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Everything posted by salamanderfantasy

  1. Ex Thain and Sheriff Sorrel Peregrin concludes that Elfs Can't Beat the Based Halfling Marriage Equality, and that once again, the halflings are the superior (and shorter) species. Oh well. At least it's a start.
  2. Abruptly as ever, Filibert is dead. Sorrel privately thinks that he'd live forever if something hadn't gotten him in the end. He wasn't the sort to lie down and waste away -- he hadn't slowed down at all in the 60 or 70 years she'd known him. The suddenness of it all doesn't help, though -- a constant presence in the village is gone, and it leaves behind a gap. She'll try to hold it together this time, but still. There goes the most proper halfling she'd ever had the pleasure of knowing.
  3. Cool biomes is a must but BLEASE let us know what real world regions (if applicable) each map biome is based on or analogous to so ppl stop powergaming the climate and I can do my epic ecologically influenced rp please this is the one thing I will suggest Edit: I lied I suggest a second thing : fantasy biomes pls give us magic creature food Web so I can force ppl who live there to rp ecological collapse when they kill all the creatures (if they don't it's powergaming)
  4. Did you ignore the line that said "Orcs: Get physically full grown at 12 but their age of maturity is 18" or.
  5. Ah yes, time to thoroughly Ignore one of the halfling's few unique traits being taking from us without asking for the majority opinion, until it gets changed back. Not gonna just act like my persona I've been treating like a ten year old is now suddenly capable of marriage, bit creepy, don't like the vibes, sorry lore dudes. Edit: I also feel like this is rewarding the people who were already ignoring the halfling lore to have their halfling kids be treated like adults rather than the people who Weren't Doing That Kind Of Weird Thing. But I digress. Still gonna keep the (Child) prefix for my halfling in her 20s because if I'm playing a character as an 11 year old girl I'm not gonna just jump to letting people marry that character because the rules were changed.
  6. It's not super exact exact. The mature at 33 rule comes from Tolkien where 33 is considered cultural adulthood, and on Lotc it was decided halflings are about physically/mentally mature then too, so we say we age about half as slow as a rough guide.
  7. The rule of 18 across the board needs some modification anyway, because an 18 year old halfling is supposed to be visibly physically and mentally equivalent to a 9 year old. I know orcs mature at like 12, but I don't think there's much issue with them having to wait another month to romance rp because even if they age faster I think most of us agree that it's Weird Vibes if you don't. We probably just need to add an addendum to the rules to specify races which mature after 18 are still underage.
  8. With the first body found in Honeyhill declared not to be the missing child, the Sheriff of Honeyhill prays that the second corpse, found in the icebox, will follow in the same.
  10. Maggy Fiddleberry, if she could read, would finally know what was up with that strange person interviewing her about cabbage tossing.
  11. Sister Rowan of the Abbey, though dissapointed at the Abbey's destruction meer hours after their first arrival, is glad that the missive does not mention the bandit corpse she dropped unceremoniously onto the main hall's floors in her attempt to escape.
  12. Student Application: Ooc: Mc name: SalamanderMoss Discord: SalamanderMoss#9009 Timezone: BST/Britain IC: Name: Sorrel Rosehipp Mudfoot Mowood Ironbrew Peregrin (Sorrel R' Peregrin) Age: 49 Field of Interest: Medicine and Surgery Will you require housing?: Preferred, but can do without (yes unless all spaces are filled)
  13. Saffron, new recruit of the Musin guard, begins learning to play the song on her fiddle.
  14. Sorrel R. Peregrin does a double take upon reading the invite, then shrugs. "Well tha' explains a lot, least." She then goes to organise a wedding gift at short notice.
  15. Sorrel adds "an entire cheesecake" to her list of things to look for while out in the forest, just incase.
  16. Sorrel R' Peregrin privately wonders: does the sherrif have the political power to evict the large venomous spider currently living in town?
  17. Name: Saffron Milk-Cap Age: 23 Sub-Sector: Scout Mc Name: Naquris (alt of SalamanderMoss) Discord: SalamanderMoss#9009
  18. [!] Saffron emerges from her hole for the first time in a long time. She reads the letter, pinned to the curtain, and smiles.
  19. I feel like both parties need to get a sense of how longlasting injuries can be even for minor reasons, and get into it on both ends. That involves playing with the timescale of lotc a little too. If you quickly heal a person up with little follow up other than "give it a month or so" it feels like they're being healed to full HP in an RPG style, and if they're not online for the next two days then they can just come back fully healed. You need some kinda narrative around recovery, and both parties have to put effort in for that. There also has to be some engagement with being injured and how it affects a person beyond getting a cool scar from an epic battle or losing an arm. After my persona broke a nose and a nearby healer made up a bandage (getting involved in nearby injury roleplay is also good to spark medical roleplay), I then kept that for a week and spoke about it in roleplay bc it would realistically be both annoying and obvious. (Use prefixes too that helps immensely) Even though it was minor, it would seriously impact my persona's life for a while. This was more of a personal preference thing, but I also decided to give my persona a permanent scar for it, even though it was the result of rolling 1 to throw a rock and getting hit in the face -- not all people get anime backstories for this stuff. My main point being: the healer noticed the injury and initiated the roleplay, and I then kept it up based on that. I also think people need to be more willing to have longterm, disabling injuries -- it helps on both ends by allowing more opportunities to roleplay with a medic and allows for more impact onto personal roleplay. I decided that another now-shelved persona would have permanent pain issues after a leg injury. I then stole medicine from a clinic and left enough clues to have them figure out what went on -- they then replied by giving me medicine. Longterm stuff provides more opportunities for roleplay on both ends, and also opportunities for more engaging roleplay than "I stitch you up now you won't die" Finally, I touched on this earlier but I really do think people should treat "minor" injuries in a more in depth manner, and actively choose to have their persona injured when they realistically should. In a recent event one person's persona was injured due to a poor roll, but also emoted having a sore throat after nearly drowning -- this gave me an opportunity to roleplay making tea to help with it. Additionally, I wasn't described as injured by the host's emotes, but realistically would be after using a too large weapon for a while, and now I'm planning a whole event based on the fact my persona has badly injured hands and can't use them like before while they recover. To sum up, I think both parties need to put effort in for injuries beyond dramatic ones made in combat that heal in a day and only scar if its cool, and that involves both the healer treating them, explaining how they'll affect the person and what they need to do from now on, and on the injured person to allow themselves to be injured in the first place and to keep up their end of recovering. But again, you can't expect someone to spend a week recovery roleplaying after every PVP conflict, so if you're active a lot in battle stuff then simplify as much as you want without metagaming ect. It's all down to preference for how much depth ya want. Just don't expect a healer to put much depth in either.
  20. @Urara A reply arrives quickly, written in the same paper, but also with a parcel; a book, wrapped in brown paper and tied in twine. The reply reads: "Ms Napier, this is wonderfull! I'd have thought you were a halfling myself if I didn't know better; the fit is beautiful! I'm a bit short of items to trade with more practical value at the minute, so I've enclosed a copy of my most recently published novels. As you mentioned earlier it may be a bit risqué, so I hope I doesn't seem crude to you. I hope you enjoyed the challenge, and I shall be showing off my new apparel about the village right away! Best wishes, H. Goodbarrel."
  21. [!] An order arrives, written in looping, fanciful, but legible script, and scented with heather perfume. - IC - Name: Hawthorn Goodbarrel Place of Residence: The Goodbarrel Burrow, Bramblebury Describe Your Order: "A white or cream-coloured poet's shirt, open at the front a little, and tight fitting slacks. They should be tailored to a halfling, so quite small, but hopefully not childlike. No shoes will be required, that is a given, and I would prefer the slacks to finish just above the ankle. My measurements are attached below." - OOC - IGN: SalamanderMoss Base Skin: Would it be possible to get this as an outfit base? Here's the skin base either way (bit scandelous....) Reference pics: Payment Method [minas, USD, art/skin trade]: Minas. These are very nice skins, I would pay IRL money for them, but alas. Just gonna hand over as many minas as I have either way, like 200-300?. (If you're busy with other skins and want to give this a pass for someone who can pay more deservedly then I get you. This is a super nice offer either way)
  22. From a young age, Reed chose to think with her fists. Born in a good sized Heartlander city, Reed never had any close connection to higher class life, or to more traditional elven culture. Both her parents were harsh, owning a small firm manufacturing spinning wheel components and other mechanical implements. Despite being well enough off, they held a deep jealously and longing towards those living in human nobility. They had never managed to reach the heights of elfen society, their meagre family line having been displaced from the cavern cities of Magarlarin long ago, and so sought to climb upward amongst Heartlanders. After a few generations apart from larger elfen society they failed to integrate properly at the end of the following wars, and so chose to aim towards the heights of the human society they were born in. Reed was raised always preparing for the title that never came, so with her hotheaded nature apparent even then, it was no surprise that the moment she grew able to listen, she grew able to ignore. Nearly any knowledge of noble etiquette Reed learned at that time was either forgotten immediately, or forgotten later, following several strong blows to the head. Rather than thinking around a problem, she would go through a problem without thinking. Though her elven adolescence was fairly short, she lived the most of it with bloodied knees, nose and knuckles, picking fights with any other child who would take her. With no siblings to weather her nature, she made and lost friends on a regular basis. Towards her maturing this lifestyle was curved, with a manual labour job at her mother’s factory, following an outstandingly messy end to a shortlived paperwork job. This occurred around age 16. Making few friends amongst her supposed “peers” in the offices, she thrived on the factory floor and coped fairly well with the loss of her wildling days. It became apparent around these days that Reed held entirely opposite views on near everything that her parents wanted from her, perhaps resulting from her growing resentment of them. A growing apathy towards keeping up appearances to name one, often coupled with a light distaste to feminine apparel and airs. Despite managing as well as could be expected in her job, her relationship with her matriarch began to reach a tearing point partly due to this, and her years of fisticuffs on the streets proved to be more useful than any number of lessons on one final event. This event left Reed with 3 fewer teeth, an elbow that still twinged when fully extended all those years later, and being completely written out of will, but left her mother with a good few bruises. And so, Reed left her home at age 21, in doing so leaving behind everything in her life to be considered interesting. Years of roughhousing and strong liquor dulled where she went then over the years, until it became easy to forget what had sparked the monumental fight; even the name of the town Reed wandered from that summer day. With time, Reed even chose to forget the name she walked out with. And from there, Reed wandered for a good 150 years, staying in place where she chose, until she fancied another. In some cases she became involved with the wrong people, often acting as a poor influence to richer folk’s daughters, and was chased out, but made a rule of thumb to stay uninvolved with crime. 13 years on the coast had Reed pick up the fishing trade, which she then became her livelihood, alongside general mooching. She assumes this is around where her name came from, but honestly couldn’t tell you exactly when or why. Reed focused entirely on putting her past behind her even as it occured, and enjoying the freedom she had found, scarcely talking about the life left behind. Exceptions were made for drunken complaints and bragging, of course. Now, at age 178, Reed has a deal of experience under her belt, but is still considered young by elfen standards. She intends to live out the rest of her live this way, seeing where it takes her, and is content to know little about anything except where she can find a warm bed and good food for a night. Her travels have taken her to Haense, where she intends to stay put for the time being, and see what comes her way.
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