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The Raell'uvuliran - The Acaelanite Guild of Spicers


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The Raell’uvuliran 

The Acaelanite Guild of Spicers





(An Acaelanite bazaar.)


Background and Brief History


The Raell’uvuliran (Common: [Guild of] Spicers) is a fraternal organization and mercantile association of Acaelanite traders and craftsmen active in Aevos. The guild’s stated objectives are to advocate for the commercial interests of its members with a single voice, facilitate the creation of trade links between trading communities, and establish cooperative industrial facilities to maximize efficiencies through the pooling of resources. 


While the guild’s translated name in Common reflects their predominant trade in spices, in Ancient Elven, the corresponding word raell’uvul encompasses both culinary spices and herbs as well as alchemical reagants, oils, dyes, potions and other chemicals. Additionally, the Raell’uvuliran are heavily invested in other commodities, particularly those products of primary industries including minerals, gemstones, coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco, wheat, rice, wood and rubber as well as sundries such as liquor, textiles and incense. 


The Raell’uvuliran was established in IC 1957 by Acaelanite merchants operating in Aevos, and is one of many such fraternities interlinked with the broader network of Acaelanite ethnic communities engaged in long-distance trade. These international expatriate communities are known as di’vanan (sg. di’van), a word only imprecisely translatable as enclave or home, and usually center around far-flung Acaelanite temples and trading houses located in commercial hubs. The Raell’uvuliran are the only active and organized Acaelanite di’van in modern-day Aevos, additionally serving as shipping agents or middle-men in the import and export of commodities both within and outside of the continent. 


The emblem of the Raell’uvuliran is a tobacco sprig, and members of the organization can often be identified by their bronze brooches depicting this symbol, which they use to clasp their cloaks. 




An anointed member of the Raell’uvuliran is known in the singular form as a raell’uvulir, roughly translating to ‘spicer’ or ‘spice merchant’ in Common. Accordingly, the guild’s name in Ancient Elven is the plural form of this word. While any may be associates or employees of the Raell’uviliran, only members of the Acaelanite ethnoreligious community may be anointed or ‘full’ members of their fraternal organization. 


The Raell’uvuliran are led by a saneyir (Common: ‘speaker’ or ‘president’), who serves as the mouthpiece of their collective membership, elected from among their number. All full members of the Raell’uvuliran are nominally equal, with the group taking the form of a cooperative fraternity possessing minimal formal hierarchy. 


All inquiries about membership or operations should be directed to the saneyir of the Raell’uvuliran. The current saneyir is Adriel Vallei. 




iyul’maele asiol oem Acaelan ito kae’leh, el’Tuva Uelln’ehya el’Bilokir Tuva’leh, illern’leh el’Taynuel maele’ehya ay evarn’sae ahe’Malin’onn Lye’ehya.

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In their rudimentary temple, a cadre of enterprising, slightly shifty Acaelanite compradors plan out the Guild of Spicers' next objectives over powerfully intoxicating glasses of palm toddy. 



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Sul aen Sov diligently helps draft plans for the new bazaar.

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Sanevan prepares their latest pitch deck for spiced abalone. This one would surely impress the guild.

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