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“Sigurz slai-ze braduk baiark“


“Braduk, Braduk! Mi, Mul, tame tiz rhino in latz eternal wizdom agh glory!”

Brazduk, brazduk! mi, mul, horngaz tiz rhino in latz ukû wizdom agh glory


The warm winds of the desert dragged across the ocean of sand, kicking dust into the face of Mul as what first seemed to be an easy feat soon grew into one of true hardship and labor. The search for a rhino to honor the forecomers of his clan, of his blood and legacy would not be an easy one but would rather push him to his limits. For several days and several nights he wandered the desert, armed only with a staff to aid his footing. No water and no food had been brought, being determined to live off the land. Each time the sun rose above his head he felt his stomach growl harder and his throat grow drier, questioning if he would either starve or die of thirst before reaching the vast savannah. With starvation and dehydration ever present, Mul’s mind tried to distract himself from his present situation by thinking of his ancestors, wondering if they had done the same as he. 


Had they wandered across the harsh and unforgivable dunes of sand just as he was, to find a rhino to tame in their ancestor’s glory? How many had succumbed to their hunger and thirst? How many had been crushed beneath the feet of the rhino? Many questions which he did not know the answers to. As he snapped out of deep thought he was met with a mighty river, dividing the harsh desert from the dry savannah. Mul fell to his knees as he scooped the water into his mouth, filling his empty stomach with the liquid, numbing his hunger before he swam across the river. 


Once on the other side he had only one thing on his mind besides the feat and that was food. He lived off the land just like the great creature he was hunting. He grazed the vast lands of grass as he walked on all fours, subduing any predator which took him for an easy meal with his bare hands. For a while he upheld this way of life until one day in the distance, he spotted what he was after. A massive rhino, its hide as though as the earth it roamed upon, stood gazing into the savannah, Mul’s eyes locked onto the creature, with a mix of awe and determination setting in. this was his moment, the culmination of his long journey. He knew he had to approach it with more than just brute force, but with strategy, he needed to embody the spirit of braduk.


He slowly approached the beast, understanding the power these creatures have, the ability to crush a man with a single misstep, he circled the rhino, watching its movements, waiting for the right moment, then, with a deep breath, he charged. The rhino, startled, turned to face its challenger, its massive body ready to defend itself.

The battle that followed was fierce, Mul, armed with only his staff, dodged the rhino’s charges. Using what knowledge he had of the land to his advantage, leading the rhino to a long dance of dominance and submission, this was not just a physical battle, but a test of wills. Mul’s muscles screamed, and his lungs burned, but his resolve never wavered, he is afterall the last of his kin, and failure was no option.


And as the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the savannah, mul finally saw an opening. With a quick move, he leapt onto the rhino’s back, clinging tightly as the beast tried to kick him off, but Mul held on, he whispered words into the rhino’s ear, slowly, the creature resistance waned, and a mutual understanding was formed, as they stood there, uruk and rhino, a new bond was forged, Mul, the last of the braduk, had succeeded in his long quest, reclaiming the legacy of his ancestors, he rode back, not as a lone warrior, but as a symbol of the new chapter to his clan…



thanks to blitzkrieg(my slave) for helping me write the post




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3 hours ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:
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No thanks for helping write it? smh smh



we dont pay our slaves (i added you on the post)


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