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Clan Irgard(Irongate)/Kazamar Khron’edhekal


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Clan Irgard(Irongate)

Kazamar Khron’edhekal



Their words goes as follows:
“We stand and fall at the gate”
“Ut vellar na ut zhuld da edhekal”

Their crest is a black Shield with a red Pale and Orle which symbolizes the heritage to Clan Grandaxe and Jorik.
At the top is a portcullis which is a symbol of resolve, duty and determination.
In the middle is a shield with two crossed spears, said shield has an emblem of a banner with an anvil on it. The arms signify the Irgard’s most trusted weapons, the spear and shield.

At the sides are shields and axes showing their heritage and new blood. 

Lastly at the bottom is a shield depicting a ram sheep. Which depicts their nature. They are hardy and brave who will defend the herd with horn and cloven hoof.




The Irgard clan formed during the hard times and civil war of the War of the beard. As the four founding brothers went away to follow prophecy. 


The Irgards trace their lineage back to Jorik Grandaxe who had 4 sons in addition to his daughter Merida Grandaxe. Said sons are: Greldyn, Yemgar, Jorgur and Irgen.


Greldyn “Ram horn” Irgard, Yemgar “Head taker” Irgard, Jorgur “Gatekeeper” Irgard and Irgen “Dreadspear” Irgard. 


All Jorik’s sons banded together to form a new branch family of the Grandaxes since they wanted to honor their father with a clan made in his name and blood. They were different, they do not know fear, dishonor, retreat nor surrender. 


The original four brothers of Irgard would leave Uruguan as they believed that the Brathmordakin contacted them in their dreams calling for them to be truly tried and tested on their faith, loyalty, perseverance, endurance and unwavering strength of mind. Greldyn had a dream about a lone Goat ram being eaten by direwolves. Yemgar dreamed that heads of dead men would eat him. Jorgur dreamt about a fortress which slowly became a ruin and Irgen dreamed about a hunter whose spear snapped in half while hunting a beast.


Greldyn would interpret his dream as he would die alone. After his dream he got struck by the dread of a lonely death which he only acknowledged at his deathbed. His paranoia made him keep the brothers together and he fathered many children so that he would not be a lone goat. Until his old years when his paranoia fully took him making him no longer trust any of his kin. He refused to eat, drink and sleep to then eventually die in his bed alone by his own making as he refused his son's care forever sealing his faith.


Greldyn died fearing loneliness, and thus instilled the importance of family in us so that we may not be lone goats feasted on by the world at large.


Yemgar interpreted his dream as he needed to slay all darkspawn who crossed him. Yemgar would fight the undead till his death. He might not have feared death but he respected it neither. As his prideful display of trophy heads would lead to his demise. Yemgar to himself thought he was invincible, a warrior so acclaimed that none could defeat him. But in his hubris and quest of glory he claimed so many trophies that made him slow and clumsy. He would die in battle fighting a necromancer who raised his trophies to the state of undeath and Yemgar were so close to victory but his arm was gnawed off before he could strike the necromancer. 


Yemgar died due to his hubris and thus taught all Irgards the importance of respect so that we shall not walk his way of hubris and disrespect of death. As all warriors are never too great to not die. 


Jorgur interpreted his dream as that he must master masonry so that his walls would never fall. Jorgur and his family would practice their masonry learning from others on and each other on how to build a fort. But once they began building said fort, Jorgur did not listen to his wife and daughters. While great in size, the fort was not a home. The walls, gatehouses and towers were so thick that their quarters were so small that there was no dining hall nor a wine cellar. Jorgurs was so disappointed that their fort had no great kitchen, dining hall, wine cellar and even no room for their pets, mounts and cattle. Said fort was later abandoned after Jorgurs death as his family felt that there was no room for them in his great impenetrable fortress. 


Jorgur’s biggest achievement allowed no room for family. His unwillingness to listen to family made them leave his creation to become ruin. He built his home for him, the present but not his family and future generations.

Jorgur taught us that dedication and hard work can create great things but  Irgard’s value their family and shall always leave room for them as without them one’s greatest legacy might as well not last.

Irgen thought his dream depicted how his weapon would fail him. So he  set out to forge a spear made of the finest materials. A weapon so great that it could not be destroyed. He ventured all across the lands and collected the materials to make the ultimate weapon. Some claim that he spent a fortnight in his forge without sleep, without food, without drink. He was hammering his spear that would bring dread to his enemies and greatness to his kin.

He wouldn’t just hunt a regular beast with such a legendary weapon. Irgen set out to kill the most ferocious beast he knew, a dragon. He left at night as he would return in daylight with a dragon skull. The trip was long and harsh.  Nature was hostile to him going north but he would not falter, he was determined to slay a dragon. No matter how much wind, snow and cold Irgen would never budge or think about turning back home. He would eventually reach an empty den. Due to the weather he rested in the empty dragon's den but unbeknownst to him a dragon was hiding in the pile of gold. Due to his journey he slept so long that the dragon woke up before him and trampled him, breaking his spine but not his spear.

Irgen teaches that dedication and resolve do not alone let you conquer trials but taking a rest along the way may help you be alert and skilled to conquer great beasts and trials. Irgen was so focused on making his spear hardy enough for his quest but forgot that he is made of flesh and bone.     

The brothers and their clan were thought to be dead until the return of Grelu and Yemegur who are of the line of Greldyn. 



Irgard culture as a family is a soldier's culture. They are endlessly drilled for discipline, order and loyalty. To an Irgard(Irongate) all dwarfs are kin it does not matter what type of dwarf as they are all family due to all dwarfs sharing Urguan as their common ancestor. 


They do not trust strangers and treat them in a very cold manner. Until said strangers have shown them that they mean no harm, then an Irgard might introduce them to family . If said strangers get in their bad graces they will keep them out of their holds and show no kindness. 


An Irgard is stoic when doing their field of work as outward emotion would ruin craft and battle. To a member of the  Irgard family, emotion makes you unfocused and sloppy when performing one’s duties to clan, kin and hold. 


The Yemgar lineage holds most of the prominent warriors of Irgard as Yemgars fearlessness has been taught for generations.  Though due to his death they are less reckless than what he was. Descendants of Yemgar pride themselves on his fearlessness and do not back down in any matter as they do not fear death. Many of the other lineages think the Yemgar descendants are mad due to their almost cult worship of a warrior's death. 


The Irgen and Jorgur lineages were craftsmen. Those of the line of Irgen were smiths while the descendants of Jorgur were masons. Their workshops/blacksmiths were known to be run under silence with just an occasional question about the craft. They believe that emotion will taint the steel/stone making it weak, brittle and bad in quality.


But outside of work they are some of the most friendly and talkative people you might ever encounter. They banter and such often with each other often while off work, they also love telling stories of adventures they've been on. 


Besides craftsmanship and war the Irgards have been a family of agriculture due to their character of being territorial and industrious. Especially the lineage of Greldyn are known for being a family connected to cultivating lands and having livestock. 



Irgards are quite musical as due to their martial culture those unfit for service march along their kin with drum and horn playing marching songs to help coordinate the troops. Besides drums and horns instruments include flutes, trumpets and sometimes string instruments. 


Their songs are said to awaken the dormant warrior within, a warrior who might not be known will be summoned to do their duty. As Irgards believe that the Ramhorn of Greldyn awakened said warrior spirits from within with his horn. 

Irgard cuisine

Due to the clan's heritage to the Grand Axes the Irongates have many influences in terms of foods and especially brewing. Though it must be noted that Irgard cuisine cuts both ways so to speak. 


For regular meals they usually have the following items: 


Cured/smoked mutton, boar, elk, moose and bear meats. 


Elk jerky.


Oat porridge.


Potatoes, boiled/mashed and baked. 


Stews of all kinds. 


Bark Bread. 


In terms of drinking the clan unlike other dwarfs while liking ale have taken a liking to spirits such as vodka. While non alcoholic drinks are mostly goat milk or mead.  


Due to Irgards being soldiers and their history, they cook some foods out on campaign which is absolutely awful but they eat anyway so as to not starve. Here is a short list: 


Bark Bread (contains more bark than grain)


Hardtack bread


The last fulfillment stew (grass, boiled water and a leather belt)


Burnt jerky


Sump grog (badly brewed ales mixed with spirits) 


Prisoner’s soup (if they have prisoners while being starved they might consider not having prisoners but a full stomach.)



The Iron/Gold Way

According to clan tradition things of the world can only be earned by two ways. One is the “Iron way” and the other is the “Gold way”. 


Irgards considers the Iron way the only way, said way is to prove your station through sacrifice, blood and steel. To truly earn something there must be sacrifice, hardship and dedication. 


The Gold way is one of scheming, dishonor and wealth. Due to the curse of all dwarves the Irgards have vowed to stay humble and honorable to not repeat the sins of Irgen and Yemgar which is pride and greed. Irgards can be merchants but they will never swindle or trick their customers. But Irgards do not pay enemies with gold or try to buy power they will use iron to get their clay through labor, battle and craft they will claim what is right. 





To become a full member of the clan one must complete four trials to test one's abilities in endurance, fighting, craft and strength of mind. An Irgard must be able to do their duties no matter if they are faced by hardship or not. 

-First Trial-
-Trial of Battle-

The first trial is one of physical prowess. The Kangur/Bogur (The Unproven) must go out and fight either beast, bandit or undead. After the battle  The Edhekalfund’in will follow the Kangur/Bogur during the trial to note down the progress. (Trial is crp combat).


-Second trial-
-Trial of Craft-

The second trial is one of craft, the Kangur/Bogur must learn the ways of the smith or mason and craft an item worth to become an heirloom for the future generations one must learn from the best to make something so immaculate that it is worth dying for. Something that will impress the future generations. 

-Third Trial
-Trial of Honor-

The last trial of becoming a proven member of Irgard one must take the vow of Iron after pledging their allegiance and words to Iron they will be marked by a hot iron with the blackram in the back of neck. Said oath goes like this.

“I (name here) take upon the oath of the sons of Jorik. I vow to not fear death. I vow to not claim trophies. I vow to care for my family. I vow that I will hold my station. I vow to rally my kin like Greldyn, I vow to fight like Yemgar, I vow to build like Jorgur and I vow to craft like Irgen. In the eyes of the Khorok’ardann I swear to serve kin, clan and hold, honorably, dutifully and just. I (name here) submit myself to the way of Iron. I will only claim what is rightfully mine, I will only claim spoils that I took through blood, sweat and steel. I swear to stand my ground, I swear to be honest and I swear that my actions will speak louder than my words. I will serve, I will live and I will die as (name here) Irgard.”



Family hierarchy


Khazzar (Family head)


Kazan (Clan elder)


Hazzah (Clan ambassador)


Huzzar (Clan marshal)


Edhekalfund’in (Gatekeeper)


Bel'kaz (notable homesteader)


Jorg (Great mason)


Irg (Great smith) 


Yem (Great fighter)


Grel (Great farmer) 


Kanaz (member)

Bonaz (patron member)


Kangur (Unproven member of lineage)


Bogur (unproven patron)



=+= Khazzar =+=

The Khazzar represents the family politically and must be of at least the ranks of Grel, Yem, Irg and Jorg to claim such a title. (Kazan can’t be elected.)


The Khazzar is an elected position and to get elected you need to prove that you have gone through hardship for Kin, clan and hold. You need a feat of: battle, care for family, honor and duty. 


A Khazzar serves for one year (irl) or until their persona is dead/does not want to. Said Khazzar can be re-elected. Said Khazzar can be deposed after popular vote by all members or Kazan.


The Khazzar serves together with the Kazan at the “Khron’nozkrom” to further the prosperity of the dwarven kind.




A Kazan is a semi elected position but only other Kazan and the Khazzar can elect new Kazan. These elders need to be of great wisdom and intellect. As they together with the Khazzar make the important political choices. As they serve as the Khazzar’s loyal political advisors giving them council on matters. 


They have 2 votes in a Khazzar election but can’t run in a Khazzar election.


The Kazan serve as advisors in the “Khron’nozkrom” (Ironcouncil).


The Hazzah is a position held til life parts ways with the title holder. As the Hazzah is the clan's diplomat handling talks with other clans and outside folk. The Hazzah’s duties are as follows: help settle disputes between clan, kin and hold, help settle disputes with foreign entities and lastly a messenger between the King of Urguan and the “Khron’nozkrom”




The title of Huzzar is a marshal one so to claim this title one needs to achieve 1 medal while serving in the military of all dwarf kin. The Huzzar have the utmost authority to drill and equip the clan Yem’s to make sure that the clan is always ready to defend the homeland .

=+= Edhekalfund’in =+=

The Edhekalfund’in (the Gatekeeper) is a position of great authority as they watch over all trials. They also decide on who can be a patron of the clan. They make sure that all trials are up to Irgard standard. They are the only ones able to give the name of Irgard. 




Marriages in the clan of Irgard goes as follows. The bride/groom must get consent from the Edhekalfund’in as they become a patron who can choose to use the name of Irgard. The Edhekalfund’in will make sure that the one being wed into the family is of good character.

Then the groom must as per tradition must engage the father of the bride in a duel (pvp/crp). If the father after said duel feels the groom is up to standard the marriage may proceed to the ceremony.

At the ceremony the groom and bride upon accepting the marriage will be firstly bound (loosely) together by the arms by chains of iron then said chains will be locked and the keys will be locked in a chest said chest will be kept away by the couple.

Then both will make vows to stay faithful, dutiful and honorable in the names of the smith Irgen, in the name of the mason Jorgur, in the name of the farmer Greldyn and lastly in the name of the warrior Yemgar. After this the both of them are seen as legally married bound together til death.  The ceremony holder will release them with a second set of keys after their vows are made.

Patrons are those who are not directly descendants of Greldyn, Yemgar, Jorgur and Irgen but through completing the clan trials will then be seen as Irgards and their children will be seen as relatives through blood.



Signed by:

Grelu Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik (me)

Yemegur Irgard, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik (Marky)

Yemer Irgard, son of Yemegur, son of Greldyn, son of Jorik (Plummius) 

Feel free to contact me by discord (@gremlockgremlin)


Edited by gremlockgremlin
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And I must thank everyone who have helped me formulate this clan shoutouts go to: (these are listed by affilation)


Clan Grandaxe: 



Naj (Jorik)



Clan Irgard: 












All of you helped me and my mates formulate the clan in various ways. I can't thank all of you enough for this as it has been something I wanted to do for awhile. 



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On 12/19/2023 at 12:34 AM, SimplySeo said:




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On 12/18/2023 at 11:13 PM, gremlockgremlin said:

The Iron/Gold Way


Lord Greyjoy approves


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