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The Dark Brotherhood

Lawrence Berell

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((@Members Foot down. I will personally lock this myself if you make even one more OOC post on this.

@Questioners PM ME!!! Don't use this topic unless it is an IC post, which doesn't involve any metagaming. I'll update the OP with this infomation later, but be warned now.

PS I'll also hand out personal warnings which will NOT fade away, get me?))

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*Sweats furiously as he renders stone with sharpened pickaxe. Swing follows swing as the dwarf breaks apart the stubborn rock. To the observer, the stone is as butter is to a heated knife but the mineral is the material of which fortresses are made.

His age bears heavily on the old dwarf but he steels his mind to the task at hand. It will take months at this rate but this only hardens his mind, resolving to finish. This will be magnificent if ever completed...

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*finishes packing, shoving 2 more loaves of bread into his robes. With his diamond sword in it's sheathe, and a plate of iron armor, Regaki tromped up the steps of the fortress, towards the exit.

"I'm going to miss this place...even though I'll see it again, it'll be a while"

*Opening the hatch and crawling out of the cave, Regaki wanders off, unsure of where he is going*

[[To explain my "gone-ness" while I'm a Kharajyr]]

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Brothers, do you think we should have a training room in our base? It would benefit our guild greatly. We should prepare our mind and body for contacts to come. With a training facility, we can improve our skills of combat.

*Anri presented them with a drawing outlining the layout of the facility. Each square had a label of "shooting range", "sparring rooms", and "training rooms"*

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*Procrisio leans over the table bearing the drawing, silently studying the blueprints the young initiate had just designed. After what appeared to be an hour (it was only five minutes though) he finally says:

"Well I dun't know 'ow much space this'll need but I'm willin ta bet it ta be a sizable amount. 'ow about if ye kin think of a place fer it, I'll consider it. Cause I 'ave already started work on the final level, not much time fer sorten this 'ere out.

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[[i still exist....but this internet has been a pain. I won't be able to actively roleplay for now, but on occasion, using school computers, I can post and attempt to roleplay. I'll be doing a post a day, at least, and no weekends. My mother said we would have internet next week. She finally contacted Cogeco..]]

*Waking up, Cael mutters something about some damn fog, and then climbs out of the jail cell, passing through the bars in front of him. Frustrated, because the layout of the base has been changed a bit, but not knowing how long he was sleeping, Cael tries to find his way to the surface, curious about his white robes, and the smoke hovering around his feet*

"Damn....I hope I'm not dead again.."

*Finding his way to the surface, Cael looks around the corner and see's a an initiate running around tripping over...her? robes. Curious, he jumps up and grips the ceiling, still trying to figure this "may or may not be dead" thing out, and pulls himself up into and above it, so that he can watch her secretly. After all, not many of the members have good design taste, and she's carrying blueprints*

"I wonder what she's up to..."

[[As my character had been in the far wilds before he came back to base and collapsed, I'm going to try to implicate this new "border fog" into my characters lore, with more of his memories about his journey returning as we learn about the new menace

Also...I really hope you're good at interior design, if it wasn't for me, these guys would be living in stone forts...]]

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Anri slowly approaches them.

"Do we have any contracts yet? ..I'm very eager to prove myself."

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*Looking around, Cael silently...glides across the roof, positioning himself on a ledge above the new female member. After seeing that nobody but her is around, he calls for a blanket of fog to surround the courtyard. Gliding down, he flows past her, whispering in her ear.*

"I am the dark spirit of the brotherhood, the avenger, and I have something I wish you to do. An youth, Cael'Que, is known to live in the Dwarven District of Alras. I ask for you to find his house, and if it is still there, come back to this base and inform me, I must know if he is still alive..."

*Quickly, before she notices him, he adds something else as he lowers into the ground to drop down into the lower levels*

"Tell none of the other brothers about this, as I have chosen you, and none of them must know what you are doing. A body was lost in the lower levels recently, and it within the jail cell, locked with nothing in it, that I wish for you to contact me in next. Remember, tell nobody of this encounter, none of them are ready for me yet."

*Dropping down into the lower levels, Cael leans against the wall, exhausted by the mental and physical strain he just went though. Releasing the fog above, he wanders the base in silence, exploring.*

"I must be at least 200 years old now..."

[[i'm getting bored, so I decided that I would play act the role of some sort of avenging spirit until I can get back in game. I'm still alive though, just steadily getting more messed up every day.]]

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*the old dwarf lays a parchment out on a rudely constructed table. Tracing his finger along the edges, he slowly counts. After a few seconds he produces a rough piece of charcoal and begins scratching out an assortment of polygons. After a few minutes of working, becoming more and more visibly agitated, the dwarf mutters a curse and throws the paper to the floor. Selecting a new section, he begins working on a second one.*

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"Y-Yes, sir."

*Anri packs her food, and supplies, whatever she needed for her journey to Alras. Before she left, there was one thing she needed to ask Cael.

"Erm...is there anything important that I need to know about? Like..what he looks like?"

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Guys my computers fixed and everything so I can now play MINECRAFT! :)

Now what do I do?

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*Hearing voices above, Cael curses, and cautiously makes his way back up to the surface, wondering what's going on. Seeing a young man...possibly another initiate, questioning the girl he had spoken to, Cael blankets the area in a hazy mist, walks over to the male initiate, then proceeds to gag him, dropping him through the ground onto a lower floor*

"I need to talk to Relok about the initiates he's bringing in later" *he whispers, wandering back down to his makeshift prison cell/ home* "They're too damn nosy..."

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