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The sun rose slowly, as if it wasn't sure it was worth all the effort.

Another day had dawned within the Shire, and for Patches, the King of the Musin and founder of Babblebrook, this was a good thing.

Today of all days seemed go move very slowly for the young king. the soft rays of dawn flowed over the mossy roofed houses, as some would say, like golden syrup, and sparkled upon the waters of the sea like a myriad of gems.

With a cup of honeyed tea in one small hand, and a book in the other, Patches stepped outside to witness his latest achievement.

He had built the beginnings of something wonderful for his fellow Musin.

He had turned Babblebrook from a sleepy little village into a Castle Town!


King Patches cleared his throat as he approached the fountain, whereupon a statue dedicated to Musin the Brave stood inspiring all of his heroism.

It was there, when he spoke.


"Friends, Family, Countrymice, prick up your ears! Today is a special day, as Babblebrook is officially a Castle Town. This means more houses and new opportunities for Musin kind! Please check out the new land we have acquired and let me know of anything you wish to see built."


Pleased with his little speech, The King of the Musin strolled towards the new area of Babblebrook, sipping his Morning tea.


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Unya is going to start picking on fruits all over the trees! hiding them away in her little wooden home.

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“Vereh noice” says Mimosa Applefoot as more MICE stuff starts happening.

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“All according to the great plan.” Spuds said to himself as he would dust off a golden goblet in the castle of Babblebrook

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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Bell climbs to the top of the tall brick tower that connects to his new home in Babblebrook. The court minstrel has his trusty instrument strapped to his back, just recently entwined by his own bardic magic.

The court minstrel teaches the top of the ladder and stands on the tower parapet, overlooking the castle town below, and hears his King’s words. With a loud strum of the glowing strings, three small bursts of smokey color appear a few meters above the Musin bard’s head. One green, one gold, one red.

Edited by KeiLynx
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