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Arcane Displacement QoL Amendments & Additions

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Arcane Displacement QoL Amendments & Additions


Shunters may use Arcane Displacement as a way to reflavor the Soulstone mechanic

Shunting and Coupling no longer have an emote count and are a free-form ritual to be performed by the players in question, a recommendation of 3 emotes for shunting, and 5 for portal creation will be offered in example emotes, but this allows players to design a ritual in their design and increase the Quality of Life of using the spells, given they can not be used in any combative manner there should be little harm of turning these abilities free form.


Disrupting someone’s shunt by destroying their charm requires four emotes before the disrupted charm sends them back


Portals no longer have a minimum size or maximum, just so long as the portal frame is considered acceptable by LT, it can be of any size and aesthetic


Amendment : Shunting Emote Count



The process lays still among the most treacherous of its kind, it being a provenience for greater energy; an immaterial source of ethereal power to which the worst of spirits, wraiths and gravens hearken and flock. As thus, it had become proud tradition amongst generations of planeswalkers, the which they would pass unto their younger heritors, to exercise a row of precautions. Having recited the proper chants as learnt within the Planar Dictate, enacting its patterns with expertise, the Planeswalker enwreathes himself in an occultic circle of salt and unspoken symbolics; wherein he may then contain himself of all approaching evil and malice throughout the prolonged spell.


  • Shunting requires six emotes to perform and to be touched, so much as a poke, interrupts the enigmatic magic wherein it is nullified and must be attempted again.

    • Shunting requires complete and total concentration and thus cannot be performed in combat or to evade combat.

  • Solo shunting must be performed through RP posts on the forums of the character traversing the plane they have landed in.

  • LT must be consulted on the general ideas behind the planes being traveled to but otherwise the player has complete creative freedom in its design so long as it offers their character no inherent power, change, or advantage that does not require an application or lore besides an MART.

  • Returning from a shunt with an object of any value more than mundane, useless, and inert must be approved through an MART.

  • The speech and engraved symbolics enacted in one’s circle of ritual are left nigh-entirely to the creativity of the participants, likely consisting of flexion speech and indicative occult imagery (The abuse or memery thereof however is subject to severe punishment).

  • A shunter may bring a single individual, even non-shunters, on their voyage.




The process lays still among the most treacherous of its kind, it being a provenience for greater energy; an immaterial source of ethereal power to which the worst of spirits, wraiths and gravens hearken and flock. As thus, it had become a proud tradition amongst generations of planeswalkers, which they would pass unto their younger heritors, to exercise a row of precautions. Having recited the proper chants as learnt within the Planar Dictate, enacting its patterns with expertise, the Planeswalker enwreathes himself in an occultic circle of salt and unspoken symbolics; wherein he may then contain himself of all approaching evil and malice throughout the prolonged spell.


  • Shunting has no required minimum emote count, though a minimum of [3] detailed emotes are made to showcase the process, to be touched, so much as a poke, interrupts the enigmatic magic wherein it is nullified and must be attempted again.

    • Shunting requires complete and total concentration and thus cannot be performed in combat or to evade combat.

  • Solo shunting must be performed through RP posts on the forums of the character traversing the plane they have landed in.

  • LT must be consulted on the general ideas behind the planes being travelled to but otherwise, the player has complete creative freedom in its design so long as it offers their character no inherent power, change, or advantage that does not require an application or lore besides a MART.

  • Returning from a shunt with an object of any value more than mundane, useless, and inert must be approved through a MART.

  • The speech, engraved symbolics and final teleportation enacted in one’s circle of ritual are left nigh-entirely to the creativity of the participants, likely consisting of flexion speech and indicative occult imagery (The abuse or memery thereof however is subject to severe punishment).

  • A shunter may bring a single individual, even non-shunters, on their voyage.



Amendment : Portal Changes [Emote Count and Frame Size]



An uncommon practice, although one not at all unheard of is that of coupling; in which a covenant of three shunters, led by their most knowledgeable, may bring forth a gate within thin air – of which the frames measure at least four by five meters (blocks), never exceeding seven in either dimensions. The rite, however, enforced by the powerful unison of several shunters, must be done in perfected proportions, with a most precise execution; such that if a word had been misspoken, or a hexagram unwritten, the process would be entirely set aback and undone. The gate may then serve a shared - albeit arbitrary - destination for the drove, and another shall form wheresoever they landed. Be it known, yet, that the excursion may be abruptly ended were the gate to be botched by even the lightest of matter; debris be it or a grain of dust.


  • Requires one to have shunted to and from the realm intended and the material plane to map a portal to another realm for a portal alongside two additional shunters to create it.

  • A portal may only be used to transport five individuals, even non-shunters, before deactivating. The frames remain intact.



An uncommon practice, although one not at all unheard of is that of coupling; in which a covenant of three shunters, led by their most knowledgeable, may bring forth a gate within thin air – of which the frames measure at least three by three meters (blocks), never exceeding eight without ST Manager Approval in either dimensions. The rite, however, enforced by the powerful unison of several shunters, must be done in perfected proportions, with a most precise execution; such that if a word had been misspoken, or a hexagram unwritten, the process would be entirely set aback and undone. The gate may then serve a shared - albeit arbitrary - destination for the drove, and another shall form wheresoever they landed. Be it known, yet, that the excursion may be abruptly ended were the gate to be botched by even the lightest of matter; debris be it or a grain of dust.


  • Requires one to have shunted to and from the realm intended and the material plane to map a portal to another realm for a portal alongside two additional shunters to create it.

  • A portal may only be used to transport five individuals, even non-shunters, before deactivating. The frames remain intact.

  • The portal may take any form of aesthetic if it follows occult and otherworldly themes and cannot be mistaken for other similar builds: E.G. A Voidal Tear.

Amendment : Retraction defined emote count


In the wake of a shunter’s traversion, a line of grit and scatter (which in actuality is there only in concept) serves to anchor one’s presence upon earth, marking them an inseverable path back at the journey’s end. Unseen to the naked eye, only another shunter may pursue this proverbial trail by reenacting the shunting trial in its close proximity; whereupon they arrive to the same initial destination as the first shunter, whilst a mark of their own originates besides the first. An art known only to the eldest of shunters is that of retraction, in which the immaterial line is desecrated and its owner returned forcibly to their spot of shunting - regardless of consent. The power wrought by such initiative tends often to incapacitate the traveller.


”You speak boldly, for one in crucifying distance.”

-Wieslaw Marrow, threatening an ill-marked planeswalker


  • Only two charms may touch another charm which is being tracked, creating a triangle of circles, likely two shunters chasing another. Any attempts to add to the charms results in failed castings.



In the wake of a shunter’s traversion, a line of grit and scatter (which in actuality is there only in concept) serves to anchor one’s presence upon earth, marking them an inseverable path back at the journey’s end. Unseen to the naked eye, only another shunter may pursue this proverbial trail by reenacting the shunting trial in its close proximity; whereupon they arrive to the same initial destination as the first shunter, whilst a mark of their own originates besides the first. An art known only to the eldest of shunters is that of retraction, in which the immaterial line is desecrated and its owner returned forcibly to their spot of shunting - regardless of consent. The power wrought by such initiative tends often to incapacitate the traveller.


”You speak boldly, for one in crucifying distance.”

-Wieslaw Marrow, threatening an ill-marked planeswalker


  • Only two charms may touch another charm that is being tracked, creating a triangle of circles, likely two shunters chasing one another. Any attempts to add to the charms result in failed castings.

  • Forcefully returning another shunter to the material plane has a count of four detailed emotes.


Shunting, while a longstanding piece in the LOTC lore, is very abstract and seldom used. It can be a lot for a new FA holder to digest and sees very little use currently in roleplay. With the addition of a new reflavor ability for SS mechanics, some quality of life changes to emote count, and clarifications upon existing rites, we hope to bring a breath of fresh air into Arcane Displacement so that players can not only use it more in day-to-day roleplay but also without so much confusion. Following this being accepted there will be work to push forth a proper Guide for shunting.

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I hate the forums killing the formatting : )

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christman dont caare

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I'd love to see Displacement more +1

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Shunting has no required minimum emote count, though a minimum

Oh ok.

Edited by alexmagus
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Dope. I’m fine with typing a bunch of emotes but at the same time drawing a circle shouldn’t be that long. +1


also can’t wait to see the guide that’s being worked on. 

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Thank you. Five or so emote long circle drawing has gotten old.

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just powergame it dawg no one's holding u on this one

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2 hours ago, sam33497 said:

just powergame it dawg no one's holding u on this one

nvm ur right 


*enters portal and logs off.

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*shunts into the forum realm


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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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