the silvernip to his hovel alone, and as he shuffled away - the creature peaked around it’s oak cover - sneaking a confused glance at the Forest Dwarf before returning to it’s sad attempt at shoving the sack into it’s burrow. Tuzic laughed at the sight, quite pleased with the small little “friend” he had made in the silvernip as he walked back to his cliffside bench.

          He sat once again in his spot - snacking on the various breads and dried meats he had prepared for himself, he let out a sigh of relief… Though quickly his mind was back to the fighting - the cannons rang out in his ears and the “THWACK” of the trebuchets along with them… the clanging of armor and blade striking together - the screams of the wounded. “Will weh watch t’eir ‘ome fall to blade and spell as t’ey threatened ours?..” he wonders aloud, and a frown goes over his face as he pauses to think “If weh must.”




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"Damn Silvernips... they put meh chisel in teh pantreh" The Grand King grumbled.

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