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Issued on the 6th of Owyn’s Flame, 1978




To Whom it May Concern,


As the wife of Adrian Godfrey Temesch, it is with a heavy heart that I address you today. My beloved husband has departed to the seven skies after 47 years of life, with 25 of those years shared with me.


While my heart may ache with sorrow, I find solace in the knowledge that Adrian’s legacy will endure through our many children, and the countless lives he touched and the memories he leaves behind. May his spirit live on in the hearts of those who knew him, and may his memory be a blessing to us all.


During this period of mourning, our house will don black robes as a symbol of our profound grief, a visual testament to the loss we feel in our hearts. In accordance with tradition, we will be holding a private funeral ceremony to bid farewell to Adrian, laying him to rest within the grounds of our viscounty, where his memory will forever reside in the land he cherished.


Finally, with profound pride, I announce that the esteemed role of head of our family has been passed on to our eldest daughter, Cosima Victoria Temesch, following the passing of her father. As she steps into her rightful role as Countess of Martiel, we shall keep her in our prayers, wishing her every success and fulfillment as she leads our family forward.



S I G N E D ,


Her Ladyship, Wilhelmina Emma of Azor,

Countess-Dowager of Martiel & 

Viscountess-Dowager of San Adriano.

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Esfir pens a quick letter to her friend, the new Countess, and sends a gift along with it; One of both congratulations and condolences.

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Giving her the news of her father's passing is the last time Wilhelmina might see Claudia Lorena Temesch for a few days. She retreats back to where she once called home, the city of Vallagne. Outside the gates, she finds a singular birch tree, the one that she used to climb with her best friend Alvena, before she, too, was killed.


Staring into the sky as the leaves rustle around her and the gentle bustle of the main street invades her ears, she doesn't know what to think. She's never been great at controlling her emotions, but in her mind, the constant turmoil finally begs to be let loose, lest she crumble with her psyche.


Tears of profound despair stain her cheeks as she says a last goodbye, and she swears, that in the twinkling of the stars, she might see the two people she once looked up to. Now, she has to be that person that someone can look up to and grow beside. Only strength can fix it. The strength to support her family, and to ensure that nobody is taken from her early ever again. 


By any means, she will meet with the great powers of this world, alone. It's only a matter of time.

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"Oh my- Just before our dinner...I Hope WIlliam and his family are alright" Fleur Halcourt sighed, taking a note as she began to pen a letter of condolences to William and the House of Temesch.

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William was training at the top of the keep’s tower on a usual morning. Noticing an unusual gathering down below in the courtyard, he concluded his training and walked down the stairs. He met his mother sitting with his siblings, looking confused. His weeping mother looked up towards him. “Your father…” was all she said before he understood, not knowing how to react.


He felt a mix of emotions; sadness for losing his father, relief that his father had finally found peace, anger that he hadn’t spent more time with him, but mostly heartbreak seeing his mother in that state. He sat down, consoling her, his gaze fixed on emptiness. This was new to him — he had never lost someone close before.

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Paul pondered his relationship with his father as he read one of the many books in the library. Though he did not love his father, he was still saddened by his passing. “Well father, may you find some peace now.”

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The news met Cosima with no surprise.

She had already grieved for their father, that to her, they had lost years ago. Their move to Balian had been completed just in time- for it was near then that he had begun to slip from them. Occasional good days were mingled within the plethora of bad ones. He had been able to offer her some guidance in her youth and in her teen years- he had done his best of course.

The truth was, there was little to feel sorrowful for. He had not been the affectionate type- nor a present figure in her life. Once upon a time they had sat together after he had been blinded. Cosima had- she was perhaps seven or eight years old- read to him the letter she had received from a young princeling from Aaun, how excited she had been to share that with Adrian.

But that had been it, really. There had been no father and daughter outings. Not much in the way of family celebrations, even after the war had passed and Humanity fell into calm. Adrian had begun his political, ‘paper pushing’ work again, or so she called it, and that had been that.

Cosima took to her desk within her library tower; her retreat from the world when she so truly needed it. A plethora of research papers and sewing equipment lay strewn about, accompanied by a box of cigarettes and a bottle of wine. She sat herself down at her papers, and simply set about at her work.


Just another day.”


You played a good dad. Ty for all the hard work you put into Temesch! You know full well, you're not allowed to leave us anyway.


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The Temesch who looked so alike his father had been silent for days preceding such an announcement, he hadn’t been isolated, there was far too much taking place for a proper bout of mourning, days preceded and he continued on, withholding his emotions inside until the day came where he finally cracked, but such a day would not be close, not until much of what were taking place had all but been a figment of the past, “Not now.. Not now.” Was all he spoke, his attempts to put on a facade and continue as normality would dictate was all in vein to the many who would recognize the subtle shifts in the legate, his mannerisms, his silence, his continued trances, it all betrayed his facade of being fine, it was undeniable that he was affected by such a sudden loss, after-all how could one not be, despite this however, he knew a time for mourning was not current. Yet a candle was lit each passing night within San Adriano, a silent prayer uttered for the former Viscount who led the house as he had.

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Austina sighed simply at the notice of her father's passing, the maiden looking to the words on the paper and donning black to mourn her beloved father.

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