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[Lore] The Wildlife Of Karakatua


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Wildlife of the Karakatuan Jungle.




The following is a list of animals, some hostile and some not, that the Kharajyr will discover upon their jungle homeland in Anthos.  This is primarily being made with the idea of role-play in mind.  This is so that the Kharajyr hunters actually have some game to hunt rather than the standard minecraft pig, or chicken.  This is also to make the atmosphere of our home complete, and make it feel like you are actually immersed in a dangerous jungle filled with all sorts of ferocious predators, rather than just walking around in a bunch of trees.  Many of these creatures will be creatures from/based on ones in real life, though with some things tweaked and stretched to give us that fantasy feel that we all enjoy.  These animals are designed to be beneficial to the hunters as well as an opposition, as after hunting them they will provide resources like skins, nectar etc, etc, etc.  Some of the creatures are just for aesthetic purposes, to do nothing but provide a little bit of extra role-play.  I hope you enjoy this, as this is designed to be part of the amazing exploring experience, not just for ourselves, but for any that adventurer bold enough to journey through our hostile jungle.


The Tykkan’Cbeha, otherwise known as the Tykkan is a breed of alligator that dwells in tropical environments.  These hulking scaly hunters prowl through the damp shrubbery of jungles and rainforests and lurk beneath the surface of shallow pools, awaiting prey to walk by.  This is one of the many creatures that the Kharajyr will discover upon their new jungle home in and is definitely on the more dangerous side.  These animals will be a hunting target for most Kharajyr hunters and a threat to the safety of any citizens on the island.

The name Tykkan is a translation from the Va’Khajrian language.  It translates roughly as Daggerspine, which relates to the physical features of the creature.  The Tykkan on average are around about eight feet in length and stand between two and three feet high on their four legs.  Covered head to toe in a thick, damp scaly hide it would be safe to assume that their skins could be useful for leather armour and even furniture.  Though the key feature of their unique build would be their backs.  The spine of a Tykkan has two large ridges of spike like objects that start from the shoulders and end at the tip of their tails.  It is likely that these spines could be harvested and used as spear tips or arrow tips, or something of that fashion.  

Though the Tykkan are not just creatures to be hunted.  They themselves are vicious predators.  Fit with large snapping jaws, lined top to bottom with powerful teeth, they can bite into their prey with ease.  These stalkers lurk in the murky pools of water that dot the jungle island, silently waiting for something to take a swim.  Or they prowl around the shrubbery, awaiting to catch the ankles of an unsuspecting explorer.  These animals are not to be underestimated, for they are relatively quick and prone to maneuvering in their exotic habitats.  They feast on most small creatures around the island but if challenged, have the potential to take down a human being, or one of the other humanoid races of our world.  The Tykkan are a very silent threat, but a very deadly one.

Probably unexpected, however, the meat of a Tykkan could potentially be boiled down into a meaty stew or cooked and consumed as a meal by those that would dare kill one.  This, of course, would require an entire stripping of its scales.  This would probably not be someone’s first choice of food but it would make a great alternative.  


The ‘Vena-vi is a loose translation of ‘firefly’ in ancient Va’khajrian. The Vena-vi, native to the jungles of Karakatua is an incredibly small insect that is barely visible to even the most powerful of Kharajyr eyes. The only thing that would indicate its presence would be that its body emits a soft, yellow glow - creating the image that tiny dots of light were floating aimlessly through the air. The Vena-vi group together is large swarms in order to build a hive by collecting mere dust particles in the air and clumping them all together in one large heap to very gradually build up a large, grey hive.

One hive of Vena-vi could hold millions of the separate little insects, all too small to accomplish anything independently, but as a swarm, they are able to build a hive stretching up to about 4 metres tall in a matter of weeks. The hive itself is located in the trees, its variety of holes and entrances releasing an enchanting yellow glow as the swarm flies to and fro, feasting on the bacteria growing against the bark of the moist jungle trees.

It is a common practice to tear a chunk of bark from a tree, placing it in a small round translucent  container to tempt the Vena-vi inside. After a large clump of the insects have filled the container, the lid is promptly sealed tightly shut to create a lantern of sorts that may be carried around until the food source runs out and the creatures die off, their beautiful glow dying with them.

The Vena-vi’s odd yellow glow is created by its unique exo-skeleton that has evolved to release a soft yellow glow as a warning to slightly larger insects to avoid it - as the Vena-vi is in fact very toxic. Although on such a small scale, its toxins are unable to affect humanoids at all unless they swallow vast quantities of them, which may well end in a bad stomach ache.

The Zisban

The Zisban is another one of the breeds of animals native to this island.  The Zisban are a breed of rather small yet very athletic monkeys that inhabit the jungles.  The Zisban are given their name from the Va’Khajrian word “Jumper”, as they are often seen darting from branch to branch to travel across the jungle.  The Zisban are rather peaceful and will not attack others without reason but when threatened will release ear-piercing howls across the canopies to alert other Zisban of the danger they are in.  Zisban, timid, often run from dangerous situations but they do not like people threatening the jungle one bit.  Their diets consist entirely of the fruits and juices found within the jungles.  They are commonly found picking fresh papayas, bananas and tomatoes from the high branches and hiding them away in the shrubbery to feast on later.  

The build of the Zisban is very helpful to their mannerisms.  Small, light and flexible allowing them to swing branch to branch, jumping easily through the jungle.   These tricky little animals are hard to catch and get hold of and are rather shy of other species.  They will hide their young in the high canopy away from the monsters that lurk on the jungle floors and are usually only spotted alone.  Zisban are coated with a layer of fuzzy unkempt fur that would make good for bedsheets and other soft things, if you catch one.  The Zisban bare sharp claws used to flay creatures that get too close to them, but usually this doesn’t happen.9WVDsuM.jpg

The Tuark

The Tuark are a small group of pack-hunter predators that scout the jungles.  Essentially small runt like groups of Laughing Hyenas, the Tuark are known to be very cunning and vicious.  The Tuark get their name from a translation of the Va’Khajrian word for canine due to how they are in fact canines.  The Tuark hunt in packs and believe in strength in numbers.  This means that when they find their prey, they will use co-operation to take it down.  Encountering a pack of these alone will surely result in your certain death.  However when found on their own, the Tuark are extremely weak and could easily be slain.  Their sharp fangs and cunning are nothing when on their own, but multiply that by eight and you have a problem on your hands.

Their diet consists of meat as they are indeed predators.  They hunt the smaller prey of the jungle like birds and small animals, when on their own.  However when in packs they will become bolder and braver and attempt to take down larger prey.  Their curiosity is bound to get the better of them and have them take on prey too large for them to conquer.  The Tuark will surely become a nuisance for the people of the island and there will more than likely be attempts to thwart the aggression of them.  Their hunting parties will be a challenge for players, but hopefully a fun one.  The Tuark are very cowardly when on their own and will run from a situation when they are out numbered.  The Tuark will never attack a large group, even when their group is equally as large, as they know that they will not win.  The Tuark will protect their cubs with their lives and often carry them around with them.  Tuark mothers give birth to large canine litters and were you to steal one at birth, you’d definitely have an angry group of Tuark after you.

The Tuark are smaller than large hulking wolves in the more colder northern regions.  Their fur is thin to accustom to the hot tropics of the jungle and they stand no more than about three feet off of the ground.  Their small and brittle bodies allow for more flexibility and their jaws are more than capable of sinking into flesh.  However their attacks consist of small bites and scratches in order to make a victim pass out from bloodloss.  The consuming can happen later.  These dogs are wild and only a true hunter could domesticate one, as they are too fond of their pack usually to leave it and on most occasions would not.


The Remm-Gehk, a group of feared yet mysterious species on the island of Karakatua.  The Remm-Gehk are a species of Mountain Gorilla that stow away on the mountains of the Karakatuan Jungles.  These hulking black Gorilla tend to stay away from the other animals of the jungle and do not open attack others.  They will usually resort to eating fruits of the jungle but if provoked, will easily kill smaller animals.  The Remm-Gehk can be seen swinging from the strong branches of the canopy in groups.  They are protective of each others, as whilst they are strong, there are not many of them and they seek to preserve themselves.

The name Remm-Gehk comes from a Va’Khajrian translation Hill-King.  These animals are considered the kings of the mountain pockets of the Karakatuan Jungles and no other animal would challenge them for their homes.  They do not often come down from their mountains but when they do they try to stick to the trees.  The Remm-Gehk are actually very wise as far as animals are concerned, however give off a very intimidating vibe.  If a human travelling the jungle were to see one of the Remm-Gehk charging at them, they would probably flee for their lives.  These animals will not be a threat for the people of the island unless they provoke the Remm-Gehk, which would be very unwise indeed.

They Remm-Gehk are not hunters by any means, they do not have sharp claws or teeth to kill things with but they are strong.  When provoked the Remm-Gehk will stand up on its two feet and begin to beat relentlessly at its chest, roaring at the enemy before charging at them head on.  The Remm-Gehk rely on strength above all else, ruthlessly beating down an enemy and breaking its bones.  Though they are still wise and if they feel they will lose the battle before it even starts, they will take to the trees and retreat back into their mountains.  




The Nehpu are a very colorful breed of bird that live on the jungle island of Karakatua.  Nehpu, translating roughly to Rainbow, is close to the exotic breed of bird, Toucan.  The Nehpu is one of the more friendlier animals in the jungle.  Their vibrant colored beaks are easily spotted amongst the green and brown of the jungle, as well as their soft, warm black feathers.  Nephu become easy prey for other predators due to how obvious they are and how much they contrast with their surroundings.  The Nehpu are more funny than anything else, hopping from branch to branch and squawking merrily.  They make for very good companions and pets.  

The Nehpu sometimes are too stupid to sense danger and will become a meal to those that hunt them.  Though they are pathfinders and are almost like homing pigeons.  They will remember a route they’ve went before and make for efficient messengers, and will carry letters far over the sea to the mainland.  The Nehpu, however, can be seen waddling along the jungle floors, looking for larvae and other insects to feast on in the damp soils.  They will always find food here, but the longer they spend on the ground, the more vulnerable they become.






The Cayda are monsters that bask in the oceans around the island of Karakatua.  The name taken loosely from the term “Sea-Hunter”, the Cayda are exactly that.  The Cayda come close to the shores of the island, hiding beneath the water just waiting for someone to prance into the wet sand.  They feast on the large fish of the sea but not this alone.  They are bloodthirsty and can smell the scent of blood a mile away.  Any that see them should fear them as they are not to be trifled with.  They instil a high danger in the water, and make fishers and travellers cautious.

 These giant sharks swim intimidatingly through the waters with their fins above the water marking their presence.  They have been known to attack small fishing boats, knocking people into the water to devour them.  They have nice shiny skin that could be used for all manner of things and are thick with succulent meat.  Though the task of hunting a Cayda is probably more trouble than its worth.  It is unlikely that these sharks would swim upstream as they prefer the open waters.  They rest whilst still swimming so they do not suffocate and will usually travel alone.  


The Cehkan are a very vibrant and colorful species of birds.  More specifically they are parrots.  From head to toe they are covered in very bright feathers that range from green, to blue, to orange.  One could only describe them as beautiful and wild, as they never rest whilst flying through the jungles.  They thrive off of eating fruits and will always be picking from trees and stealing from others.  Though these birds have their name due to their voices.  The word Cehkan is taken from a translation of the word “Singer” as they can form their voices into a very sweet melody.  The birds can also replicate words that one teaches them, though they are too stupid to understand what the words mean.  Cehkan often travel in groups to make sure they are not hurt, and are always seen on the move.  They could surely be great companions, but that is up to those that find them.




The Rihka are another of the water terrors found around the island.  More specifically, these are smaller creatures.  However, that does not make them any less deadly.  The Rihka are a breed of fish that relate closely to the real world Piranha.  These fish will gather in large aquatic swarms near the coasts of the island, waiting for people to have a little swim where they will then swarm around the thing and begin to bite at it and kill it.   Their name comes from a loose translation of feast, or hungry, for the fact that these things all jump onto one creature like it were one large main course.  The Rihka have very shiny leather skin and an army of tiny little sharp teeth that will tear through thick flesh.  If you are attacked by a swarm of Rihka, it is unlikely you will survive



Gy’Waka (Already Implimented)

The Gy’Waka are a breed of colossal majestic birds that inhabit the island of Karakatua, they protect the homeland as if it were their own and are by far the lead predators of the island.  More information can be found on them here.


The Negai

The Negai is arguably the most common and dangerous creature found on the island due to the fact that it is so stealthy.  The Negai is a breed of snake much like the Cobra, that blends in with the surroundings of the jungle.  It slithers along the tree branches and bushes of the forest, looking for something to strike.  The Negai is not like the ordinary cobra in real life, it is significantly larger.  These hulking snakes can grow to be around ten feet in length.  When threatened, they coil up into a large ring, where their heads will stretch high in order to appear intimidating, hissing and showing off their large fangs.  They hunt smaller prey on the island but will not hesitate to defend itself from larger prey.  The reason it is so deadly is due to the fact that it contains poison glands that, when leaked into the bloodstream, can severely paralyze someone.  The word Negai is translated from the Va’Khajrian word ‘strike’, in relation to the fast deadly motion which they will strike at their enemies in order to disable them.
If detained, it is likely someone could extract the venom from them.  Though these agile little menaces are not easy to get a hold of.


Thank you for reading.  Please note that this isn’t supposed to be some complicate in depth lore.  This is designe to be very quick informative lore that will add to roleplay, I believe its something that could be implemented fairly quickly, too.  If you’ve any questions, feel free to ask.

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Absolutely brilliant lore, lore that I can definitely assure will be beneficial for all, providing more for those who enter the jungles of the Kharajyr.

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Wow, just wow. Brilliantly written. It really adds to the ambiance of the world. Thank you!

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Amazingly written lore, I see no reason it shouldn't be accepted by now xD It creates ambiance to Karakatuan and a now apparent wildlife. Something that can unlock much RP potential and something everyone can enjoy.

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I have to say Geo, well done.  You not just adding several creatures in my opinion but rather you are adding an ecosystem into the setting of LOTC.  I tend be a biological enthusiast and thus I always enjoy reading lore about flora and fauna.  I would hope to see this lore accepted soon.  Now for some criticisms. 


The Tykkan, from what I have read and judging from the picture, should probably be changed to a type of crocodile as crocodiles tend to be found in tropical areas while alligators favor more temperate areas(hence why American Alligators dominate the Southern United States, instead of American Crocodiles which find the area too "cold").  You could also change it to a large species of cayman as well (cayman's are basically tropical alligators though there are some noticeable differences between alligators and caymans).  Regardless, this is only a suggestion.


From what I read about the Gy'Waka, the original lore stated that they where the only predator on the island (and because of this fact why Gy'Waka are so arrogant.).  However, the lore you propose will add several predators native to the island as well as well as a venomous snake.  This conflicts a bit with original lore so you may have to change so that Gy'Waka arrogance stemming from how it being the top predator on the island perhaps.


Another criticism is that I find type of python or viper may have been a better suited for the Negai than a cobra on the island but if you wish to use a cobra then there is no real harm in going with a cobra.  This is a fantasy server after all :P  Also... King Cobras (largest cobra in real life) grow up to be 12 feet in length, your Negai grows to be 10 feet feet and there for is not larger than cobras in real-life.  You could say it is the heaviest cobra (assuming its build is somewhat similar to a constrictor), or you can adjust the size.  Or just drop the title of it being the largest cobra.


Aside from those criticisms, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reviewing your lore and wish you best of luck in getting this implemented as bring a living environment can bring quite a bit of potential RP and making the Kha's home island feel more "alive" so to speak.

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Someone accept this.

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I love the lore for this and personally believe that it allows for a whole new level of immersion. Accept this!

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