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Ar-Malna points at her name in the decree "Hey! I give that guy cake!"

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The young elf Silwyn Cerusil read the lengthy missive with intense closeness. He sighed, remarking to the wall, as people tended to after reading such missives. "If not for his wisdom. . . The world would be burning. I fear for the age of violence that comes when he is gone. What shall I do?"

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Faeryel reads the decree, and smiles.


Turning to a friend, she remarks; "To think that Lanre's Lich, by killing Caius' predecessor and speeding his ascension, contributed more to world peace than any of his destructive acts could ever outweigh."

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Off in a secluded corner of the world, Atticus Reinhold still keeps up with the news. Gold-rimmed reading glasses bring the words into focus as he scans each page, before his eyes widen slightly- At the mention of his name. A stunned look crosses his face, as he re-reads the passage a few times. Then, his expression softens into a sort of awed, stuttering smile. He places the paper down for a moment and exhales, closing his eyes. “Thank you.”  For some reason, those words feel like a weight off his chest. Affirmation that he’s moving in the right direction. 


As he continues to peruse the rest of the missive, his assurance only bolsters. “This will do a lot of good, for a lot of people- And it will solve a lot of problems,” He adds, with a reminiscent wince, before his expression softens again. “A hand of redemption, rather than wrath.”

Edited by Hom
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Juniper, for the first time, read over a Canonist missive with some thoughtfulness… After a time of contemplation, the heretical voidstalker finally reached her own verdict of the Pontiff’s words, and perhaps the man himself that she held a previous distaste for.


”…..Perhaps he’s not that bad after all.”

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A certain Devil-Knight read this missive with a puzzled look. This sounded like an entirely different person than the Caius that she had met several years back. She pens a letter to the Pontiff. 


High Pontiff Caius I, 


I agree with your sentiment of leaning towards redemption rather than condemnation when it comes to those that lose their way to the darkness. I would ask that you find that same amount of compassion for the likes of Sermi for the rest of those that are NOT guilty of any crime and are forced out of Canonist lands at point of sword: The Cursed Children. We are not inherently darkspawn despite our outward appearance, and are not destined to go down the same path as those that cursed us. An entire group of people should not suffer for the crimes of one that is now undead, and another that was put within Church custody. Further condemning them in the way they have would only make the theory of us being destined to be demons a self-fulfilling prophecy. I have spoken with you once before, with many words that came more from pain and hurt than any malice towards you personally. I have grown older and wiser, and I think that you, in your wisdom, can also listen to reason. I implore you to consider my words, so that we can foster peace and kindness and show the world that Devil-kind are not beyond redemption. 





Dame of Acalonn

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7 hours ago, MadOne said:

While you may embark onto them every wisdom, and every conceivable path that provides and illuminates the path of the Lord, ultimately, their destinies will lie elsewhere, outside the covenant of our Lord. Indeed, you can take up the hand of this man, guide him towards a monastery, sieve him through years of monastic and scriptural education, the mark upon this Man’s soul will never be redeemed, for he holds no innate understanding of the Lord’s Grace within the world. Too many times have I seen this, from Callahan’s Serwa, 


In the wilds of Numendil, Serwa, the leper, fairly wept for frustration.

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A student of Arthur's showed him the missive. He read through it carefully, sitting upon some random hill.

"Accuse me of manipulation and lying and defend Hohkmat in the same breath. Interesting." Arthur said, distastefully. "He does make some good points. It is unfortunate that Hohkmat is still tainted. Hopefully Faeryel will solve it."

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