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[Prophecy] Forgiveness


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[Only personas with an approved application for the scrying of prophecies may observe the content of this prophecy post:
those with prophetic visions gifted by Farseer, Mysticism, Naztharek, Seer, Vivification, and so forth.]


A vision unfolds between palm readings and revealed cards - trumpets in jubilee, Judgement.

Across the green Midlands, one's vision takes them unto the walls of Petra. Upon the right arm, a silvered gauntlet, upon which was the sigil of the Silver Stag and the gilded hammer of Malleus. Beneath its grasp, the infernal skin of a soul, once named Holvius.

The vision bears witness - divine light coursing through the once-cursed individual, as the improbable, no, the impossible unfolds. In the purifying light of the relic, a soul is wrenched free of the infernal curse which bound once-Descendant flesh to the Inferi form. Angelic light rips through, and gently rises.

Watching the soul, warmth and forgiveness fills the heart, knowing this soul was no longer destined for the damned hells it was bound to; instead, it was set free... truly cleansed of all sin; this was the first, but would not be the last.

"Penance through Purity - and should ye once be human, may the Skies open their arms to you."

The vision ends, with the words of the Arbiter of Heaven lingering, as well as the truth of what was witnessed:

A soul can be cleansed... and redirected.



The above is in reference to roleplay which occurred with @acronius_and their character. What occurred was the PK effect under the Purity through Penance clause under the #2 CArt, The Long Arm. This exists as a temporary means to allow Darkspawn CAs to PK and not be damned to the normal afterlife of that CA if they were formerly Descendant - for example, a human can return to the Seven Skies instead, or up to the persona player's discretion for the other Descendant races.


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"Penance through Purity.." Muttered a Wanderer when she was struck in catatonic state

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Holvius, once called upon as Holmgeir Farrar, peers down upon the world from his final resting place. From his sadness, his grief, and perhaps, even a bit of happiness, a tear falls. It isn't much to look at, but it's a reminder of the mercy he was shown, and the years upon years, lost to time, lost to his demonic ways. The friends he had left behind, the family he was determined to find one day, and even the hecklers at the tavern who wished him trip and fall upon the spilled carrion, all of it lost, because of his curiosity. His singular tear, a manifestation of the suffering his once mortal mind held, falls and falls, for miles and miles, until the ground would be near in sight. His singular tear would fall upon the bare cheek of a small child, scarecely more than eight. She would peer up at the sky, cursing the rain, and Holmgeir is forgotten.

Edited by acronius_
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"Damn it, I'm still an elf." Lanre Cerusil the Circumstantial Prophecy Viewer lamented his ears after waking from the vision.

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7 minutes ago, sam33497 said:

"Damn it, I'm still an elf." Lanre Cerusil the Circumstantial Prophecy Viewer lamented his ears after waking from the vision.




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In a shack on a quiet shore, an elf stirs from another vivid dream.  She was fortunate this evening to not be ripped away from the such small rest she had finally obtained; haunted eyes blinked away that vision and she gazed up to the ceiling of her room.  The sight was framed by all sorts of feverish drawings and diagrams that elf had marked in her countless restless nights, each one filled with ravings of the souls place in existence.  The Shore was her life's duty, to grant redemption to all; to provide that second chance to those who would seek penance.


Such truths of the Iridescent Path had proved far more challenging than she ever anticipated, yet she always pursued forth--no matter how thinly she felt worn.  That weary elf sat herself up and placed her feet upon the cold stone that made up her floor, heavy eyes regarded her hands where she had once viewed a strangers marked with that familiar eye in the palm.


Ilaria wept then.  Not for grief or despair, but for the new hope she had found.

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Ember wakes up as she rubs her eyes and looks at her hand.


”another day…more war.” The vision seemed to far from her, so she stood up and got read for another day of work.

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