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[✓] Rock Lice


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[Lore for the removal of bad and out of place structures by GMs]


Rock Lice (Silverfish mob) are burrowing creatures that feed off of stone, dead wood and most other building materials. They are about the size of a large mole, and the majority spend their lives underground, tunneling like earthworms through the stone. Usually rock lice cause no problems and there are many people who do not even know of their existence. Occasionally they are a menace to the structural integrity of buildings, and any poorly built structure (cobble houses, oak plank huts) will likely be destroyed by them very quickly, but normally they are vermin rather than a serious threat, and buildings built with care ("good" builds) can usually endure the presence of rock lice long enough for them to be driven out and the building repaired.


However, rock lice are very sensitive to change. While something that fits in with the surroundings has little effect on them, anything very poorly built or out of place runs the risk of driving the rock lice into a frenzy. They swarm over it and emit a loud ultrasonic call that calls others of their kind. The rock lice go into a feeding frenzy, the building rapidly becomes completely infested. An entire building can be reduced to little more than fertile dirt in a matter of hours, with the excrement of the rock lice serving as a powerful fertiliser, making nature grow back very rapidly.


Rock louse infestations do take time to build up. Once an infestation has started to gather momentum, there are only three things one can do. The first is to do nothing, to allow the rock lice to eat the building. The second is to destroy the building oneself, salvaging as much of the building materials as one can so that they aren't eaten by the lice. The third is to alter the building, to improve its design and make it fit in with the surrounding area. This makes it uninteresting to further lice, and the infestation can be brought under control and eradicated.


A lone structure is incredibly unlikely to survive an infestation without intervention. Only significant (regioned) settlements really have the resources to drive out rock lice completely. Structures the local city approves of can also benefit from the city's rock louse busters, and the longer they stand the less likely the rock lice are to take an interest in them.

There are a few private individuals who possess the manpower or magical protection to ward off rock lice from their property (regions), although this is uncommon.

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Wow, nice reason and awesome idea! Love it too~

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Do want.

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Can their bodies be the fertilizer that allows the forest and natural habitat to return so eagerly?


No, but their poo can.



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