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[✓] The Corruption Of Magic


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Magic is a powerful tool. However, that does not make it bereft of flaws and just like all other tools the path of magic will leave an individual lacking in certain aspects. There are many ways in which one can power their magic, however, regardless of magic type these magics find themselves always tending to one result: Magic makes one physically weaker. The reason behind this however is different for each magic type:

  • Arcane: Individuals who follow the arcane branch find themselves attacked by two barriers to physical strength. The first being that they spend much of their time studying the arcane, however that alone is not the root cause of why they are incapable of being particularly strong. The true root comes from the void itself. The power of the void coursing through one's body is an unnatural thing, particularly when one's opening to the void is so small. It is therefore the void acts like a toxin, sapping the body's strength and rendering it impossible to build more than a small amount of muscle. Such is the curse of the mage.
  • Necromancy: Individuals who necromance are weak for a similar reason that arcane mages are weak. Their power source is something unnatural to deal with. The very shifting of life force weakens their bodies and just like the arcane mage they can not build such muscle.
  • Soul Puppetry: Curses to a degree act on the user with their corrupting power. Making them weaker as their body is constantly under corrupting stress.
  • Contract Magic: To properly write the contracts, the user would need to spend extensive time reading and understanding the words and their meaning, as well as properly writing and carving perfect symbols. This would turn the user more into a scribe than a fighter, but the magic itself does not harm or weaken the physic. Some fighting capability is retained, but they would never be able to defeat a warrior in a one on one fight.
  • Holy Magic Users: One would not think that a holy mage is subject to weakening, however such is unfortunately the case. Just like the power of the void, the power of an aengul is corrupting and withering.
  • Frost Witches: Cappy's Explanation

    Frost witch bodies are essentially perpetually frozen in whatever state they were in when they underwent their transformation. Due to the magical nature of the curse they still eat, breathe and partake in all other regular bodily functions normally. 

    However, because their bodies are frozen they are slow to change. Natural healing in particular is incredibly slow, and wounds that might take days to heal on a normal person can take several weeks to heal on a frost witch. This doesn't affect monk or clerical healing (although I'm not sure what cleric would heal a frost witch...) since they're magic-based forms of healing. Not only does this make it near-impossible to alter their physique, but they're also substantially more delicate than your average person.
    Disguises can take on the form of one bigger, larger or stronger than themselves, but they're still bound by the physical limits of their true form. For example, one could disguise at a big, strong orc but they'd still only be as strong as a damsel as well as having great difficulty walking and moving. For this reason frost witches rarely (if ever) are seen in such disguises.
    That aside, frost witch magic is not in fact physically weakening or impeding. A frost witch who was strong or well-muscled before she was cursed will remain so after her transformation. Most witches practice both magic and bladecraft, since their magic is more utility-based than combat-based and their very nature requires them to be able to kill.

  • Fi'hiiran'seth: You guys have 2 void connections. Think of the arcane troubles and then multiply them by two.
  • Druidism:  Druidism expresses its weakness in a different way. Due to the connection to nature druids are simply more susceptible to being 'lost in creation' when in such a close-proximity-fight. The aspects grant the druids health, somewhat negating the weakness the power gives to other divine magic users.
  • Kharajyr Magic: Same fault as Holy Magic Users.
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I had the same exact concept in some lore I was writing, You beat me to it! Oh well there is much more I still have to write anyway :P

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I always liked to think of Druidism as having more of a mental impact- as the Druid's mind brushed with nature, he would find himself more and more distant from his own consciousness. The more one tapped the power of their link, the more frayed their mind becomes, till things like a sword flying at you really aren't that noticeable in the grand scheme of all the flowers around you. Food for thought; I always figured that was a little more interesting than /gets tired or /is weaker. 

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Good explanation. Spellswords we warned.

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What about War Clerics? I'm not too privy on their lore but isn't the whole idea of them being battlemages/knights?


Adding onto this, what about Ascended?

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  • Holy Magic Users: One would not think that a holy mage is subject to weakening, however such is unfortunately the case. Just like the power of the void, the power of an aengul is corrupting and withering.


What if the cleric is not studying under a Aengul?


Also, what exactly happens to the holy magic user?

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What if the cleric is not studying under a Aengul?

I keep hearing about this ridiculousness. That isn't the way the Cleric Magic works. You have a patron, there really isn't much leeway on that.



Also just adding that Shade's suffer the same thing as Necromancers

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A lore explanation for something that was already the case. Sounds good to me. +1


I'm not an expert on the subject, but for the Warcleric part, I think it would still be the case- but less obvious as they'd have to devote time to training anyway. So since they're training to maintain weapon skills and muscle-mass, the physical loss would be offset to a degree. Obviously T5 is going to be affected more than T3, and have a more difficult time maintaining physical strength.

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This is a bit dissapointing considering when using Fiir'huun'tanya, you would have to resort to physical attacks when disabling one other's magic. It  just wouldn't make sense unless you were using a very light blade.

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This is a bit dissapointing considering when using Fiir'huun'tanya, you would have to resort to physical attacks when disabling one other's magic. It  just wouldn't make sense unless you were using a very light blade.


Realistically, presuming one is of the same level they weaken faster. So... you could just stab them.


What if the cleric is not studying under a Aengul?


This would be called "impossible". The idea one can study under the creator is an IC product. The creator is not a legitimate power source and the priests who think they are being powered by the creator are simply wrong IC. They're being powered by the clerical Aengul, as all clerics are.


Adding onto this, what about Ascended?


I don't touch ascended lore. Anything wrong or right about it is purely the product of whoever is responsible.

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I keep hearing about this ridiculousness. That isn't the way the Cleric Magic works. You have a patron, there really isn't much leeway on that.



Also just adding that Shade's suffer the same thing as Necromancers

There are a number of holy magic users who follow the "Creator," a unspecified aengudaemonic source which is not properly substantiated the way other patrons are. There is a patron, but they're unaware of it's true identity, typically believing it is the creator.

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That Patron however is still an Aengul. If you don't know what a cat is, it doesn't stop the cat from being a cat.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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