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Everything posted by Nozgoth

  1. "You always on my mind,

    when I ride through the east side,

    I wanna see youuuuu."

    Edited by Wizard of NOZ
    1. Statherian


      noz are you okay I'm worried

    2. Nozgoth
    3. HurferDurfer1


      hoping u get well soon noz

  2. man I gotta collect all the FAs... Feet Applications!

  3. I remember being excited about my first 20 rep

    1. Nug


      rep only counted when you could -1 ppl

  4. regardless of intricacies, this is an interesting concept.
  5. Some Al-Nabeel smiled as he ate the last of Farmer Fred's wonk caviar from his stash.
  6. “Sparkling things, in and out they flash, and sometimes they shoot across! Oh, Stars! What wonder!” Islands in the Sky Beneath the night’s sky, there held some great suspense. The air was thick, and without wind, it merely lingered. The trees were heavy, creaking and waning under pressure, and every few intervals they uttered booming moans and snaps. But there was a dense equilibrium to the ambience, as only the stars and moon shone down upon the land. Then, there walked a figure, shrouded by darkness, through the rarely-trodden meadow. The tall grass and plant stalks grasped at his knees. “Stars…” murmured he with a burdening exhale; the only word he could manage as he passed a tree by. For the sky was dotted with bright lights, like islands to an ocean, and the moon was their mainland. But hidden behind his visage of wonder, there was lamentation, and sorrowful thoughts. His mind was ill, and in search of reprieve, he spoke to the trees, the stars, the moon, the night… anybody who might listen. Have I crossed the threshold of no return? What happened to the virtuous youth I once was? These words coursed through his mind, but he carried on, for what hope did he have? What God could save him now? So he would continue on his path, following behind his predecessors like ants in a line, and FATE was his Queen. It was then up to the islands in the sky to align…
  7. im so excited to log on today and kill all musin on sight

    1. Statherian


      This, this I can get behind

    2. Xx_BloodStalk_xX
  8. As someone who worked on the previous Tutorial Island, I approve. +1, it makes a lot more sense now.
  9. l e t . g o . m y . h a n d

  10. Cultural means to find a solution in a medical problem are always great. Perhaps you could be a Radagast the Brown type character and be frantically applying herbal salves and alchemical remedies whilst muttering spooky incantations. Or take a barbaric approach by using medieval medicine. I think it is important to keep things interesting, and remember the law of cause and consequence. Nothing should happen without repercussion... this may seem like an objective take, but there should be no perfect fix for any problem, even if the most holy of magicks is used.
  11. A qalasheen man spoke to himself upon reading the thesis, "The void fiends toil in trouble, unknowing of that which they invoke... the most impermissible of crimes to this land, unstoppable, and yet its time unseen by even the mages themselves."
  12. good morning everybody, make sure to compliment someone today!

  13. I quite enjoy this concept and I think it's a good way to provide more spooky roleplay. My only quarrel is that players might come to believe (as if some did not already) that a 'magic' is necessary to create interesting villainy roleplay, but such is completely untrue.
  14. Nozgoth

    The Wiseman

    “He who sleeps, dies, but he who awakens is a fool.” The Wiseman In his study, he scoured, sapped and sleepy, for in those texts there lay some hidden meaning. He searched frantically for the thing that stays shrouded so deeply, and the candlelight waned. He was The Wiseman, but how wise was one that does not hear his own wisdom? The night came upon him, and still did his study remain unrelenting, still did these truths within truths remain unending. His eyes doubled, then too did the plane in which he stood start bending, where he began to behold trees, terra, then beyond to see the stars and the sun. Could this be doom impending? Or some sort of grand presenting of that which he so desired to understand? Truth-intending, he wished not to be depending on the mortal men and elves of this world. Now the Wizened walked the heavens, no-longer in search of repentance, but rather to see to IT who tortured him. It beckoned, “Come forth!” said-it, to bestow a bountiful blessing… He sought out ascension, the most holy of knowledge that could be in his possession! Among this, he searched for the many other secrets of this plane. The cosmic laws and all that they entail… the GOD, and his angels… the truth of life, creation, and their antonyms that must exist for the sole purpose of fulfilling equivalence. And yet then, just as he crossed the star-studded veil into the great blankets of yellow and white that lay beyond, he awoke. Awakened now, at the dawn of eleven, he had but one question before returning to his fruitless lamenting. Prayer came after prayer, but the GOD did not heed his words, so he scryed, then wept when still his efforts went unheard. And so he scoured, sapped and sleepy, Vexed, as the texts spoke of long-forgotten deities, There was a presence sleeping… So he fled, trapped and weeping, “What madness have I uncovered whilst sapped and sleepy!” He had discovered the curse of The Wise…
  15. minecraft roleplay.

    1. Hephaestus


      powerful. inspiring .

    2. AnonymousAlexa


      two words that should never go together...

  16. No. I'm all for aesthetic in weapons and what-not, but this is taking it a bit far. The last thing I want to see on this server is a bunch of people twinkling around with stars or with lava on them like some $15 Fortnite skins. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the application of Alteration Alchemy for this either.
  17. Some wiseman clad in heavy robes gazed upon the missive, and with squinted eyes, he murmured something beneath his breath. "How could one sell such wisdom for meaningless currency?" IGN: Wizard0fNOZ Roleplay name: Saevel Discord tag: Nozoa#5616 Amount of tickets: 3
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