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To the People of Haense

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And the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska and The Aulic Council, 513 E.S


I will keep things simple. I have liked to think I have served the court loyally under our Majesty, Amaya of Venzia, for many years. Through the highs and lows of our war with the League. Through darkspawn, through every challenge I can think of. When I first arrived in Valdev, I found inspiration and love. I found so much warmth and care in the people, here. None of that has changed in the slightest, my heart longs for the cold now, wherever I might find myself.

I have put words to pen time and time again to commemorate those that are no longer with us. I have shed blood alongside you all, from Brasca to Drusco. So when it came time for the most sacred of Haeseni traditions, I think back to what you all have told me.


Her Majesty, Queen Amaya of Venzia. There are not enough pages of paper to describe how you have influenced and changed my life. Your love is like no other, for your people and your court. Haense would not be the same without you, and we will forever feel your touch on the stone.

Lady Marian Weiss, you have welcomed me constantly. I recall in my moments of doubt, you have looked to me and welcomed in open arms myself as a sister who has bled for this country.

Lord Godunov, I could not have done what I have done without you. I hope to continue our friendship, and that I might continue to serve you and your house.

Lord-Marshal Leonid, your jokes and poems are a delight. You are ever much a poet, as a soldier. You have not just my respect, but my admiration.  

Lord Walter Weiss, I enjoyed our conversations at the tavern. You have long been an inspiring figure to me, on the battlefield and as the leader of such a noble house. I will never forget the stories you shared with me.

Patriarch Josef, while we might disagree on the finer points of Canonism. You have been a staunch friend to the Queen and have always had time to answer my questions. Were it not for you, I doubt I would have found His light. Even if my worship be not perfect, I hope we may meet in the Skies someday.

Rakhnar, I know we have fallen away from each other over the years. It has been tough, but I know that you still have me in your thoughts and your non-stop search for a cure is one of the few things that keeps me going. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from the valah courts. For those who have known me, I hope you can forgive this. For those who don’t, I was a court poet. For those asking why, it is because of love. It is not love for country that causes me to turn my back on an office that has been nothing short of life-changing. But rather, the love I have to my partner. As many know, I have been together with a woman known as Illera for many years.

I saw fit to finally see through the Haeseni tradition of marriage, only to be told that under Godan such a thing would be sinful. That it was wrong. That Horen and Julia married, and that is the way it will and always will be. I don’t believe that to be the case. It is through marriage that we become one, such a sort of pure love cannot exclude so many who might act otherwise. It is not sinful, love is love. That Horen married a woman, and not another man, might as well be down to luck.

I call upon the Haeseni citizens for change. I call upon them to take this time to consider what marriage and love means. Would you deny such a thing to the brothers and sisters who have fought by your side through the darkest of times? Do you not think Godans light shines just as brightly on them as all of us?

I have no intent to continue my line, nor does Illera. Are we not holy and chaste for this? For those who say the purpose of marriage is children, what of those who cannot bear because of curse, injury, or malbirth? Is their love not true and pure? Marriage does not even confer rights to commoners. Property does not become bound in my name. My children would have to buy my home back from the state. If children truly were the purpose, why is it that we turn our backs on so many of the people of Godan?

For those who might agree, speak in the courts. Speak, as noble Lords and Ladies. Haeseni culture is more than just the Church. Haeseni culture is what we make of it. What we decide. The Church is deciding to push away so much talent and art, for the sake of an antiquated passage that no longer makes sense. It is not in His nature to hate for things that we have no control over. Even half-spawn can find forgiveness through his word. Why is it that a woman loving another is the limit we put on His Holiness? How many loyal descendants have been pushed out because of this? How many have been outcast and drawn to sin for our lack of empathy and care?

The Church has split time and time again. How many different forms of our worship has been seen in Valah lands? Over generations? Even Jorendic worship draws different traditions then the canonism of Aaun or elsewhere. There is only one thing we can agree on, that Godans love is eternal, freely given, and pure. All I want is to dedicate myself to Him, to truly know what it is like to be a Haeseni. To exchange cloak and blade with the woman I have loved and fought for over years. Is that truly such a sin in the eyes of our God?  

I will now take this section to pettily list out those that have wronged me.

Adeptus, your brand of Owynism is a joke. You spit upon the image of God and think yourself above the flesh that he has wrought. Your beliefs that His design is flawed are inherently anathema. I hope the Church realizes this, and your sinful nature can finally be revealed. Just because you are metal, and not flesh, as a homunculus; it does not excuse the sin of your existence.

Krusae Zwy Kongzem. Ave Haense. Now and forever.



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