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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Shiredom

  1. What even is that profile picture, neo.

  2. I have scurvy

    1. rukio


      Have you considered eating anythng edible? 

    2. Shiredom


      A human soul.

  3. Suggest me a new profile picture. Needa make myself look presentable

  4. I'm a little bit of a repfarmer myself.

    1. Twinny


      Clearly you aren't doing it to it's full potential, allow me to educate..

    2. satinkira


      How many times do I have to kill you for you to PK

  5. Istanbul was Constantinople
    Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night


    Every gal in Constantinople
    Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
    So if you've a date in Constantinople
    She'll be waiting in Istanbul


    Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
    Why they changed it I can't say
    People just liked it better that way


    So take me back to Constantinople
    No, you can't go back to Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks


    Istanbul, Istanbul

    Istanbul, Istanbul


    Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
    Why they changed it I can't say
    People just liked it better that way


    Istanbul was Constantinople
    Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks


    So take me back to Constantinople
    No, you can't go back to Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks



  6. Let it be known that not even god can hold me back.

    Team Fortress 2 Smile GIF by MOODMAN

    1. CorweenieTheJedi
    2. satinkira


      Are you saying that because your application got denied

  7. Sorry to the Orenian Community that I don't like untouchable dollhouses, same as @NotEvilAtAll

    1. Unwillingly
    2. Shiredom




      Your ratio has failed, go home and keep your honor, @un-w.

  8. When is the next crusade my gracious ally?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Tomorrow. Bring the music disks.

    2. UnusualBrit


      don't talk to jumper

  9. My dad went and got the milk.

    1. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      That’s where you are wrong again

    2. Shiredom


      So are you my father now?

  10. You have established a cult following. 

    1. wannes


      what do you mean


    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      what do you mean

  11. I miss you, you glorious bastard

    1. Hunnic


      I miss him too....

      He was the community man who got me into the server. Quite the kind guy

    2. NotAPan
  12. >be me

    >wake up on feburary 4 2024

    >look at forums

    >see monkeypoacher requesting account deletion


    >express thoughts of love


    >be me

    >wake up on feburary 12 2024

    >look at forums after long day of writing

    >see monkeypoacher continue to post


    1. Hunnic


      Its the law of the lotcer, everytime a gamer makes a goodbye post, their activity grows tenfold.

    2. monkeypoacher


      i got the shakes sorry

  13. Man's been here since 2011 and still has the New Member Forum Tag.

    1. UnusualBrit


      welcome to lots

  14. @ninja805, my brother, I wish you the best of luck. 

  15. Have you ever just... like, ******* crushed up those ramen packets and fried it in oil in a pan. And just, ate it.

    1. Diogen


      i do that with rice noodles, they puff up and become really tasty chips
      though i love eating dry ramen

  16. unknown.png?width=695&height=498

    1. Knights5544


      Literally - not even figuratively - us! 

  17. HI MASO

    1. masodapeso


      Hello! Long time no talk, eh?


  18. Who are you and why am I following you?

    1. Melpomenne


      ur mom asked me the same thing 

  19. i just want fun

  20. Get out of my head.

  21. Nice pfp, that's pretty metal. 

    1. xepphir


      thanks! i made it

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